Essential MySQL Features

Read this article on MySQL features you need to know. Pay attention and list the reasons that explain why MySQL is important. How does MySQL provide high performance and data security? 

5 MySQL features you need to know

Recently, at a presentation I was giving on the newer features of MySQL 8.0, I noticed one person in the audience getting very upset. The more I talked about one feature, the more agitation I could see this one person getting. We're talking upset at a level where I was wondering if I was going to worry about my physical safety. The person in question finally snapped, "If I had known about that, it would have saved me four months of my life!"

With the release of MySQL 8.0, in April 2018, the release cycle for new features was changed to four times a year. So, rather than waiting for two to three years for new features, the MySQL Engineering Teams can provide a steady stream of updates to our users. Part of this is customer demand for new facets to the most popular database on the web and part of an evolved software engineering process.

But sadly, most people, I am shocked to learn, are not sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for MySQL product announcements. So I would like to bring you up to speed on some of the later additions to the MySQL software worlds.

Source: Dave Stokes,
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