Discussion: Unit 4

Discussion: Unit 4

Discussion: Unit 4

Number of replies: 64

After reviewing the unit materials, please post and respond to the following topics. 

  1. What resources have you used for finding past employment, or might you use for finding future positions? Why did/would you choose those particular resources?
  2. What steps would be most beneficial in preparing for a job interview?
  3. In what social networks have you participated? How might you use those networks for advancing your employment and professional growth opportunities?

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Churchill Eze -

  1. To find job openings, I would use LinkedIn, Indeed, Upwork, etc. These types of platforms are made for employment-related activities. They consist of a lot of information and opportunities that help their users with their desired career path.
  2. To properly prepare for a job interview a candidate should dress professionally and should draft responses to possible questions, especially to questions that the candidate may want to avoid. 
  3. I would use LinkedIn to follow companies that I am interested in and subscribe to groups/pages that share beneficial information I can apply.

In reply to Churchill Eze

Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Abdon Le Roy Nkada -

For the current position, i had a closer relationship with key persons of the company. Thus i followed the company's evolution and news until i applied for the position.

For the next position or, to shift up my career, i am using LinkedIn net work to learn from professionals, I keep sharping my technical skills through vocational training and i follow companies pages on Facebook.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Adeola Iyiola -

1. I'd use prefer using LinkedIn cause it creates many opportunities and the fact that you can join professional groups to enhance your knowledge and get you connected, promote yourself by updating your profile so in any case someone might like it and want you to join their company.

2. In preparing for interview it is essential to dress professionally, be ready to answer to questions you might want to avoid, expected to keep calm and not use uncomfortable words so as to not make the interviewer feel uncomfortable too. All these are beneficial and to take note before going for an interview.

3. LinkedIn is a social network for gaining more exceptional ideas, I've participating on LinkedIn to access the companies I'm interested in joining and promote my career.

In reply to Adeola Iyiola

Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Carmen Barber -

Thank you for the insight, I have never used LinkedIn before. From what you are saying it will help you build a profile and put you on the right path in your field. Great ways you gave for preparation for an interview.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Khya Baldwin -
For finding employment or future positions I just go to the company that I’m interested in website. They usually have a link to their application.

I think it would be most beneficial to prepare for a job interview by practicing first what you’re going to say.

As far as social networks, I use LinkedIn. I think it’s really helpful if you’re finding who you want to connect with, and you can put yourself out there for employers to see.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Khya Baldwin -
I like to use LinkedIn, because it gives the option for employers to reach out to you.

I like practicing what I’m going to say beforehand.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by bright uka -
1 in preparing for an interview i prefer dressing up and down it looks professional and keep me comfortable to withstand in any questions I need to answer

2. I have partispated on LinkedIn network to access the company were i work and i see it as as a social network were to gain more ideas in work place

3. LinkedIn is best because it it creates job opportunities and get connected
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Lucky Okogun -
I use LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. For the future, I'll continue with these platforms for finding more positions. I choose them because they are easily accessible and LinkedIn for one, helps me scale up by providing updates and opportunities for building my career.

In preparing for a job interview, first I would ensure the job description is read again and understood. Then I would prepare for likely questions. Then I would make arrangements to get there early.

I have participated in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok. I have and will continue to use them to advance my career by reading and engaging career sensitive
posts. Then I would take time to build my online presence on the spaces.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Ahmed Shah -
Resources for Finding Employment:

Online Job Boards: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn Jobs, Glassdoor, and Monster are popular platforms for job seekers to find job postings across various industries.
Company Websites: Many companies post job openings directly on their websites. It's often a good idea to target specific companies you're interested in working for and check their career pages regularly.
Networking: Building professional relationships through networking events, industry conferences, and online platforms like LinkedIn can lead to job opportunities through referrals and connections.
Recruitment Agencies: Recruitment agencies and headhunters can help match job seekers with suitable positions based on their skills and experience.
Freelancing Platforms: Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr are options for freelancers and contractors to find short-term or project-based work.
Preparing for a Job Interview:

Research the Company: Learn about the company's history, mission, values, products or services, recent news, and any notable achievements.
Understand the Job Role: Review the job description thoroughly to understand the responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications.
Practice Common Interview Questions: Prepare responses to common interview questions such as "Tell me about yourself," "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" and "Why do you want to work here?"
Showcase Your Achievements: Prepare specific examples of your achievements and experiences that demonstrate your skills and qualifications for the job.
Dress Appropriately: Dress professionally and appropriately for the industry and company culture.
Ask Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the company, team dynamics, or the role itself.
Participation in Social Networks:

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where users can connect with colleagues, join industry groups, share updates, and discover job opportunities.
Twitter: Twitter can be used for professional networking by following industry influencers, participating in Twitter chats, and sharing relevant content.
Facebook: Facebook groups and pages related to professional interests or industries can provide networking opportunities and valuable resources.
GitHub: For those in tech fields, GitHub can be a valuable platform for showcasing coding skills and collaborating on open-source projects.
Using these social networks, individuals can engage with professionals in their field, stay updated on industry trends, share their expertise, and potentially discover job opportunities through connections and networking. Regularly interacting with relevant content and engaging with others in a professional manner can help advance employment and professional growth opportunities.
In reply to Ahmed Shah

Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Soukaina Farhoun -
I like your answer. For finding employment, online job boards like Indeed and LinkedIn Jobs, along with checking out company websites directly, have been my go-to resources. Networking through events and platforms like LinkedIn has also proven fruitful for discovering job leads through referrals. When preparing for job interviews, I make sure to thoroughly research the company and job role, practice common interview questions, and dress professionally. Additionally, I actively participate in social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with industry professionals, stay updated on trends, and potentially discover new job opportunities through networking and engagement
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Phillimon Nkhoma -

  1. There are a number of platforms for job openings such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Upwork and many more.  These types of platforms are made for employment-related activities. They consist of a lot of information and opportunities that help their users with their desired career path.
  2. To properly prepare for a job interview one should be able to dress well to fit the position  and should draft responses to possible questions, especially to questions that may be difficult to answer.  
  3. I would use LinkedIn to follow companies that I am interested in and subscribe to groups.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Oyedoyin Oladapo -
There are many platforms for job openings such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Upwork and many more. These types of platforms are used for searching job opportunity and connections.
They consist of a lot of information and opportunities that help their users with their desired career path.

To properly prepare for a job interview one should be able to
do research about the organization to get details information, practice likely questions and be confident. Dress well to fit the position and be well organized.
I would use LinkedIn to follow companies that I am interested in and subscribe to groups.
In reply to Oyedoyin Oladapo

Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Carmen Barber -

Great ways to prepare for a interview that I never thought of, I gladly appreciate your insight.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Virginia Michael -
1. I have used Zip recruiter, Indeed.com, LinkedIn and Facebook to search for past jobs and I would still use it in the future because it is reliable and consist of lots of information and opportunity.
2. When preparing for a Job interview you should consider dressing properly and also prepare response to possible question for the job interview.
3. I would use Facebook, LinkedIn to follow companies, groups and pages that I am interested in to get information about job opportunity that I can apply.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Ambrasha Mask -

I have utilized mainly job boards in my past searches for employment. I am interested in developing relationships with managers, vice president, or other well-placed contacts in a desired company or organization. The new found relationships may lead to job opportunities tath may not have been available to me otherwise. As a recent graduate I am embarking on a search for internships. The internship can be a valuable career-development tool, providing an opportunity to learn and implement key skills. As I will be entering a new career it is important to me that I am able to demonstrate my abilities in a low-stake position while making useful connections,  and to determine if this type of work is a good fit for your career.  

The steps that would benefit me most in preparing for a job interview are:

  • Expect the hard questions and draft my responses in advance
  • Admit when I do not know the answer to a question, offer to find it, and get it back to the asker as quickly as possible.
  • Take my time when answering questions
  • Remember to pause, think, and then answer.
  • Project enthusiasm for my ideas and goals

I have participated in the social network, LinkedIn. Which is a free social network with a primarily business bent. I can connect with other professionals, track friends and colleagues as they progress in their careers, network for employment opportunities, post a resume to help employers to find me, join professional groups in fields my chosen field.I can research company listings, follow their postings for company news and job openings, and gain insights into a company’s activities and developments.I have also utilized Facebook's platform as well. Many companies have Facebook pages that I can like and visit to follow their in-house news.  I may develop select circles of friends and colleagues who share employment leads, career tips, training opportunities, and the like. I have found I have a strong preference for LinkedIn above all else.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Soukaina Farhoun -
For finding past employment, I have primarily used online job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, as well as company career websites. These platforms offer a wide range of job listings across various industries and allow me to filter based on location, job title, and other preferences. Additionally, I have networked with professionals in my field through LinkedIn and attended career fairs and networking events to explore job opportunities.

In preparing for a job interview, the most beneficial steps include researching the company and the role thoroughly, practicing responses to common interview questions, and preparing questions to ask the interviewer. Additionally, it's essential to dress appropriately, arrive on time, and demonstrate confidence and enthusiasm during the interview. Mock interviews with friends or family members can also help improve interview performance.

I have participated in social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and professional forums related to my field. These networks provide opportunities to connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions and knowledge-sharing. I can leverage these networks for advancing my employment and professional growth opportunities by showcasing my expertise, engaging with industry trends, and building meaningful connections with potential employers or collaborators. Additionally, I can use these platforms to stay updated on job openings, share relevant content, and establish myself as a thought leader in my field.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Stephen Obiri-Ibe -
I have used different job boards to find job openings such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, etc. These platforms are good for job seekers and for those looking to build connections as they can network with other people in their field and industry.

When it comes to preparing for job interviews, the first thing to do is to thoroughly research the company and the role description. Practice interview questions, prepare answers to those questions and prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Be confident, enthusiastic, maintain good eye contact and body language. Don’t be in a haste to give an answer, use time to your advantage by pausing and thinking before giving an answer.

I have used social networks like LinkedIn which helps me connect with other professionals, colleagues, network for opportunities that help me connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups, stay up to date with industry trends and job openings.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4


I’ve used many resources available in finding jobs  and LinkedIn is one of the social networking I’d used

When preparing for a job interview,it is beneficial to dress appropriately, practice what to say and draft out your responses in advance. 

For social networks,LikedIn is one of the best social networking and it provides many opportunities for people to post rusmes,join online professional groups and help potential employers find those in need of a job. 

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Shiela Maree Pino -
1. **Employment Resources**:
I've used online job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to find job opportunities. These platforms offer a wide range of listings, making it easy to explore options. I've also used LinkedIn to connect with professionals, join groups, and stay updated on industry trends. In the future, I'll continue using these resources for their extensive reach and ability to customize searches. Networking on LinkedIn and attending industry events are also valuable for finding new opportunities and building connections.

2. **Preparing for a Job Interview**:
Preparation for a job interview involves:
- Researching the company and job description
- Practicing common interview questions
- Preparing questions for the interviewer
- Dressing appropriately and arriving early
- Bringing necessary documents and following up with a thank-you email or note.

3. **Participation in Social Networks**:
I'm active on LinkedIn, Twitter, and professional forums. These networks allow me to engage with peers, share knowledge, and stay updated on trends. To advance professionally, I'll:
- Build a strong LinkedIn profile
- Engage with industry leaders
- Join relevant groups and share valuable insights
- Share relevant content and attend networking events for career growth opportunities.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Bayode Yejide Oluwafunmilola -
For finding past employment and considering future job opportunities, I've used LinkedIn, Indeed, and manual mail submission. I chose LinkedIn because it's great for networking and finding jobs through professional connections. Indeed is helpful because it gathers a lot of job listings in one place, making it easy to apply. Manual mail submission is more traditional but lets me directly target specific companies, which can leave a personal impression.

To prepare for a job interview, it’s crucial to read up and equip myself with adequate information about the company and the role I'll be doing. Discussing how my skills can contribute to the growth of the company is also a key step.

I've participated in several social networks, but for professional growth, I've primarily used LinkedIn. It's been useful for connecting with other professionals, following companies, joining groups related to my industry, and engaging with content that helps advance my career.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Nkalle Peter -
The resources i have used for finding past employment or future position are; Linkin, Indeed,Job board etc.I choose these platforms because it's authentic, helpful to all users,and has easy access for quit and effective employment.

When preparing for a Job interview I will make sure I dress professionally, that's well dress and I must be polite,ready mature ,and calm in my words and my approach tackling questions.
The social network I have participated includes,the Linkin.This platform will help me to search for competent companies i am interested in and subscribed to the platforms,that will share great opportunities i can apply.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by gabriela fabris -
1. For my current job I have used manual mail submission CV

-Dress professionally and appropriately for the industry and company culture
-Remember to pause, think, and then answer
-Researching the company and job description

I would use LinkedIn to follow companies that I am interested, connect with professionals and stay update on industry trends
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Donye' Dickens -
1. What resources have you used for finding past employment, or might you use for finding future positions? Why did/would you choose those particular resources?
Some resources I have used for finding past employment is LinkedIn, Indeed, and word of mouth. I chose LinkedIn because I used it more in college for networking. Indeed, was more of when COVID hit, there were a lot of remote jobs that seemed great, while having a little one to raise. I chose these resources because I am always on the computer and with my skilled background working with customer service helped. Word of mouth is more self-explained!
2. What steps would be most beneficial in preparing for a job interview?
Some steps that I found beneficial in preparing for an interview is getting to the business from the beginning. I try to do a mock interview with someone to kind of get a feel of everything and not be nervous. Sometimes I just wing it and just trust my instincts and use my personality.
3. In what social networks have you participated? How might you use those networks for advancing your employment and professional growth opportunities?
I have majority of social medias that out there. I honestly use Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, etc. for entertainment purposes. But like LinkedIn, Indeed have been more for networking. How I use those social platforms to advance my employment is to update them frequently. When it comes to my social medias, I do like to keep them private. Only reason is because people in the past have taken some pictures and videos and put them on their profile trying to be portrayed as me. I have found that sometimes using Indeed or LinkedIn doesn’t justify the person. I am more of an old-fashioned person so getting to know the person on a one on one level or just observing the person in an outside setting.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Keith Frazier -
I have made it a point to leverage networks of managers in addition to being proactive in searching through job seeking sites to identify opportunities out there. Work on strong connections between your network to identify opportunities that are out there. While working, I make it a point to journal my weekly activities to identify what things I have done that are interview worthy. These journal entries support the needs of the greater team and more specifically support the next job. Sharing the situation, activities that I took, and how we overcame the situation through my actions. I participate in a number of professional networks focused on race or orientation as well as networks focused on industry of work. Tapping in to understand what these different positions are, and understanding what is needed to participate within such a group would grant me access to individual contributors or hiring managers about possible positions, offering up ideas where applicable to see how managers can see me as part of the team. Thank you for taking the time to consider this discussion.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Peter Alferieff -
1. In the past I've used networking contacts and various online job posting websites to find employment. Speaking to people in my network gives me an idea of what is available, current salaries and requirements. Many of the better jobs are not listed and are filled by word of mouth through networks of contacts. Online job posting websites are quite comprehensive and are a quick and easy way to view local postings and quickly get resumes sent out.
2. Researching the company and the position carefully before the interview is highly beneficial. Once you know all about the company, its mission, goals, work environment, requirements for the position, expected salary and more, you will be in an excellent position to answer interview questions. Answers can be tailored to what the company wants to hear.
3. I participate in many social networks/media but I have never used them to find employment.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Delrose Burnett -
I used LinkedIn to find my last position and would use it for future positions. I chose this resource because it is a professional network that help people find the right jobs and connects people around the world.
The most beneficial steps in preparing for a job interview include learning about the company and spend time preparing for the interview. Practice some questions based on what you learn during your research about the company.
The network that I participate is is Facebook I have never tried to use it to advance my employment or professional growth.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Carla Lantigua -

1. The resources I used to finding past employment or future positions is LinkedIn and Indeed. I choose these sources because I was able to find Jobs and referrals from LinkedIn and Indeed. 

2. The steps that would be most beneficial in preparing for a job interview is be dress professionally, be prepare to answer question in a calm and exciting manner, I know you must always look up never down.

3. The social networks that I have Participated is LinkedIn and I use this to reach out to jobs and follow alumni from schools who worked in those jobs and can give feedback. 

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Rosel Baquero -
To find a job I'm going to use LINKEDln
establish clear protocols and maintain transparency and documentation.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by James Lyons -
1. I would use indeed, as it appears to have a good learnable User Interface, which is essential for websites to have if they want to be used.
2. I would suggest a couple things
  1. take notes. You don't have to bring them, but writing down the questions will help you remember them.
  2. Dress fancier then you would if you were going to work at the same job. Say you were applying for a construction job. Don't wear clothes to do construction in. 
  3. Be polite and brief in your answers. If a yes and no answer comes up, just answer yes or no. Don't describe the situation.
  4. Focus on what you can do for the company. They don't care if they're providing you with career growth opportunities. They only care if you can bring them profit, whether that's financial or skill profit.
3.I haven't really used much but I have some exposure to LinkedIn so I would use that, because I am familiar with it.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

In the realm of finding past or future employment, I've relied on various resources, including online job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, as well as company websites and career fairs. These platforms offer a wide range of job listings across different industries and allow for easy application submission. Additionally, networking through professional connections, both online and offline, has been invaluable in uncovering hidden job opportunities and gaining insights into companies and industries.

In preparing for a job interview, several steps can be immensely beneficial. Firstly, thorough research on the company, its mission, values, and culture, helps demonstrate genuine interest and understanding during the interview. Secondly, practicing common interview questions and crafting concise yet compelling responses helps build confidence and articulation. Additionally, preparing questions to ask the interviewer shows engagement and curiosity about the role and company. Finally, dressing professionally, arriving on time, and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the interview are essential elements of making a favorable impression.

Regarding social networks, I've participated in platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and professional forums related to my field. These networks offer opportunities for connecting with industry professionals, sharing insights and knowledge, and staying updated on industry trends and job openings. By actively engaging in these networks, I can build and nurture relationships, showcase my expertise through posts and interactions, and potentially uncover job opportunities or collaborations that align with my career goals.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by D Staelle Ravix -

1)I have used personal recommendations/references and renowned websites like indeed.com and monster job finder to find employment. 

2)the two most important steps I will consider to be valuable in preparing for an interview are:

  • gathering information about yourself that are genuine and flattering to constitute great answers for the common interview questions you are likely to encounter.
  • Practicing so your answers sound natural and poised.
  • Preparing an appropriate outfit.

3)The social networks I mostly participate in are YouTube , WhatsApp and LinkedIn . I can use these platforms for potential growth opportunities by finding communities of the Same niche of interest as myself then introduce strategic conversations and partnerships that will lead to that .

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Precious Prince -
1. Resources for Finding Past and Future Employment:
I have used job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, as well as professional networking events and industry-specific websites for job searches. These resources provide extensive job listings, company insights, and networking opportunities, making them ideal for finding employment.

2. Steps for Preparing for a Job Interview:
Key steps include researching the company, understanding the role, practising common questions, preparing questions for the interviewer, dressing appropriately, bringing necessary documents, planning the journey, and mental preparation. These ensure a well-prepared and professional presentation.

3. Social Networks for Professional Growth:
I use LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry forums to connect with professionals, join discussions, showcase achievements, search for jobs, and gain industry insights. These networks help me stay connected, informed, and visible, essential for career advancement.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Henok Meki -

1. Resources for Finding Past and Future Employment:

For finding past employment, I have primarily relied on job boards and online job search engines like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor. These platforms provide a wide range of open positions across various industries and locations, allowing me to efficiently browse and apply to opportunities that align with my qualifications and career goals. I've also utilized my personal and professional networks to learn about job openings through word-of-mouth referrals.

For future positions, I plan to continue leveraging these online job search resources, as they tend to have a comprehensive and up-to-date listings. Additionally, I intend to more actively engage with my professional network, both in-person and through social media platforms like LinkedIn. Connecting with industry peers, former colleagues, and mentors can provide valuable insights into the job market, as well as potential leads on unadvertised openings.

2. Preparing for a Job Interview:

Some of the most beneficial steps in preparing for a job interview include:

- Thoroughly researching the company, its products/services, industry, and key competitors. This demonstrates your interest and helps you tailor your responses.

- Carefully reviewing the job description and requirements, and identifying how your skills, experience, and qualifications align with the role.

- Anticipating commonly asked interview questions and preparing thoughtful, well-structured responses that highlight your relevant strengths.

- Practicing your responses out loud to improve your confidence and delivery.

- Preparing insightful questions to ask the interviewer that show your engagement and curiosity about the position and company.

- Researching the interview format (e.g., panel, behavioral, technical) and practicing the appropriate techniques.

- Ensuring you have all the necessary documents, such as copies of your resume, references, and portfolio (if applicable).

- Planning your transportation and arrival time to the interview location to avoid any last-minute stress.

3. Leveraging Social Networks for Employment and Professional Growth:

I have participated in several social networks, both personal and professional, that I believe could be beneficial for advancing my employment and career opportunities.

On the personal side, I use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to maintain connections with family, friends, and acquaintances. While these networks are primarily social in nature, they can occasionally provide leads on job openings through shared posts or connections.

More importantly, I have been an active user of LinkedIn, a professional social network. On LinkedIn, I have built an extensive network of current and former colleagues, industry peers, mentors, and other professional contacts. I regularly engage with my network by sharing relevant content, commenting on posts, and offering recommendations. This helps me stay top-of-mind and strengthen relationships that could lead to future employment opportunities or referrals.

Additionally, I leverage LinkedIn to research companies, industries, and job roles of interest, as well as to identify and connect with key decision-makers or influencers. I also use the platform to showcase my professional experience, skills, and achievements through my profile, which can help attract the attention of potential employers or recruiters.

Overall, I believe a strategic and engaged presence on both personal and professional social networks can be a powerful tool for advancing one's employment and career development goals.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by NoDan's Land -
I use indeed. I'd consider other ones like monster. And, it never hurts to apply directly. I'd prepare by running through possible questions. Honestly, during a job search the first few interviews tend to be a trial run anyway. I'm not into social media. Mostly just FB for me. I'd I wanted to network, I'd use LinkedIn.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Glory Iyke -

To access job openings, I will use LinkedIn, Upwork & social networks. These are very helpful sources & provide a wide range of opportunities to those who can access it properly. They are very great platforms for networking too.

My best bit of advice for anyone having a job interview will be to, be yourself. Don’t try to be in another’s skin. Interviewers are smart & know when you are trying to fake it or trying too hard to please them.

Twitter, now X. This platform has a lot of HR managers who regularly post job openings on your their timeline.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Precious E. Onyeukwu -
1. Resources for Finding Past and Future Employment:
I have used job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, as well as professional networking events and industry-specific websites for job searches. These resources provide extensive job listings, company insights, and networking opportunities, making them ideal for finding employment.

2. Steps for Preparing for a Job Interview:
Key steps include researching the company, understanding the role, practising common questions, preparing questions for the interviewer, dressing appropriately, bringing necessary documents, planning the journey, and mental preparation. These ensure a well-prepared and professional presentation.

3. Social Networks for Professional Growth:
I use LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry forums to connect with professionals, join discussions, showcase achievements, search for jobs, and gain industry insights. These networks help me stay connected, informed, and visible, essential for career advancement.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Rodgers Bwale -

When searching for past employment, I have used online job boards, company websites, and networking events. Moving forward, I plan to continue using these resources, as well as reaching out to professional contacts and utilizing social media platforms like LinkedIn.
To prepare for a job interview, I believe researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and dressing professionally are key steps. Additionally, preparing specific examples of past experiences and accomplishments will help showcase my skills and qualifications.
I have participated in LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific online forums. I can use these networks to connect with professionals in my field, showcase my expertise through posts and articles, and possibly even find job opportunities through networking. Overall, leveraging these social networks can help me advance my employment and professional growth opportunities.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Chota Mutale -
For finding employment, I've used **online job portals** like LinkedIn and Indeed due to their extensive listings and networking opportunities. **Company websites** and **networking** through professional contacts have also been valuable. I might use **recruitment agencies** and attend **career fairs** for their direct connections to employers. **Social media** platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter are crucial for engaging with industry professionals.

To prepare for job interviews, I research the company, understand the role, practice common interview questions, and prepare questions for the interviewer. Mock interviews, reviewing my resume, dressing appropriately, planning the journey, and bringing necessary documents are also important steps.

I've participated in social networks such as **LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook**, and **industry-specific platforms** like GitHub. Engaging in **alumni networks** has provided valuable mentorship and job referrals. These networks help in professional growth by offering insights, connections, and opportunities.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Carmen Barber -

The resources I used for past employment is Indeed, and Zip Recruiters. I chose these two resources due to my family and friends have used them before. In preparing for and interview, I usually get a a friend or family member to do a mock interview with me before I go to the real interview. I don't participate in social media, I use my phone for appointments and keeping in contact with my immediate family. My computer I watch movies,vi am not into the new age thing.

In reply to Carmen Barber

Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Yvonne Olivas -
When answering the interview question "Why do you want this job?", you can focus on your skills, the company, or the role. Here are some sample answers:
"I have skills that match the job role well, such as [list of skills]". You can also mention how your skills can help you achieve something in the role. For example, "This role would allow me to combine my skills in [skill and [skill to achieve [goal]".
You can mention the company's reputation, history, or innovation. For example, "I have admired this company's successful strategies for years". You can also mention the company's values, such as its commitment to the community. For example, "I'm also looking for a company that contributes to the local community, which is very important to me".
You can mention how the role is exciting or interesting to you. For example, "I love [job role specific task] and my last job took me away from that". You can also mention how the role will allow you to develop your career or use your knowledge. For example, "I believe I have the type of knowledge to succeed in this role and at the company because ...".

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Jennifer Rice -

I have used Indeed a lot, largely because I have had success with it. I also like the way you can build upon your resume by completing proficiency tests and choose to let those be shown to potential employers. Potential employers can also search for employees and contact them (us) directly through the platform. The other gesture I am find of is the option to choose a relevant job experience from your resume to highlight for each job that you apply for. Sometimes I have experience I hadn't included-usually because of the time passed since that job-that becomes relevant based on the application at hand. I appreciate the opportunity to add that experience at that time. 

In the past, after being hired for a position, I have had the opportunity to discuss the interview process with one of the interviewers. I found that extremely useful going forward. Having the insight from that perspective definitely improved my interviews and my confidence going into them. The key advice I took from that conversation was also mentioned in this section: not to be afraid to admit you don't know, then to suggest you find out and get back to them. 

I had a LinkedIn page but I wasn't really looking to expand my business network or advance in my career at the time, so I really only familiarized myself with the platform without utilizing it. I did maintain a Facebook page for a very small business for a short time. I did learn a few things doing that, features that may be useful in future endeavors, but it was made more for entertainment value than to excel or promote the business.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Luna Torres -
1. Resources I'll use to find employment are LinkedIn and Indeed, they're both free online resources that provide an abundance of Job postings that I can utilize for my own benefit in advancing my career with LinkedIn providing a well crafted profile for companies to view my skillsets and Indeed with job postings that can be filtered out for desirable positions.
2. Steps most beneficial in preparation for a job interview would be to not misrepresent yourself for a good first impression, plan beforehand the kinds of questions that may come your way even ones you may not particularly like, and dressing in a professional manner that's not overly formal so that it's understood that I'm relaxed.
3. Social networks I've participated in are mostly from my high school, they could be helpful as a recommendation from a teacher talking about my ability to work well in a professional environment can assist me and especially if the teacher is someone who taught an Advanced Placement class, this will make me look better to be able to work in a rigorous environment.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Desire Orji -
I've used resources such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor & Upwork in finding jobs in the past.

when preparing for an interview it is crucial to make research about the company, the position you are applying for & also preparing yourself both mentally & physically is very vital.

I have participated in social networks such as LinkedIn & Facebook & frequently i used to them to share tips on how to communicate better & self development tips as well.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Oluwabusayo Osho -
1. I have used indeed and LinkedIn. These platforms creates many opportunities and it also help the user find its desired path.

2. In preparation for a job interview, you have to be appropriately dressed, prepare your answers for possible questions especially the ones you might want to avoid and also know information about the company or organization interviewing you

3. I have participated in Linkeden. The helps you connect to the path you want and also put you out there for employers to see
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Brizza Aguayo -
1. Resources I have use in the past is, LinkedIn, work source, indeed and social media they always have openings and work source is a good option because they help you apply in person and help you with any type of help you need like resume.
2. Preparing for an interview some things are beneficial is being prepared with questions, dressing professional, being yourself and respectful.
3. I really like Indeed it was easy to follow company's I like that have opening and easy to research for any position I like.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Kristin Kindler -
In the past, I have empowered my job search by using job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to find employment opportunities. Networking events, industry conferences, and referrals from current connections have also been valuable. I chose these resources because they offer a broad range of job listings, company reviews, and networking opportunities, which help me identify suitable positions and understand potential employers.

To prepare for a job interview, start by researching the company and understanding its culture, products, and industry position. Review the job description thoroughly to align your skills with the role's requirements. Practice answering common interview questions and prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Dress appropriately and ensure you have all necessary materials, such as copies of your resume and a list of references. This thorough preparation will give you a sense of confidence and readiness.

Professional networking, particularly through platforms like LinkedIn and industry-related forums, plays a significant role in career development. By connecting with industry leaders, joining relevant groups, sharing insights, and engaging in discussions, you can enhance your professional presence online. This not only increases your visibility but also fosters a sense of community and support, opening doors to job opportunities and professional growth.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by fentaye kassa Hailu -
There are various resources one can use for finding past or future employment. Here are some commonly used ones, along with reasons why they are chosen:

Online Job Boards:
LinkedIn: Offers networking opportunities, company insights, and personalized job recommendations. It also allows you to connect directly with recruiters.
Indeed: A comprehensive job search engine that aggregates listings from many sources. It’s user-friendly and has a large database of jobs.
Glassdoor: Provides company reviews, salary information, and interview experiences from employees, helping job seekers make informed decisions.
Monster: One of the original job boards with a wide range of listings and career resources.

Company Websites:
Many companies post job openings directly on their websites. Applying through these sites can sometimes give applicants an edge, as it demonstrates a specific interest in the company.

Recruitment Agencies:
Agencies specialize in matching candidates with job openings. They can provide personalized assistance and access to exclusive job listings.

Personal and professional networks can be invaluable. Referrals from current employees can significantly increase the chances of landing a job.
Professional associations and industry events can provide opportunities to meet potential employers and learn about job openings.

Social Media:
Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms can be useful for finding job postings and connecting with industry professionals.

University Career Services:
Many universities offer career services to alumni, including job boards, resume reviews, and career counseling.

Freelancing Platforms:
Sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are good for finding freelance or contract work.

Local Job Fairs:
These events provide opportunities to meet many employers in one place and learn about a variety of job openings.

Professional Journals and Magazines:
Industry-specific publications often have job listings and can be a good resource for specialized positions.

Government Employment Services:
Many countries offer employment services that include job listings, career counseling, and training programs.

The choice of resources depends on factors such as the industry, type of position, and personal preferences. Online job boards and LinkedIn are particularly popular due to their extensive reach and networking capabilities, while networking and recruitment agencies can provide more personalized and targeted assistance.

Preparing for a job interview effectively involves several key steps to ensure you present yourself in the best possible light. Here are some beneficial steps to consider:

Understand the Company:
Learn about the company’s mission, values, culture, products, services, and recent news.
Research the industry and competitors to understand the company’s market position.

Know the Job Description:
Review the job listing carefully and understand the key responsibilities and requirements.
Identify the skills and experiences the employer is looking for.


Analyze Your Resume:
Be ready to discuss any part of your resume, including your achievements, experiences, and skills.
Highlight experiences that are particularly relevant to the job.

Prepare Your Stories:
Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to frame your responses to behavioral interview questions.
Have examples ready that demonstrate your skills, achievements, and how you handle challenges.

Practice Common Interview Questions:
Prepare answers for typical questions such as “Tell me about yourself,” “Why do you want to work here?” and “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”
Practice with a friend, family member, or mentor to get feedback.

Technical Preparation

Prepare for Technical Questions:
If applicable, review technical skills and concepts that are relevant to the job.
Practice solving problems or performing tasks that you might be asked to do during the interview.

Mock Interviews:
Conduct mock interviews to simulate the interview experience and get used to the format.
Focus on improving your confidence, clarity, and body language.


Plan Your Outfit:
Choose professional attire that is appropriate for the company’s culture.
Make sure your outfit is clean, ironed, and fits well.

Plan Your Route:
If the interview is in person, know the location and plan your route to ensure you arrive on time.
If the interview is virtual, test your technology (camera, microphone, internet connection) beforehand and find a quiet, well-lit place.

Final Preparations

Prepare Questions for the Interviewer:
Have a list of thoughtful questions about the role, team, company culture, and next steps in the hiring process.
Avoid asking questions that can be easily found on the company’s website.

Review Your Portfolio or Work Samples:
If applicable, bring or have ready any work samples or a portfolio that showcases your work.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep:
Ensure you are well-rested so you can be alert and focused during the interview.

During the Interview

Arrive Early:
Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early for an in-person interview or log in a few minutes early for a virtual one.

Stay Calm and Positive:
Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and smile.
Listen carefully to the questions and take your time to answer thoughtfully.

By following these steps, you can increase your confidence and improve your chances of making a positive impression during the job interview.

Participating in social networks can significantly enhance employment and professional growth opportunities. Here are some common social networks and how they can be used for these purposes:


Profile Creation: Maintain a comprehensive and updated profile showcasing your work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments.
Networking: Connect with colleagues, industry professionals, and potential employers.
Engagement: Share articles, comment on posts, and participate in groups relevant to your industry.

Advancement Opportunities:

Job Searching: Use the job search feature to find and apply for positions.
Recruiter Connections: Engage with recruiters who often use LinkedIn to find candidates.
Professional Development: Follow industry leaders and companies to stay updated on trends and opportunities.



Profile Creation: Create a professional profile with a focus on your industry and interests.
Networking: Follow and engage with industry leaders, companies, and professionals.
Content Sharing: Share industry news, personal insights, and professional achievements.

Advancement Opportunities:

Networking: Engage in conversations with influencers and potential employers.
Learning: Follow hashtags and accounts relevant to your field to stay informed.
Visibility: Increase your visibility by actively participating in industry-related discussions.



Profile Management: Maintain a professional presence on your personal profile.
Groups: Join and participate in professional and industry-specific groups.
Networking: Connect with colleagues and professionals in your field.

Advancement Opportunities:

Job Listings: Many companies post job openings on their Facebook pages.
Networking: Use groups to network with industry professionals and participate in discussions.
Brand Building: Share professional updates and achievements to build your personal brand.



Profile Creation: Create a professional or business-focused profile.
Content Sharing: Post visually appealing content related to your field, such as project highlights, behind-the-scenes looks, and personal achievements.
Engagement: Follow and interact with industry professionals and companies.

Advancement Opportunities:

Networking: Connect with industry professionals and potential employers through comments and direct messages.
Portfolio: Use your profile to showcase your work, especially if you are in a visually-driven industry like design or marketing.
Brand Building: Develop a consistent personal brand that reflects your professional interests and achievements.

GitHub (for tech professionals)


Profile Management: Maintain a comprehensive profile showcasing your projects and contributions.
Project Contributions: Contribute to open-source projects and share your own repositories.

Advancement Opportunities:

Showcase Skills: Use your profile to demonstrate your coding skills and projects to potential employers.
Networking: Collaborate with other developers and industry professionals.
Recruitment: Many tech companies search for candidates on GitHub based on their contributions and repositories.

Professional Forums and Communities (e.g., Stack Overflow, Reddit)


Profile Creation: Create a profile that highlights your professional expertise.
Engagement: Participate in discussions, answer questions, and share knowledge.

Advancement Opportunities:

Networking: Connect with professionals and experts in your field.
Reputation Building: Build a reputation as a knowledgeable and helpful professional.
Job Listings: Some forums and communities have job boards or opportunities shared by members.

Using Social Networks Effectively

Consistency: Regularly update your profiles and stay active on the platforms.
Engagement: Actively participate in discussions, share valuable content, and engage with others.
Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone and presence across all networks.
Personal Branding: Develop a consistent personal brand that reflects your skills, values, and professional interests.
Continuous Learning: Use social networks to stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and new opportunities.

By strategically using these social networks, you can expand your professional network, increase your visibility, and access new opportunities for career advancement and growth.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Philla Mwilima -
1. LinkedIn it more professional than face book
2. Research the company you applied at, research the role and purpose of the Job , note down possible question and answers
3. I personally have twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook , i have not used the professionally to seek employment but it is something that I am currently considering.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Emilia Dreyer -

### 1. Resources for Finding Employment

**Past Employment:**

- **Job Boards and Recruitment Websites**: Sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor offer extensive listings of job openings and company reviews. These platforms are useful because they aggregate opportunities from various industries and locations.

- **Company Websites**: Applying directly through company career pages can be effective for targeting specific employers. It also allows you to track job postings and application status.

- **Networking**: Personal and professional networks, including former colleagues and industry contacts, can provide job leads and referrals.

- **Recruitment Agencies**: Specialized agencies can offer tailored job search services and access to opportunities not always advertised publicly.

**Future Positions:**

- **Professional Associations**: Joining industry-specific organizations can provide access to exclusive job postings and networking events.

- **Social Media**: Platforms like LinkedIn are valuable for connecting with recruiters and staying updated on job trends and company news.

- **Job Fairs and Industry Events**: Attending these events allows direct interaction with potential employers and insight into industry trends.

### 2. Preparing for a Job Interview

1. **Research the Company**: Understand the company's mission, values, and recent developments. This demonstrates your interest and helps tailor your responses.

2. **Understand the Role**: Review the job description thoroughly and prepare to discuss how your skills and experiences align with the role’s requirements.

3. **Practice Common Questions**: Rehearse answers to common interview questions and prepare questions to ask the interviewer. This helps in articulating your responses clearly and showing your engagement.

4. **Prepare Your Documents**: Bring copies of your resume, a list of references, and any other relevant documents. Ensure these materials are up-to-date and professional.

5. **Dress Appropriately**: Choose attire that aligns with the company’s culture and dress code, even if the interview is virtual.

6. **Plan Your Journey**: If the interview is in person, plan your route and allow extra time to ensure punctuality. For virtual interviews, test your technology beforehand to avoid technical issues.

### 3. Participating in Social Networks

**Social Networks Used:**

- **LinkedIn**: Actively engage by sharing industry-related content, joining relevant groups, and connecting with professionals in your field.

- **Facebook**: Join professional groups and pages related to your industry to stay updated on job postings and networking opportunities.

- **Twitter**: Follow industry leaders and participate in relevant discussions to increase your visibility and stay informed about trends.

**Using Networks for Professional Growth:**

- **Networking**: Connect with professionals and join discussions to build relationships and learn from others in your field.

- **Job Search**: Utilize job postings and company updates shared on social networks to identify opportunities and trends.

- **Personal Branding**: Share your achievements, skills, and insights to build your professional brand and attract potential employers or collaborators.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Maimouna Diakite -
One of the things that has always worked for me when finding a job was the Indeed platform or even word of mouth through those around me. I think indeed always works because it's easy to use and word of mouth works because I've always believed that who you know can get you places. The most important thing to me in a job interview is authenticity and knowing what you're applying for and really know what you're talking about, when you know what you're talking about you appear confident and that can get you through the door. When it comes to social media and job hunting who you know (networking) is always good. If you're applying for a more creative job, using social media as your portfolio is also a way that can benefit you in the long run.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Dominique Vittorio -
Online job boards such as indeed, craigslist, zip recruiter, etc. are useful when looking for job opportunities. Job boards like such allow for multiple postings of your interest and in your area to be posted on one website. Many websites offer one-click applications, making applying for jobs easier than ever.
Researching the company and familiarizing your self with company mottos and procedures is important when preparing for interviews. Many interviewers want you to be familiar with their company before hand and may ask questions about the company during the interview. Already being knowledgeable on the company is a good sign that you came prepared.
LinkedIn is a social media platform used for displaying your personal and professional achievements. LinkedIn allows me to network and connect with potential employers.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Muhammad Abdul Rehman Khan -
For finding past or future employment, I have used job search websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, as well as professional networking events and career fairs. These resources are valuable due to their wide range of job listings, company reviews, and networking opportunities. Preparing for a job interview involves researching the company, reviewing the job description, practicing common interview questions, preparing thoughtful questions for the interviewer, dressing appropriately, planning your route, and bringing necessary documents. Participating in social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter can enhance professional growth by connecting with industry professionals, joining relevant groups, sharing industry content, following companies, and engaging in conversations to stay updated on trends and job opportunities.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Bukola Adeola Isadare -
The resource I have used for finding past employment was having a close relationship with my contact in the School where I wanted to work, we were friends and I informed him about my need for a job and when there's a vacancy in the school, he didn't hesitate to mentioned me to the school proprietor.

I choose that because it's more effective, saves energy because I'd have wasted my time going around school to ask if they need more staff.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Olipa Zulu -

for finding past employment, I would use LinkedIn,as it is one of the social networking I’d used. This platform is made for employment-related activities.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by Mónica Lucía Cerrato Bonilla -
I’ve participated in several social networks, including:

LinkedIn: Primarily used for professional networking, LinkedIn helps me connect with colleagues, join industry-specific groups, share articles, and follow companies and thought leaders. I could use LinkedIn to find job openings, connect with recruiters, and showcase my skills and experiences.

Twitter: I follow industry experts, companies, and professional organizations to stay updated on industry trends, news, and opportunities. Engaging in relevant conversations and sharing valuable content can help establish me as a thought leader in my field.

Professional Associations: Memberships in associations related to my field provide access to exclusive job postings, professional development resources, and networking opportunities.

By strategically using these networks, I can build my professional brand, stay updated on industry developments, and access job opportunities that align with my career goals.
I would choose these resources because they provide comprehensive information about job opportunities, allow me to connect directly with employers or recruiters, and help me expand my professional network.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

by qowls Berrouet -
Which resources have you utilized in the past to obtain jobs, or would you consider using in the future? Why did you select those specific resources, or why would you?
For my job search, I've mostly used internet job portals like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. These platforms facilitate the exploration of multiple prospects by providing a broad range of job posts across various industries. I've also gone to career fairs at my institution because they offer excellent networking chances and face-to-face meetings with prospective companies.

What are the best ways to get ready for a job interview?
It's important to investigate the firm and comprehend its aims, beliefs, and culture in order to prepare for a job interview. You can also feel more secure during the interview by going over typical interview questions and rehearsing your answers. Last but not least, making a strong first impression is aided by adequately attired, poised, and on-time arrival.

Which social media platforms have you used? In what ways could you leverage those networks to further your career and job prospects?
My main uses of LinkedIn have been for career growth and professional networking. I have kept up with industry trends and increased my expertise by keeping in touch with specialists in the sector, attending pertinent events, and subscribing to thought leaders. Additionally, LinkedIn enables me to highlight my accomplishments, expertise, and talents to prospective employers and colleagues, which may result in new business ventures or employment prospects.
In reply to qowls Berrouet

Re: Discussion: Unit 4

I totally agree... investigate a firm inorder to know what to expect... like questions from the interview. True, LinkedIn is used for career development and professional networking.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 4

What resources have you used for finding past employment, or might you use for finding future positions? Why did/would you choose those particular resources?

For my employment search, I utilise the following social networks: LinkedIn, twitter; Glassdoor, Indeed, Google and perhaps Facebook. I sometimes do what I call "Peer Inquiries" as one of my employment searches.
LinkedIn my main purpose is to be constantly updated about new jobs, connect with my friends, colleagues and follow companies whose jobs might be of interest to me and share my experiences and certificate of award. Glassdoor, and Indeed, are good, because of their advantage of searching job openings, posting of personal past experiences etc; while, Google and twitter I use them in getting updates about news, trends etc.
Moreover, Social networking is also advantageous because you don't have to walk a 2or 3 miles just to apply for a job , rather, you can go online to do manual searching of a job .

What steps would be most beneficial in preparing for a job interview?
I think the following would do:
Being confident and not letting your weaknesses weigh you.
Try as much to get online questions that you might expect from a job interview.
In some situations, you might want to investigate your firm, understand its rules, achievements, do's and don'ts.

Or, you might also inquire from your friends or peers who are familiar with the firm.

In what social networks have you participated? How might you use those networks for advancing your employment
and professional growth opportunities? Google has been one of my main social networks that I have been participating with.
With Google, I can stay updated about company trends, news , and rules
; moreover, when I'm working with a particular firm, I can search online how to enhance my proficiencies/ expertise. I can also share or post my experiences so that my peers or colleagues can view or share tips to me too.
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