2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

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2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

Number of replies: 138

After you have read the page on synonyms, make a list of five words related to education, then pair each word with a synonym. For example, "grade" and "score" or "test" and "exam". When you finish, post your list in the discussion forum. Read what your classmates posted and see what new words you can learn from their synonym lists.

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Filmon Yemane G/selassie -




In reply to Filmon Yemane G/selassie

Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Bako Illa Samir -
Working - labouring Understanding - copying
Studying - learning
Teaching - educating
Writing - noting
In reply to Filmon Yemane G/selassie

Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Bako Illa Samir -
Working - labouring Understanding - copying
Studying - learning
Teaching - educating
Writing - noting
In reply to Bako Illa Samir

Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Christo Christov -
Working - functioning
Studying - examining
Teaching - coaching
Writing - handwriting
Copying - imitative
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Chala Usmael -

Teacher.                     Instructor

Subject.                Course 

Collage.         School 

Discussion. Debate 

Meeting    conjoine 

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Vina Marie Catindoy -
learning- knowledge
student- pupil
teacher- mentor
subject- course
break- recess
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Wilfredo Polo Tirado -
This is my list:
teach - instruct
teacher - instructor
student - pupil
university - college
laboratory - research room
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Salma Salhi -

School: establishment

Teacher: tutor

Class: course

Student: learner

Score: mark

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Monica Eroles -
Hot - Burning
Small - Tiny
Bold - Adventurous
Blunt - Dull
Fast - Quick
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Mahali Gonzalez -






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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Ambo Upe -

Point out = Indicate. 

Go through = Examine. 

To sum up = In conclusion.

Talk about = Discuss. 

Find out = Discover.

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Samuel ADJASSIN -
Primary - Elementary
Secondary - High/Junior high
Tertiary - Post secondary
Formal - Schooling
Lecturer - Professor
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Temesgen mr. -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Bushra Doc -
Home work-Asignment
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Elizabeth Escaño -
school - academy
teacher - instructor
student - pupil
assignment - homework
research - analysis
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Samal Lokuno -
Educate - Learn
Important - Significant
Necessary - need
Knowledge - Skill or Know-how
Success - Achieve
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Anisa Adibatus Shofa -
Study - Learn
Scholarship - Fellowship
Development - Growth
Exam - Test
Thesis - Essay
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Junlord Ray Rosete -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Malak Mostafa -
assignment/ drill
chapter/ unit
paragraph/ provision
In reply to Malak Mostafa

Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Karina Soule -
Tutor - Coach
Teach - Guide
Inspire - Uplift
Edify - Elevate
Direction - Guidance
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Karren Lascuña -
Education - Learning
Teacher - Instructor
Classroom - Lecture hall
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Lily Myat -

Education - Schooling

Score - Mark

Quiz - Test

Discipline - cultivate

Teach - Explain 

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Faouzia EL HADRI -
And this is my list:
Education : schooling
Teacher : tutor
Student: undergraduate
University: institute
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Maya Batkunda -
Big -Large
Search -look for
Learning- Studying
Examining- investigating
Describing- Illustrating
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by L Htoi Seng Ing -
read - study
teach - explain
write - compose
learn - absorb
observe - survey
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Chala Usmael -

Appointment. Schedule 

Elaborate.  Furthermore 

Proposal. Work plan 

Ammendments. Approvals 

Students.           Pupils 


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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Elmehdi Houjaj -
teaching = educating =coaching
smart = intelligent= clever
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Bunga Ayu Januarita -
headmaster, principal
learn, study
text, passage
test, exam
explain, elaborate
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Shrestha Ashok -
read : study
learn : know
write : compose
understand : know
guess : assume
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Bereket Kassa -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Negede Kelemework -
Educate - Learn
Important - Significant
Necessary - important
Knowledge - skill
Success - Achievement
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Julia May -

Assessment - examination

Aquisition - learning

Lexicon - vocabulary

Elicit -evoke

Prerequisites - requirements

Instructor - teacher

Synopsis - summary 

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Mahmood Bayani -
Complicated- Sophisticated
Illustrate- Examine
Dept- debit
Refund- payback
Gift- Present
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by a Das -
Learn - Study
Materials - Items
Break - Recess
Exam - Test
Staff - Worker
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by tharaphi bo -
sit an exam - take an exam
quizz- pop quizz
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Rosie Jane De Leoz -
teacher- educator
outline- curriculum
subject- course
examine- observe
reflection- insight
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Deema alma -

Assignments= Exams

Class= session

Accomodate= give help

Special needs students= students with disabilities

Open ended questions= not multible choices questions

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Risha Baloch -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Bear 03 -
Accomplish - Achieve
Admit- Confess
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Maw Byar Myar -
Listening - all ears
Beautiful - pretty
Love - charity
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Salwa Haboubi -
exam test evaluation quiz
assignment working
school supplies school tools school equiments
subjects topics
to learn to determine
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Loidy Klient Gundaya -
Training and schooling
Instruction and direction
Communicate and convey
Reporting and presenting
Subject and topic
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Decoyna, Juanita Kane Sangao. -
ere's a list of five words related to education paired with synonyms: Teacher - Educator Student - Learner Classroom - Lecture hall Homework - Assignment Textbook - Manual
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Mustapha IKHLEF -
learning- knowledge
student- pupil
teacher- mentor
subject- course
break- recess
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Shun Lei Lei Htwe -
Smart - Intelligent
Lesson- Module
Mark- Score
Data- Information
Mentor- Teacher
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Nooria Nizrabi -

Synonym words examples 

1_ Schooling /teaching

2_ tutoring/ tuition 

3_ improvement/ coaching 

4_ degree/ grade 

5_ score/ mark 

6_ knowledge/ awareness 

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Joshua Christopher -
Teacher: tutor

Teacher - Instructor

Student - Learner

Score - Grade

Test - Assessment

Sum up - Conclude
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Thu Thu Bhone Myint -
Founder = principle
Self- study = Self-pace
instructively = educatively
tutorially = scholastically
academically = revealingly
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Rania Afzal -
remeber - memorize
cramming - rotting
read - learn
paper - page
period - lecture
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by kim dija -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Hussain Altrshan -
Here is a list of five words related to education paired with their synonyms:

1. School - Institution
2. Teacher - Educator
3. Student - Learner
4. Homework - Assignment
5. Test - Examination
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Khairullah Rezaie -
Instructor - Teacher
assignment - Homework
Test - Exam
Study - Learn
Teach - Educate
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Khairullah Rezaie -

Instructor - Teacher

Assignment - Homework

Teach -  Educate 

Study - Learn

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Darlin Rochez -
Teacher tutor
Test exam
Topic subject
Computer laptop
Investigate research
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Karina Mariscal -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Khinemar Myint -

This is my list

Teach - guide
Teacher - instructor

Learn - study

listen - focus

understand - realize

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms






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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Sri Dewi Sukma Ayu -
Assessment - Evaluation
Attendance - Presence
Degree - Diploma
Teacher - Educator
Task - Homework
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Mano Chella -

Test - Exam

Grade - Rank

Principal - Headmaster

Talk - Speak

Teacher - staff

In reply to Mano Chella

Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Pape Charles NDIAYE -
This is my list of synonyms
teacher - professor
headmaster - director
student - pupil
stydy - learn
copying - imitating
In reply to Pape Charles NDIAYE

Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Hsu Yadanar Htoo -
The followings are some synonyms that I know.
1. Assignment - Project
2. Professor - Lecturer
3. University - College
4. Smart - Bright
5. Bookworm - Nerd
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Nadeem Sumair -
1. Learning - Education
2. Instruction - Schooling
3. Knowledge - Academics
4. Study - Learning
5. Training - Educational development
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Dehendji Alaeddine -
task and exercice
write and autograph
document and file
learning and studying
search explore
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by osama mohamed -
Teaching learning
Solving analyzing
Writing listening
Studing working
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Joselito Jimenez -
Understanding- Comprehension
Judging- Evaluating
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Nomia Putri -
1. Educational = Pedagogical.
2. Scholar = Savant.
3. Intellectual = Highbrow.
4. Student = Pupil.
5. Undergraduate = Collegian.

Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, https://www.merriam-webster.com. Accessed 3/30/2024.
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Roshine Fernandez -

Abbreviate - shorten

Gain - earn

Feasible - possible

Teach - educate

Fair - just

Sight - vision

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Maksym Bondarenko -
Learn - Educate - Study - Research
Explore - Analyze - Investigate - Examine
Absorb - Comprehend - Grasp - Acquire
Pursue - Delve into - Scrutinize - Engage with
Understand - Probe into
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Seint Myat Thu -
study - learn
discuss - communicate
assignment - homework
teaching hours - periods
write down - take notes
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Val V -
Math - algebra,
a poem - a verse,
to memorize - to learn by heart,
to understand - to comprehend,
clever - smart.
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Ilaria Auditore -

Interesting - Fascinating

Strong -Powerful

Sunrise - Dawn

Work - Labour

Light - Illumination

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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Aurum Ko -
notebook-exercise book
past paper-old exam paper
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Stefania Giommoni -
example / model
problem / trouble
fun / leisure
sad / unhappy
extraordinary / exceptional
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Marissa Gobbo -
school - academy/college
teaching - coaching
knowledge - acquaitance
learning- studying
grade - score
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Goitom Desaley -
synonyms are valuable linguistic tools that enhance vocabulary, prevent repetition, add depth and clarity to language, help understand nuances, improve communication, develop writing skills, and reflect cultural and regional variations.
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Andrea Ambrosino -
happy - delighted
start - begin
aware - conscious
graph - diagram
predict - forecast
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Alex Merkulieva -
mistake-error, blunder
correction-adjustment, editing, fixing
perception-uderstanding, idea
formation-education, construction
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Sara Wnuk -
class- course
homework- assignment
test- assestment
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Lara Della Torre -
Teaching - Coaching
Analyzing - Exploring
Learning - Schooling
Writing - Noting
Student - Undergraduate
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by ismail jama -


Student ______pupil 

Subject ________course 



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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Shiela Maree Pino -
Here's a list of five words related to education, paired with synonyms:

Teacher - Educator
Student - Learner
Classroom - Lecture hall
Homework - Assignment
School - Institution
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Christal Jeya J -
Learn - study
Talk - speak
Test - assessment
Teacher - educator
Student - learner
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by 032 Riska Setyaningsih -
Student -Pupil
University - college
Material - module
Laboratory - research room
Studying - learning
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Gaia Luani -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Poorvi Parashar -
love - affection
sad - gloomy
abnormal - retarded
joy - happy
mother - mom
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Snizhana Lotysh -
Teacher and Instructor
School and Academy
Student and Learner
Homework and Assignment
Study and Review
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Martina Cali -
teacher - tutor
student - learner
subject - topic
teaching - education
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Abegail Bishop -
Finish - over
Read - skim
Write - jot
Answer - output
Understand - comprehend
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Mariia Reptak -
lesson - class
Student - pupil
Science - knowledge
Studying - learning
Teacher - pedagogue
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by oyekola john -
Continue - Resume
Stop - Cease
Direction - Path
Dismay - Less Important
Lame - Weak
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by elbatoul hhiri -
Academic educational
Homework exercise
Graduate. degree holder
Class group
Classmates. friend
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by momar fall -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Nicole Lombardi -
Class - Lecture
Awarenese - Knowledge
Simple - Easy
Advertising - Publicity
Discussion - Dialogue
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Sofia Caroli -
Professor- Lecturer
Presentation - Oration
to review - to revise
to study - to learn
thesis - dissertation
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Bernardina Martinho -
Learn- study
school - academy
teacher - instructor
student - pupil
assignment - homework
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Alona Stibunova -
Learning - literacy
teacher - supervisor
test - quiz
home work - assignment
writing - noting
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by fabiola erasmi -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Junior Gomes -
Hearing - Listening
Speaking - Talking
Afraid - Scared
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Aina Fatiha -
Synonyms :

Hate - Loathe
Students - Pupils
Rich - Wealth
Sad - Sorrow
Happy - Delight
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Jean Albert Nkono -
Class -lecture
College-junior school
High school-senior school
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Margaret Ho -
Hard - difficult
To teach - to tutor
Student - classmate
Education - pedagogy
Knowledge - intelligent
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Erik Oganian -
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Re: 2.1 Discussion: Synonyms

by Paul Edobor -
Teach- lecture
Discover- find
Understand - Assimilate
Allow- permit
Begin- commence