Scatterplots in Base R

Here we introduce scatterplots in base R. The codes are simple, but you should also remember the options that make the plots more informative, like adding colors, legends, and error bars.

Continuous Data

Adding Noise (jitter)

In the previous example a little bit of "noise" was added to the pairs to produce an artificial offset. This is a common thing to do for making plots. A simpler way to accomplish this is to use the jitter command.

> numberWhite <- rhyper(400,4,5,3)
> numberChipped <- rhyper(400,2,7,3)
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))
> plot(numberWhite,numberChipped,xlab="Number White Marbles Drawn",
       ylab="Number Chipped Marbles Drawn",main="Pulling Marbles")
> plot(jitter(numberWhite),jitter(numberChipped),xlab="Number White Marbles Drawn",
       ylab="Number Chipped Marbles Drawn",main="Pulling Marbles With Jitter")

Points with noise added using the jitter command.

Figure 3. Points with noise added using the jitter command.