Present Tense Discussion

My daily routine

My daily routine

by Triple T REX -
Number of replies: 0

I usually wake up at 7:00 AM, while my friend gets up around 8:00 AM. I prefer having a hearty breakfast like scrambled eggs and toast, but my friend often skips breakfast or just has a quick smoothie. I go to the gym around 6:00 PM after work, whereas my friend likes to exercise in the morning before starting their day. I typically work until 5:30 PM and then relax with some reading or TV. On the other hand, my friend often works later into the evening and only has time to unwind after dinner. I do my grocery shopping on weekends, while my friend prefers to go on weekdays after work. I like to cook dinner at home most nights, but my friend often orders takeout due to a busy schedule. We both enjoy spending weekends outdoors, but I prefer hiking, while my friend enjoys biking.