Activity: Parts of a Topic Sentence

Now that you know the key points of a topic sentence, get some practice identifying the parts of a topic sentence in the following activity. After you have finished, compare your responses to the answer key.

Parts of a Topic Sentence Activity

Read the following topic sentences and identify the two parts a good topic sentence should contain. Underline the topic, and then highlight the message or opinion about that topic. Then, using the message or opinion, determine and write out the question that is raised.


My pick-up truck is incredibly reliable.

How is your truck incredibly reliable?

  1. Business Communications 101 has proven to be really helpful in my job application process.
  2. Balancing being a good student with being a good basketball player for the college team is challenging for me.
  3. My older sister is a really fantastic role model.
  4. I really dislike television commercials for several reasons.
  5. I have found the nursing program at my college to be incredibly competitive.
  6. My girlfriend, Lexy, is an amazing partner to me in many ways.
  7. Living in a Burmese refugee camp for six months when I was eight was a terrible experience.
  8. Working out every morning has benefited me in many ways.
  9.  I have a much stronger relationship with my mother since moving out.
  10. The kitchen is the most widely used room in my house.

Source: Erin Severs
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