Parts of Speech Discussion

about me

about me

by Nigar Ahmadova -
Number of replies: 1

hello, my real name is nigar but you call me niko. i love this nickname, my english is no quite good but its ok, i learned english by watching movies and reading book. so my grammer are terrible bad, but i hope you can understand me. i wanna be famous or at least have a job.  sometimes im becaming so shy, i dont know why.  due to my shyness, sometimes life getting worse and i cant make real my dreams. i have a few wish

first of all i would like to speak english fluently

secondly i wanna have courage

thirthly i would like to work as translator or grafic designer

 my favpirte movie pirates of the caribbean. so i loveeeee sea, ocean. i have a chance i would like to go ships and travel world/

In reply to Nigar Ahmadova

Re: about me

by Arthur Boé -

Hi Nigar, I’m happy to know your little story and it looks like mine. I hope that we will improve our English and become very fluent.