Leadership Priciples

This text provides a high-level definition of leadership. It also differentiates between management and leadership. Interestingly, the author posits that the evolution of a managerial role may not develop into a leadership role. You will examine the theories of servant leadership, transformational leadership, collaboration/meta leadership theory, and shared leadership.

How is Transformational Leadership Reflective in the Healthcare Setting?

One study provided the following outputs on a review of transformational leadership in a healthcare setting. The focus on transformational (and transactional) leadership was also identified in a systematic review performed by Gilmartin and D'Aunno, examining health care leadership research from 1989 to 2005. They concluded that studies in health care provide strong support for transformational leadership theory and identified links with staff satisfaction, unit or team performance, organizational climate and turnover intentions. They suggest these effects are stronger when assessed among more junior than senior staff.