Group Life Cycles and Member Roles

This text reviews the group lifecycle or stages. It expands the discussion by looking at the life cycle of member roles as potential members, new members, full members, divergent members, marginal members, and ex-members. You will also learn about the positive and negative roles played by the members. As you read this section, consider the roles you have observed in groups.


Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the typical stages in the life cycle of a group.
  2. Describe different types of group members and group member roles.

Groups are dynamic systems in constant change. Groups grow together and eventually come apart. People join groups and others leave. This dynamic changes and transforms the very nature of the group. Group socialization involves how the group members interact with one another and form relationships. Just as you were once born and changed your family, they changed you. You came to know a language and culture, a value system, and set of beliefs that influence you to this day. You came to be socialized, to experience the process of learning to associate, communicate, or interact within a group. A group you belong to this year - perhaps a soccer team or the cast of a play - may not be part of your life next year. And those who are in leadership positions may ascend or descend the leadership hierarchy as the needs of the group, and other circumstances, change over time.

Source: University of Minnesota,
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