Recommendations for Managing Diversity

This text reviews the steps organizations can take to fight harassment and discrimination and demonstrate their commitment to inclusion and equality. The first step is having a fair interview and selection process when hiring employees. Managers need to know how to manage a diverse workforce, and companies can use diversified mentoring relationships to improve management skills. Companies can also offer diversity training programs. In addition to looking at managerial and organizational actions, This text also points out that individual employees must control their own biases, beliefs about stereotypes, and behaviors in the workplace.


  • What can organizations do to ensure applicants, employees, and customers from all backgrounds are valued?

Organizations that are committed to equality and inclusion must take steps to combat the examples of discrimination and harassment that have been covered in this chapter. And they must take steps to make diversity a goal in the pre-employment stages as well as in the post-employment stages. Anyone with managerial or supervisory responsibilities should pay careful attention to hiring and performance-rewarding practices, and make sure to rely on relevant information for making decisions and ignore race-based stereotypes. The following are examples of what leaders and organizations can do to make sure employees feel valued.

Source: OpenStax,
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