Look Good in Print

This text will refresh your memory or introduce you to the common writing rules for Standard American English. It addresses the 22 most common errors found in writing. Applying and using the fundamentals of good writing will ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and achieves your intended purposes.


17. Keep Subjects Close to their Verbs

In chapter 2A, we introduced the idea of strong subjects. Sentences usually work better when the actor is clearly identifiable. Strong subjects should also stand close to their verbs. We sometimes refer to this principle as "verb vicinity" - don't let a collection of other words come between your verbs and their subjects.

Look for some great tips in this video:

As the video illustrates, placing a short phrase between the subject and the verb is sometimes permissible. But in general, your writing will be clearer if you place the actor and the action next to each other in your sentences.