Present Tense Discussion

me and my husband

me and my husband

by Nesreen Fahem -
Number of replies: 1

My husband gets up early every morning but I wake up at 8 :00 am . I love to drink coffee first but he likes to drink water and eat an apple.

I start my day with cooking for my family but he reads the Facebook. My daily routine is similar to my husband we both pray everyday. Sometimes he mows the lawn. I never mow the lawn. He doesn’t like to cook but I cook  . I am listening to videos every day.he also watches you tube videos every day 

In reply to Nesreen Fahem

Re: me and my husband

by Robel Mekonnen -

I get up early in the morning. But my wife get sleeps late in the morning. I make breakfast and some coffee. After preparing breakfast I wake up my wife.