2.1 Discussion

2.1 Discussion

2.1 Discussion

Number of replies: 3

After you have studied all four viewpoints, attempt to identify which of these views is closest to your own beliefs. Or, explain why these views are not close to any of your beliefs. This can often be hard to do, and while we may think that our ethics regarding the environment rest in one place, they can often be very different when we truly analyze our behavior.

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Re: 2.1 Discussion

by Kyla Mae Capal -
In considering various environmental ethics, I find myself leaning towards an ecocentric perspective. While anthropocentrism prioritizes human interests, biocentrism emphasizes the intrinsic value of individual living entities, and deep ecology advocates for a holistic interconnectedness, ecocentrism strikes a balance that resonates with my values. The focus on entire ecosystems aligns with my belief in the importance of preserving the health and balance of nature as a whole. Recognizing that ecosystems provide essential services and support for all life, including humans, appeals to my sense of responsibility towards the broader environment. This approach feels more comprehensive, addressing not only the well-being of individual species but also the intricate interdependencies that sustain life on Earth.
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Re: 2.1 Discussion

by Jessica Ross -
I have always believed that everything has life and a beat to them. From humans down to plants and molds. I have believed that if you kill or destroy something it needs to be for a good reason such as food or shelter. The environmental ethic that mirrors these feelings is ecocentrism. This is the belief that all things have value. I do not believe that humans are above all.
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Re: 2.1 Discussion

by Renalyn Nastor -
In environmental ethics, though each organisms plays a crucial role in the interaction of our ecosystem, we cannot deny the fact that in interaction between humans and other organisms, both gained benefits. This is why in studying environmental ethics, we are able to reflect ourselves if we have the right to do harm for our environment for our own gain or we must think that does animals have its rights also. So after I studied the viewpoints in environmental ethics, ecocentric view is closest to my own beliefs because it is important to us as a human being that every living creature must need to be care and protected by humans. Unlike in the anthropocentrism point of view, humans must only concerned with themselves and on how to survive without minding anything risks in the environment so that is why, it is far closer to my beliefs.