Parts of Speech Discussion

A Story Part

A Story Part

by Yağmur Yeşil -
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Elizabeth was (verb) a (article) beautiful (adjective) princess.

She (pronoun) lived (verb) in (preposition) a (article) castle and (conjunction) had (verb) expensive (adjective) clothes.

She (pronoun) was (verb) going to marry (verb) a (article) prince named (verb) Roland.

Unfortunately (adverb), a (article) dragon smashed (verb) her (pronoun) castle, burned (verb) all (adjective) her (pronoun) clothes with (adjective) his (pronoun) fiery (adjective) breath, and (conjunction) carried (verb) off (adverb) Prince Roland.

Elizabeth decided (verb) to chase (verb) the (article) dragon and (conjunction) get (verb) Roland back (adverb). 

She (pronoun) looked (verb) everywhere for (preposition) something to wear (verb), but (conjunction) the (article) only (adjective) thing she (pronoun) could (verb) find (verb) that (pronoun) was (verb) not (adverb) burnt (adjective) was (verb) a (article) paper (adjective) bag.

So (adverb) she (pronoun) put (verb) on (preposition) the (article) bag and (conjunction) followed (verb) the (article) dragon. He (pronoun) was (verb) easy (adjective) to follow (verb), because (conjunction) he (pronoun) left (verb) a (article) trail of (preposition) burnt (adjective) forests and (conjunction) horses' (adjective) bones.