E-Commerce and E-Business

Technology has transformed the business landscape, especially since the start of the 21st century. No matter a company's size, technology has become an integral component for most organizations, particularly in the development of management and marketing information systems and company websites. Technology has been of great help to marketers in better understanding their customers' preferences, behaviors, and purchase trends, allowing them to design the most effective marketing strategy based on this intelligence. Meanwhile, the internet has resulted in the development of social media platforms like Facebook, enabling networking among consumers and with organizations that profoundly affect how marketers interact with their customers. The internet has also enabled the boom in electronic commerce (e-commerce) and the emergence of many online marketers, from Amazon to Etsy. This chapter discusses how e-commerce and e-business have increasingly become necessary components of business strategy and strong catalysts for economic development. However, technology continues to evolve, and organizations must keep pace to maintain their competitive edge.

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn:

  • The strategic uses of social media.
  • The steps involved in creating a social media strategy.
  • To design documents and protocols you should have in place for social media success.

Source: Rob Stokes, https://biz.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Marketing/Book%3A_eMarketing__The_Essential_Guide_to_Marketing_in_a_Digital_World_(Stokes)
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