Activity: Thesis Statement Writing

After learning about how to write a thesis statement, get some practice by doing this activity. Answers will vary, but you can compare yours to the answer key when you are finished.

Thesis Statement Writing Activity

Below are some sets of prewriting where a topic, a message, and three main supporting ideas have been identified (the three parts a thesis statement needs). Please use this information and practice writing some thesis statements.


Topic: graphic design class 

Message: it has benefited me 

Main supporting ideas: 

learning - I learned software tools such as Adobe Illustrator and Blender 

portfolio - I gained the opportunity to put together a portfolio 

networking - I arranged a great internship for this summer

Thesis Statement: I benefited from my graphic design class through the software I learned, the portfolio I created, and the networking I did.


1. Topic: winning the state championship football game my senior year 

Message: many causes led up to the win 

Main supporting ideas: 

hard work 

a great coach 

strong cooperation with team-mates

Thesis Statement:

2. Topic: the word "love" 

Message: has had a number of meanings in my life 

Main supporting ideas: 

love of the inanimate (places, hobbies, ideas, etc…) 

love of friends and family 

romantic/sexual love

Thesis Statement:

3. Topic: my Mother 

Message: is an incredibly strong person 

Main supporting ideas: 

she has made numerous sacrifices for her family 

she is constantly working to improve herself 

she has kept the family together through some very hard times

Thesis Statement:

4. Topic: my college choice 

Message: there were many reasons I chose to attend the college I did 

Main supporting ideas: 




Thesis Statement:

5. Topic: making chocolate chip cookies

Message: there are many steps involved 

Main supporting ideas: 


making the dough 

finishing the cookies

Thesis Statement:

Source: Erin Severs
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