Parts of Speech Discussion

What i have learned

What i have learned

by Olivia Ehad -
Number of replies: 0

1. Sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Parts of Speech:

Noun: fox, dog

Adjective: quick, brown, lazy

Verb: jumps

Preposition: over

2. Sentence: "She sings beautifully and always brings joy to everyone."

Parts of Speech:

Pronoun: She

Verb: sings, brings

Adverb: beautifully, always

Noun: joy, everyone

Conjunction: and

Preposition: to

3. Sentence: "Wow, that was an amazing performance!"

Parts of Speech:

Interjection: Wow

Pronoun: that

Verb: was

Adjective: amazing

Noun: performance