Scatterplots in Base R

Here we introduce scatterplots in base R. The codes are simple, but you should also remember the options that make the plots more informative, like adding colors, legends, and error bars.

Continuous Data

Multiple Graphs on One Image

Note that a new command was used in the previous example. The par command can be used to set different parameters. In the example above the mfrow was set. The plots are arranged in an array where the default number of rows and columns is one. The mfrow parameter is a vector with two entries. The first entry is the number of rows of images. The second entry is the number of columns. In the example above, the plots were arranged in one row with two plots across.

> par(mfrow=c(2,3))
> boxplot(numberWhite,main="first plot")
> boxplot(numberChipped,main="second plot")
> plot(jitter(numberWhite),jitter(numberChipped),xlab="Number White Marbles Drawn",
       ylab="Number Chipped Marbles Drawn",main="Pulling Marbles With Jitter")
> hist(numberWhite,main="fourth plot")
> hist(numberChipped,main="fifth plot")
> mosaicplot(table(numberWhite,numberChipped),main="sixth plot")

Figure 4. An array of plots using the par command.