Superior-Subordinate Developmental Relationships

This case study looks at relationships that have succeeded and failed. When superiors consciously attempt to grow their subordinates, they experience more success when their culture is supportive. The article also looks at the characteristics of the relationships between the manager and the subordinate.


The effective management of superior-subordinate developmental relationships within organizations is critical if organizations are to remain productive and profitable, and survive the challenges of the next two decades. In South Africa and the developing third world nations this need is even more pertinent. Mentorship is a critical on-the-job training and development tool for career success for men and women of all races. A lot of research remains to be undertaken to bridge some of the problems and accelerate the conscious effort of the mentor process within organizations. Apart from the research issues listed by Hunt and Michael, a closer look can be taken at the possibility of matching interpersonal interaction styles and ways and means of accelerating organizational culture changes that would promote increased superior/ subordinate developmental relationships.