Reading Bar Graph Exercises

Complete this assessment to practice reading bar graphs. Be sure to check your answers.

Read bar graphs


  1. Chocolate−Strawberry=difference in customers
    The bar for chocolate is the tallest. Chocolate was the most popular flavor.

    125 customers picked chocolate as their favorite flavor.
    The bar for strawberry is the shortest. Strawberry was the least popular flavor.

    25 customers picked strawberry as their favorite flavor.
    125 - 25 = 100
    100 more customers picked the most popular flavor than the least popular flavor.

  2. Two bars line up with the 32 on the graph.

    32 students play each of those instruments.
    The same number of students played the saxophone and drums.

  3. The scale is counting up by 20s.
    The bar for Snow Slope lines up with 40 on the scale. The bar for Blizzard Run lines up with 70  on the scale.

    Which hill is more than 40 meters tall, but less than 70 meters tall?

    Winter Hill is 60 meters tall.
    Winter Hill is higher than Snow Slope but lower than Blizzard Run.

  4. Green = 15 students
    Blue = 11 students
    Red = ?
    Now, let's find the number of students who chose red as their favorite color.
    The value is the same as the difference between the number of students who chose green and blue as their favorite color, so we need to subtract.
    Green - Blue = Red
    15 - 11 = ?
    Red = 4
    There were 4 students who chose red as their favorite color.

  5. Find 14 on the scale of the graph.

    On the scale, all bars ending below 14 show amounts of less than 14.

    Scary, adventure, and cartoon movies were the favorite of fewer than 14 people.

  6. Green−Blue=difference in people
    The bar for green lines up with 105 on the scale.

    105 people selected green as their favorite color.
    The bar for blue lines up with 60 on the scale.

    60 people selected blue as their favorite color.
    105 - 60 = 45
    45 more people chose green as their favorite color than blue.

  7. Two bars line up with 12 on the scale.

    There are 12 alligators in each of those places.
    Bite Swamp and Danger River had the same number of alligators.