2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

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2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

Number of replies: 133

After you read the page on antonyms, take the list of five words related to education that you created in the previous section and pair each word with an antonym. For example, an antonym for "educated" is "uneducated" and an antonym for "well-read" is "uninformed". Remember to read what your classmates posted and see what new vocabulary you can learn from their antonym lists.

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by mussie gebremichael -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Chala Usmael -

Literate   illiterate 

Good.  Bad 

Puncutual.   Late

Respect.       Disrespect 

Known.         Unknown 

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Vina Marie Catindoy -
Literacy- illiteracy
graduate- undergraduate
suspension- resumption
finish- stop
study- unlearn
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Wilfredo Polo Tirado -
This is my list:
teach - learn
teacher - learner
student - instructor
university - high school
laboratory - studio
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Monica Eroles -
Prepared - Unprepared
Full - Empty
Separate - Unite
Near - Far
Front - Back
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Mahali Gonzalez -






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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Ambo Upe -

Advantage <> Disadvantage.

Capable <> Incapable.

Likely <> Unlikely.

Qualified <> Unqualified.

Graduate <> Undergraduate.

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Temesgen mr. -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Bushra Doc -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Elizabeth Escaño -
school - home
teacher - student
student - teacher
assignment (homework)- seatwork (exercises to be done while in class, as opposed to exercises to accomplish at home)
research (analysis)- ignorance (a weak antonym according to the Thesaurus)
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Aneesah Niazai -

Complete - incomplete

Brief - short

Literate - illiterate

Capable - incapable

Checked - unchecked 

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Karina Soule -
Encourage - Discourage
Uplift - Anguish
Coach - Student
Teaching - Mislead
Guide - Follow
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Lily Myat -

Educated - Uneducated

Discipline - Undisciplined

Include - Exclude

Individual - Group

Major - Minor

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Maya Batkunda -
Export- Import
Inhale- Exhale
Input -Output
Like - dislike
Kind- unkind
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by L Htoi Seng Ing -
sweet - bitter
stink - perfume
intelligent - ignorance, stupid
lazy - active, attentive, careful
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Chala Usmael -

Familiar.  Unfamiliar 

Upgrade. Downgrade 

Literate.  Illiterate 

Teachers. Students 

Problems. Solutions 

Hide.         Reveal 

Far.           Near 

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Elmehdi Houjaj -
ground = sky
hell = paradise
dark = light
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Bunga Ayu Januarita -
pass x fail
submit x unsubmit
true x false
creative x uncreative
strict x lenient
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Shrestha Ashok -
educated : uneducated
hard : easy
forget : remember
active : lazy
book : books
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Negede Kelemework -
Educate - illiterate!
Important - unimportant
Necessary - unnecessary
Knowledge - ignorance
Success - unsuccess
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Bereket Kassa -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Julia May -

Elicit ≠ discourage

Prerequisites ≠non- essential

Educated ≠illiterate

Punctual ≠ late

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Mahmood Bayani -
artificial- natural
advantage- disadvantage
vacant- occupied
satisfied- dissatisfied
accurate- inaccurate
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by a Das -
Lazy - Active
Tired - Energetic
Useful - Useless
Ignore - Acknowledge
Forget - Remember
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by tharaphi bo -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Rosie Jane De Leoz -
on time- late
absent- present
objective- subjective
active- inactive
happy- sad
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Risha Baloch -
tuition- ignorance
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Bear 03 -
Alive - Dead
All - None
Boring - Exciting
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Bako Illa Samir -
Workful - lazy
Understanding - misunderstanding
Studying - u studying
Teachable - unteachable
Writing - erasing
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Bako Illa Samir -
Workful - lazy
Understanding - misunderstanding
Studying - u studying
Teachable - unteachable
Writing - erasing
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Salwa Haboubi -
old new
smile cray
up down
loudly quietly
first last
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Maw Byar Myar -
Love - hate
Good - bad
Toward - backward
Sleep - wake
Up - down
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Decoyna, Juanita Kane Sangao. -
Sure, here's the list of five words related to education paired with antonyms:

Teacher - Student
Student - Teacher
Classroom - Outdoors
Homework - Playtime
Textbook - Fiction
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Loidy Klient Gundaya -
Tutor - mislead
Development - deterioration
Discuss - disregard
Learning - ignorance
Teacher - student
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Shaymaa Ashoush -

Dark - light

Rude -polite

Stingy - generous 

Superficial- deep

Wealthy - poor

Hot - cold

Close - open

Birth - dead

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Christo Christov -
functioning - nonoperative
Studying - ignoring
retaining - surrendering
victory - loss
tall - short
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Shun Lei Lei Htwe -

Legal - Illegal

Smart- Stupid

Tall - Short

Wealthy- Poor

Bored- Interesting

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

Big pencil- small pencil
Optimist teacher- pissimist techer
Light- dark
Interior- exterior
Go out- enter
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Nooria Nizrabi -

Antonym words 

1- educated / un educated 

2- pass / fail

3- present / absent 

4- knowledge/ ignorance 

5- advantage/ dis advantage 

6- qualified / un qualified 

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Rania Afzal -
cramming- creativity
remember- forget
read- write
teacher- student
copy- genuine
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by kim dija -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Hussain Altrshan -
Here are the five words related to education paired with their antonyms:

1. School - Home
2. Teacher - Student
3. Student - Teacher
4. Homework - Play
5. Test - Fun
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Khairullah Rezaie -
Literate - Illiterate
Punctual - Unpunctual
Present - Absent
Pass - Fail
Coeducation - separate education
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Khairullah Rezaie -
Literate - Illiterate
Punctual - Unpunctual
Present - Absent
Pass - Fail
Coeducation - Separate education
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Karina Mariscal -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Khinemar Myint -

respect - disrespect

join/attend - drop out

pass - fail

winner - loser

proud - humble

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by rahel hadera -







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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Sri Dewi Sukma Ayu -
Graduation - Enrollment
Enroll - Withdraw
Correct - Incorrect
Tutor - Neglect
Guide - Mislead
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Mano Chella -

Pass - Fail

Prudent - imprudent

Knowledge - ignorance

Obedient - inobident

Talk - quite 

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by _ha_ aaruh_ -
Clean - Dirty
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Iris Iris Ko -
beautiful- ugly
enormous- tiny
city- urban
start- end
full- empty
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Nadeem Sumair -
1. Unlearned - Learned
2. Naïve - Sophisticated
3. Illiterate - Literate
4. Uninstructed - Educated
5. Ignorant - Enlightened
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Dehendji Alaeddine -
comprehension _ incomprehension
knowledge _ ignorance
learn _ illiteracy
understand _ misunderstand
read _ unread
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Meraj Panahi -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by osama mohamed -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Joselito Jimenez -
Formal Education-Informal Education
Active-Passive (Learners)
Learner Centered-Teacher Centered
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Nomia Putri -
1. Intellectual >< Ignoramus.
2. Linear >< Spiral.
3. Senior >< Junior.
4. Inside >< Outside.
5. Living >< Dead.

Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus. Accessed 3/30/2024.
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Roshine Fernandez -

Love - hate

Happy - sad

Early - late

Hot - cold

Freeze - melt

Alive - dead

Truth - lie

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Maksym Bondarenko -
Complexity - Simplicity
Intellect - Emotion
Abstraction - Concrete
Contemplation - Action
Discipline - Spontaneity
Order - Chaos
Tradition - Innovation
Isolation - Community
Detachment - Attachment
Restraint - Freedom
Asceticism - Hedonism
Perfection - Imperfection
Conformity - Individuality
Harmony - Dissonance
Rationality - Irrationality
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Seint Myat Thu -
pretty - ugly, horrible
enjoy - dislike, dissatisfied
increase - decrease, go down
gentle - aggressive, rough, wild
bright - dark, dim
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Ilaria Auditore -

Interesting - Boring

Strong - Weak

Sunrise - Sunset

Work - Holiday

Light - Dark

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Aurum Ko -
hardworking - lazy
qualified - unqualified
graduate - undergraduate
book smart - street smart
classmate - stranger
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Marissa Gobbo -
to approve - to deny
to teach - to neglect
knowledge - ignorance
to understand - to misunderstand
to achieve - to fail
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Goitom Desaley -
Antonyms, the opposite counterparts of words, aid in understanding, vocabulary expansion, expressing contrast, enhancing communication, fostering critical thinking, creative expression, and appreciating cultural nuances.
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Andrea Ambrosino -
happy - sad
start - end
aware - unaware
pros - cons
predict - disregard
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Alex Merkulieva -
mistake-accuracy, comprehend
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Lara Della Torre -
Learn - misunderstand
Agreement - dissension
Activity - idleness
Advance - Last
Graduate - undergraduate
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Shiela Maree Pino -
Here's a list of five words related to education paired with antonyms:

Teacher - Student
Student - Teacher
Classroom - Outdoors
Homework - Break
School - Vacation
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Christal Jeya J -
Obedient - disobedient
Tidy - untidy
Regular - irregular
Early - late
Respect - disrespect
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Poorvi Parashar -
happy - sad
vacant - occupied
small - long
love - hate
future - past
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Snizhana Lotysh -
Teacher and Non-educator
School and Home
Student and Non-student
Homework and Leisure
Study and Neglect
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Martina Cali -
teacher - student
graduate - undergraduate
advance - regress
capable - incapable
encourage - discourage
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Abegail Bishop -
Understand - misunderstand
Easy - difficult
Read - misread
Information - misinformation
Knowledge - ignorance
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Mariia Reptak -
Student - profesor
Lesson - fun
Science - ignorance
Studying - unexplored
Teacher - learner
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by oyekola john -
Incoming - Outgoing
Agree - Disagree
Smile - Frown
Accept - Reject
Praise - Condemn
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by momar fall -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Gebreamlak Desta -
Lazy = Clever
Friend = joules
Dirty = Clear
Short = Long
Present = Absent
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Nicole Lombardi -
Helpful - Unhelpful
Awake - Asleep
Open - Close
On - Off
With - Without
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Deema alma -

Suspenion- resumsion

Literate - illitrate

Big small

Agree- disagree

Academic- non academic

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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Val V -
To memorize - to unlearn, to forget
To understand - to misunderstand
Clever - dull, empty-headed
Difficult task - easy task
Boring classes - Fun / cool / interesting classes
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Alona Stibunova -
skimming - intentional reading
punctual - tardy
commitment - disloyalty
educated - uneducated
correct - incorrect
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Gaia Luani -
Studying-> working
Exam—-> homework
To Underline —->to delete
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by fabiola erasmi -
Happy - sad
Rich - poor
Accept - refuse
Educated - uneducated
Horizontal - vertical
Hydrated - dessicate
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Aina Fatiha -
Tall - Short
Black - White
Dark - Bright
Hot - Cold
Love - Hate
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Med Jalal EL GHAZI -
knowledge Vs unknowledge
Learn Vs unlearn
Study Vs unstudy
Litterate Vs illiterate
teacher Vs student
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Jean Albert Nkono -
Literacy -illiteracy
illiterate -literate
succeed -fail
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Sandra de Fatima Dias Isidoro -
educated - rude
professional - unprofessional
extroverted - shy
attentive teacher - inattentive teacher
airy room - dusty room
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Margaret Ho -
To succeed - to fail
Hard working - lazy
Teaching - neglecting
Master - apprentice
Worker - learner
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Erik Oganian -
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Paul Edobor -
Simple - complex
Pass- fail
Difficult - easy
Intelligent- Dull
Known- Unknown
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Re: 2.2 Discussion: Antonyms

by Sultane Sultane -
Learning – Ignorance
Instruction – Misinformation
Teaching – Neglect
Training – Untraining
Tutoring – Misguidance