Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

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Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

Number of replies: 6

Reflect on the article that you have just read about setting and achieving goals. What steps do you take to ensure that you set goals and take action to achieve those goals? What do you do when you find that you have gone off track?

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Re: Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

by Hunor Kacso-Bodo -
Setting goals was not a problem for me. I always like setting new goals and I was very excited to get started. My issues were consistency and measuring success. I learned a lot in this module and I will implement the concepts I learned in my personal life, but also in my business.
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Re: Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

by meagan kelly -
After reading the article entitled: "Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals", my process has been enhanced to how I set and attain goals. I have always taken certain steps to reach my goals and change strategies when methods do not gain success, like illustrated in the PDAD cycle from the last module. However, Shane Gibson simplified five key elements that accentuate achievement. While SMART goals are just one part of a clear vision, it is a necessary step I partake in. Also, focusing on the task and prioritizing achievement saves time and valuable effort. Having confidence as a leader, recognizing experience as a teacher keeps me in high esteem and therefore allows me to have follow through to see the end of my commitment without sacrificing quality. In short, I stay evermore present to the most minute degree to ensure my goals are realized.

When I have gone off track, I review processes and goals themselves. It is my wish to find the error, not as a way of blame, but in earnest curiousity. I revisit every step from the earliest conceptions, weighing the logic with emotion. I value failure as part of achievement, knowing it redirects me to future accomplishments.
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Re: Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful goals.
From the article i have learn that inorder to set SMART goal one has to follow some important steps:
1.Clarity: I make sure my goals are specific and measurable. For example if i want to improve my GPA, my goal will be " I will study and keep doing revision questions consistently"
2.Focus: Visualization helps me stay on track amidst distractions. I imagine what I want my future self to be like and I work towards achieving that.
3. Esteem and Belief: I celebrate successes and remind myself of past achievements to stay motivated. I also seek advice from seniors in areas where i have gone wrong.
4. Follow-Through: Accountability and learning from setbacks keep me moving forward. Consistently working on my goals without giving up.
5. Commitment: I stick to my goals no matter what, honoring the commitment I've made to myself.
It's not always easy, sometimes I get demotivated but the journey is worth it for the growth and accomplishment it brings.
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Re: Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

by Ifeoluwa Omotayo -
I tend to become lazy when I feel like I am getting closer to achieving my goal. This results in me slowing down my progress, or worse, not achieving my goal. However, this module has helped me understand that I must remain committed to pursuing my goal until the end without giving up. I must stay focused and apply more energy until I finally achieve my goal.
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Re: Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

by Diane Cardinosa -
Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals" by Hunor Kacso-Bodo is an insightful and thought-provoking book that delves into the process of setting and achieving meaningful goals. After reading this book, I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of goal setting and the strategies that can be employed to ensure success.
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Re: Discussion: Setting and Achieving Powerful Goals

by Saddam Adigun Adeniran -
To set and achieve goals, I would suggest the following steps:

1. *Set SMART goals*: Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
2. *Break down big goals into smaller ones*: Divide large goals into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain momentum and motivation.
3. *Create an action plan*: Outline the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.
4. *Track progress*: Regularly monitor your progress to stay on track.
5. *Stay accountable*: Share your goals with a friend or mentor to increase motivation.

If you find yourself off track:

1. *Re-evaluate your goals*: Assess whether your goals are still relevant and achievable.
2. *Identify obstacles*: Determine what's hindering your progress.
3. *Adjust your plan*: Make changes to your action plan to get back on track.
4. *Seek support*: Ask for help or guidance from others if needed.

Please let me know if you have any specific questions or need further guidance!