Case Study on Environmental Scanning

This case study shows how environmental scanning is applied to Egyptian wheat crop production. Note the use of different techniques to deal with the uncertainty of the various environmental factors in producing and marketing wheat crops.

4. Case Study: The Egyptian Wheat Crop Production

4.1. The summary of the Identification phase can be described as the follows:

  • PESTEL Analysis: 

The consensus results show that the numbers of the political drivers are five, the numbers of the economical drivers are eight, the numbers of the socio-cultural drivers are two, the numbers of the technological drivers are two, the numbers of the ethical driver is one, the numbers of the environmental drivers are three, the numbers of legal drivers are two. All of the selected drivers are evaluated by weights with median values between 70% and 93%. Also, more than 12 domain experts have to agree about the evaluated major driver.

  • SWOT Analysis:

The consensus results show that the number of strengths items is five, the number of weaknesses items is twenty two, the number of opportunities items is five, and the number of threats is twelve. All of the selected items are evaluated by weights with median values between 72% and 87%. Also, more than 12 domain experts have to agree about the evaluated items.