Read this article, paying attention to each application used in data abstraction. Be able to explain the purpose of each application and summarize holistic configuration.
When discussing abstractions, starting with a healthy dose of skepticism is important. Andrew Koenig stated, "Abstraction is selective ignorance". And Joel Spolsky coined the term "Law of Leaky Abstractions" when he described how all abstractions leak that which they abstract.
Know that you're choosing to be ignorant of a system when you abstract it. This doesn't mean everyone is ignorant of the underlying system, but it does mean you'll have less insight into the system. For example, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform allow you to abstract away physical and even virtual servers. You won't know anything about the underlying physical hosts or related network; however, that abstraction can leak. The Amazon EC2 outage of 2011 is an example of the abstraction leaking an underlying failure. This means that you still need to be familiar with the fundamentals and how the abstraction works. Also, a team in your company should have a complete understanding of the abstractions that are operated internally; this can't be reliably outsourced.