Parts of Speech Discussion

what we should know about (only) and (that)

what we should know about (only) and (that)

by secritariat vice doyen -
Number of replies: 0

we should know that some words can take different parts of speech in depend of the meaning of this word in the sentence. here are some exemples...

  1. the word (only) can be an adverb, an adjectif or conjunction.


"there are only a limited number of tickets available
"genes that were discovered only last year"

"the only medal we had ever won"

"he is still a young man, only he seems older because of his careworn expression"

the word (that) for exemple can be a pronoun, adverb or conjunction.

"that's a good idea"
"that's his wife over there"

I wouldn't go that far"

she said that she was satisfied"