Parts of Speech Discussion

Summarize the main points and some examples

Summarize the main points and some examples

by Nildeck Versil -
Number of replies: 0

The different pats in sentences 

By : Nildeck Versil , 08/23/023 , 5 : 50

There are eight main parts of speech in English grammar 

1- Pronouns : it the  words that replace noun : Example , She, he, it, they 

2-Nouns : It's the word of the nouns, Things,  places and ideas . Example Marc , pen, happiness.

3- Verbs: Indicate the actions of nouns  . Example . Go , Live , Work 

4-Adjectif : Explain how is the noun  or pronoun . Example , nice, good, big, happy

5- Preposition : Words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and and another word in the sentence .Example . on, in, under, over, from.

6- Conjunction: Words that connect words or phrase or clauses . Example .  And,  because, but 

7- Adverbs : Words that modify the verbs , adjectives or other adverbs they describe how , where or to that extent an action is performed .  Examples . quickly, easily , slowly

8- Interjections : Words that express strong emotions. Example . oh! , no!  , wow! .

They are so important for the English grammar