Making Boring Sentences More Interesting

After reading the text and watching the video, practice using the tips you learned about making your writing more interesting and descriptive by doing the following activity. Note that there are no specific correct answers, but you can compare your responses to the answer key for some ideas.

Making Boring Sentences More Interesting Activity

Take the following boring sentences and by using the suggestions in "Being Specific," work on making them more lively, specific, and interesting.

  1. He took his dog for a walk.
  2. My boss told us how important it was to use a limited amount of cheese on the pizzas.
  3. The view from the hotel window was beautiful.
  4. The professor had a lot of expectations for our presentations.
  5. The cat stalked its prey, and then caught it.
  6. The recipe called for a lot of different vegetables.
  7. When I helped my friend move, there were a lot of boxes.
  8. The fancy dinner was expensive.
  9. She told her Dad that she would be back later that night.
  10. Traffic was moving slowly due to an accident.

Source: Erin Severs
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