Lessons from BI in Public Institutions

The study in this article provides reasons why BI is not fully implemented in some organizations. The thematic approach to determining why the technological tools are or are not used by managers provides an actionable set of areas where improvements can be made. One aspect that may relate to our discussions on asking the right questions is, "do managers really need to know how to use BI tools?" In many organizations, managers have enough knowledge about specialized data and tools to know how to task their specialists (BI analysts, in this case) to use them to answer their requirements. This can give analysts too much power in organizations with poor systems, whose data quality is questionable, or with authoritarian cultures where analysts fear giving the "wrong" answer. But in a highly effective environment, managers manage, and analysts analyze.


Background: Business intelligence tools play an important role for businesses across all industries for their data and information management solutions. By harnessing the capabilities of business intelligence, companies are able to predict and better meet customer needs. This study investigates factors that inhibit managers' use of business intelligence tools in a public organisation in South Africa, where there has been evidence of a very low uptake of business intelligence tools.

Objective: The objective of this study was to establish factors that inhibit the use of business intelligence and data analytics tools by managers in public organisations. Organisations are likely to lose their competitive advantage and experience a negative impact on efficiency and service delivery if managers do not make use of analytics in strategic decision-making.

Methods: The study utilised both qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected from managers through interviews, whilst questionnaires and daily login recordings were used to collect quantitative data. Quantitative data were analysed using statistical methods, whilst qualitative data were analysed by thematic analysis.

Results: The research revealed a wide range of factors that inhibit the use of business intelligence tools by managers. These factors range from personal, system quality, organisational, macro-environmental, behavioural beliefs, and attitudes, effort perceptions, and social influence to facilitating conditions.

Conclusion: The article provides a comprehensive contextual situation regarding poor use of business intelligence and analytics tools in a large metropolitan public entity. The findings from the organisation under study would be deemed to apply to similar organisations throughout the country.

Source: Ingrid J. Mansell and Ephias Ruhode, https://sajim.co.za/index.php/sajim/article/view/1004/1514
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