Data Mining Techniques in Analyzing Process

Read this article and pay attention to the data mining techniques, classifier development, and evaluation criteria. Then take notes and understand the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning models. Finally, read the summary and discussion section of this article. What distinctions can be made about the three major purposes of problem-solving items using data-mining techniques?

There are different types of data warehouses, and each has a specific purpose within an organization. Remember, it is important to use the correct type of warehouse to support the "decision support" model being employed. Decision support techniques such as classification, prediction, time-series analysis, association, clustering, and so on will each have their own unique data needs. Correctly designing the data warehouse will ensure the best possible evidence to support strategic and daily decisions.

Managing data is an important function in the administrative process. Because organizations use data to guide decisions, decision-makers rely on you to produce a data management plan for sustainability, growth, and strategy. As you start to interact with decision-makers and the decision-support systems they use, you will also find that additional study of the models employed through a course on quantitative methods or decision-support technology will prove useful.


Due to increasing use of technology-enhanced educational assessment, data mining methods have been explored to analyse process data in log files from such assessment. However, most studies were limited to one data mining technique under one specific scenario. The current study demonstrates the usage of four frequently used supervised techniques, including Classification and Regression Trees (CART), gradient boosting, random forest, support vector machine (SVM), and two unsupervised methods, Self-organizing Map (SOM) and k-means, fitted to one assessment data. The USA sample (N = 426) from the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) responding to problem-solving items is extracted to demonstrate the methods. After concrete feature generation and feature selection, classifier development procedures are implemented using the illustrated techniques. Results show satisfactory classification accuracy for all the techniques. Suggestions for the selection of classifiers are presented based on the research questions, the interpretability and the simplicity of the classifiers. Interpretations for the results from both supervised and unsupervised learning methods are provided.

Source: Xin Qiao and Hong Jiao,
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