Process Indicators

DDDM is becoming more widely used in the education field to study the impact of teaching methods on student outcomes. Read this article to explore how educational institutions incorporate situational contexts to help explain causes determined by their DDDM processes.


This paper explores which accountability indicators are likely to reveal the distinct contexts and qualitative characteristics of school that stimulate and improve authentic pedagogy and accountability. In the era of accountability, data-driven decision making is a new research area for authentic pedagogy through monitoring student progress and improving school accountability. It is based on input-and-result oriented indicators such as school demographics, facilities, budget, standardized test scores, dropout rates. But the indicators are unlikely to capture a dynamically interactive qualitative characteristics of school organizations featuring a loosely-coupled system and difficult to be measured or assessed. Thus, process indicators need to be complementary to input-and-outcome data for a valid and graphic description, monitoring and explanation of “why” and “how” the school outcomes occur. The author concluded that the data-driven decision making (DDDM) based on process indicators strengthens reflective professionalism and provides for the educational welfare for the poor and left-behind students.

Keywords: Data-Driven Decision Making; Process Indicator; Educational Accountability; Transparency; Educational Policy

Source: Kyu Tae Kim,
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