Section 1.2 Discussion

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Section 1.2 Discussion

Number of replies: 65

Suppose that you had to explain to a member of your family or one of your closest friends the concept of an information system. How would you define it? Write a one-paragraph description in your own words that you feel would best describe an information system to your friends or family.

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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Angel Villa -
An information system, in simple terms, is like the brain of an organization. It's a system that collects, organizes, stores, and distributes information to help in decision-making, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization within an organization. Think of it as a library, where books (data) are collected, categorized, stored, and lent out to readers who need them. But unlike a library, an information system also processes and analyzes the data to create meaningful insights, just like our brain processes information to help us make decisions.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Maribel Torres -
In my own words and understanding, the concept of an information system is a set of components (hardware, software, data, people, and process) that store and transmit data. A great example the video gave was iTunes. Say I want to listen to a specific song. I would need the following components in order to listen to a song; either my phone/iPad/PC/Car Radio (hardware), iTunes App (Software), Music library (data), me (people that will be listening to the music), and the process (select a song and press play). All these steps communicate with iTunes and tells is what song we want to listen to so that it can play it.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Gursehajpal Singh -
An information system is like a digital powerhouse that helps organize, store, process, and retrieve data to support various activities. Imagine it as a sophisticated and efficient assistant that not only keeps track of information but also helps make sense of it. It includes hardware, like computers and servers, software for running applications, databases to store information, and networks that connect everything. Whether you're checking your email, shopping online, or even using social media, you're interacting with different components of an information system. It's essentially the technological backbone that enables us to seamlessly navigate the digital world, transforming raw data into meaningful and useful insights for both personal and organizational purposes.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Benjamin Myers -
An information system is sort of like a library. It houses tons of information that can be shared to anyone in the company and allows it to be stored to help with projects and other such things around the company. It allows computer to send us the information through the components of hardware, software, etc. Sort of how our brain works with the rest of our body to function. Hardware allows the software and data to function in some kind of physical form so we can use it in our everyday lives.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Boris Chien -
Comprising hardware, software, data, processes, and users, it can be a continuous or discontinuous system with internally interconnected components. It is utilized for the collection, analysis, storage, and transmission of data.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by kelvin huynh -
An information system is like the organized brain of any operation or task, combining technology, data, and people to efficiently handle information. It's the digital backbone that supports everything from managing your schedule on a smartphone to coordinating complex business processes. Imagine it as a powerful and well-organized team where computers, software, and people work together seamlessly. Computers store and process data, software applications provide tools to interact with the data, and people use these tools to make informed decisions. It's the invisible force behind everything from online shopping to streaming music, ensuring that information is not just collected but transformed into valuable insights and actions.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by monique norat -
A information system in my opinion is people put data into computers to create meaningful information for either personal or business use. In order for them to create an information system they need to have a computer(hardware) to store facts(data) on certain programs or apps(software) in order to create, interact and collect the designated content. For business use they follow certain procedures depending on the outcome they are needing to do.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Erik Zador -
An information system is like the digital brain behind our everyday activities, serving as a coordinated network of hardware, software, data, and people. It enables us to gather, process, store, and share information. From the apps on our phones to the tools businesses use to manage operations, an information system is the backbone that empowers us to navigate the digital world seamlessly.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Liptzy Mendez -
Think of an information system like a super-organized digital librarian. It's a setup that collects, stores, organizes and shares information. So, just like a librarian helps you find books in a library, an information system helps businesses or people find and use data they need, whether it's to make decisions, handle transactions, or just keep things running smoothly. It's like having a smart assistant that keeps all your digital stuff in order and easy to find.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Nicholas Nick -
An information system functions as a sophisticated network that connects people, technology, data, and processes to improve decision-making and overall efficiency. It is comparable to the digital spine of a company. It is the smooth fusion of human interaction, hardware, and software intended to gather, process, store, and distribute data for a range of uses. Think of it as an advanced tool that not only assists with managing routine activities but also converts unprocessed data into insightful knowledge. Information systems make up the unseen infrastructure that shapes how we work, communicate, and make decisions in our digitally connected world. They include the software we use on our computers, the data we store in the cloud, and the networks that link our gadgets. The concept of information systems is extremely interesting
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Emily Snyder -
An information system is a combination of hardware, software, data people and processing that is used by a business to store, analyze and control information. Information systems can be used to improve productivity in companies or improve efficiency. It is basically a huge storage of information to be utilized and manipulated in different ways to support a business.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Briana Peñaloza -
An information system is like having a cabinet with files in it. Each file and cabinet has collections of stored and organized information that combines technology, people, data, and other components. When thinking of an information system we can think of that same cabinet with files and think of what is needed for all this information to go into it. In an office setting, a worker would usually need to put information into files and into the cabinet in order to have access to the files later on, acting as an information system of sorts; this also applies to an information system.

p.s. this was posted on Monday, Feb. 5
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by jacquelyn vidales -
Information system is composed of the things that include hardware, software, data, users, and its a process. It's all connected software tells the hardware what to do and data is what makes the software.For example excel is a software that tell your computer what to do and the data would be all the information that makes up excel.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Marco Rodriguez -
The defention of an Information system to my understanding is a system of containing and holding to eventually share and distribute data. A system used to de things digitally. This to me is just the definition of a computer amd how the basis of it works from the simple things as making folders to photoshopping images to display something greater
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Hector Garibay -
An information system is a system that collects, stores, organizes, and processes data. I like to think of it like a command. It is like a TV controller, you need to click a button for the controller to produce a certain function. A lot of times we are using information systems without even knowing it.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Juvraj SIdhu -
A information system is a sort a super intelligent computer program that can help organize and manage different types of information, like text, images, and numbers. It's like having a digital helper that not only stores data but also helps you understand and use it effectively. It involves both the technology, such as computers and software, and the people and processes that use them to achieve goals, even it's for personal use or for the organizations. Information systems are super important in many parts of our life, from dealing with finances to handling and planning big projects. They're like a super useful tool that makes things easier and helps us get more done.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Amy Aguirre -

In my own words, I would an information system to my friends/family the way I understand it. Information systems are made up of five components- hardware, software, data, people & processes. Hardware the physical, tangible parts of a computer. Softwares are the programs that tell the hardware what to do for example - Excel, Powerpoint, Word etc. Data is information that is yet to be computed or in this case, processed. With the first components, it’s the people that do something about it. Otherwise it’s sort of floating in the air. People use a set of steps to achieve a goal which is called process. 

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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Riley Hillenbrand -
Alright, think of an information system like the mastermind behind everything that happens on a computer or in a company. It's basically a high-tech setup that gathers, organizes, and shares important stuff, kind of like a supercharged brain. For example, when you're gaming online, the system keeps track of your scores and progress. Or when you're ordering pizza online, it manages the orders and payments. It's like having a super-efficient assistant that helps everything run smoothly, whether it's in your favorite game or in a big company's operations.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Rachel Mendoza -
An information system is a physical device that stores and uses data to work through processes that simplify our everyday living. It uses software, or a set of directions that guide what the device does. An information system, along with the device itself, also consists of the people involved in the development and guidance of the processes.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Samuel Owusu Boampong -
Information system comprises five interrelated components: Hardware, software, data, people, and processes used to collect, organize, and create meaningful insight for a competitive advantage to an organization.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Sirat Kaur -
Information system is like the brain in an organisation where its components are hardware, software , data , people and processes. In businesses , management information system handle all these to collect data , analyse it and interpret it for using it in decision making to develop the business further.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Joshua Doyle -
I would describe an information system as an assembly line. The hardware is the base then you have the software which functions the hardware, then you have the data which tells the hardware what to do then there is processes which categorize the data and finally their users which are like the managers using all of these components to reach an end goal.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Marissa Lopez -
From what I understand, and information system is a set of interrelated components brought together to store and distribute information. The components apart of this system are hardware, software, data, people and process. It is used to provide efficiency within data for companies of any kind.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Kaylee Gajowiak -
If I had to describe an information system to a friend or family member I would say that an information system is a set of components that work together to achieve a goal. These components work to collect, process, store, and distribute information all in order to support their user/organization. The main components in an IS are the hardware, software, data, people, and processes.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Melanie Hudson -
It's like a big toolbox. Inside the toolbox, you have different tools like computers, software programs, data, and people who know how to use them. These tools help you to collect organize store and share information. Just like a toolbox helps you fix things around the house an information system helps businesses organize and manage their information to make decisions and get things done efficiently.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by finley oben -
An information system is a set of interconnected components that collect, store, process and distribute information to support decision making, coordination, control , analysis and visualization in an organization. It includes hardware, software, data, processes and people who use these components to manage data and information within a structured framework. It helps organizations and individuals effectively manage and utilize information to acheive their goals and objectives.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Muhammad Zuabir -
An Information system is the combined function of Hardware (like a computer), Software (like Operating System), Data (information), people (user) and process (operation).
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Cory Goodrich -
Think of an information system as your brain's tech team - made up of hardware and software that help your brain process all the digital stuff out there. It's like having your own personal squad to keep things running smoothly in the digital world!
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Wendy Huntsman -
An information system is used to turn data into information, and then knowledge to be used for organization. It is comprised of technology, people and processes. Information systems are used to help create stronger, more efficient and profitable businesses.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Saima Haroon -

An information system is like a digital brain that helps organize, store, process, and retrieve information. It's the backbone of how we manage data, whether it's in the form of documents, emails, images, or videos. Imagine it as a super-efficient librarian who not only keeps track of where everything is stored but also helps you find exactly what you need in a split second. From the simplest tasks like managing your contacts to complex operations like analyzing big data for businesses, information systems are essential for almost every aspect of modern life, making things more organized, efficient, and accessible.

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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Ambrasha Mask -
An information system is like a digital brain that helps organize, process, and distribute information efficiently. It's made up of hardware, software, data, and people, all working together to collect, store, analyze, and disseminate information for various purposes. Imagine it as a network of interconnected parts, like computers, servers, databases, and applications, working seamlessly to manage data and support decision-making. From simple tasks like sending emails to complex operations like managing inventory or running financial reports, information systems play a crucial role in modern life, making tasks easier, faster, and more accurate.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by musozi marvin -
Information system is the combination of software, hardware and telecommunication network to store, process, and analyse data for use in the organisation.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Tolasa Tibebu -

Information system is a set interrelated components that collect,manipulate, process, store and disseminate in order to achieve organizational goal. It has 5 different components. Hardware, software, data,people and process. Hardware is physical part of computer, tangible and can be touched. Software is set of instruction that tell the hardware what to do. Data is raw fact that is manipulated by software. People also anybody who use and participate in information system. Process is a set procedure which is used to perform specific task. Information system has competitive advantage for organization by improving business process and efficiency.

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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Dayanna Suárez -
An information system serves as the nerve center of an organization, akin to the brain orchestrating the body's functions. It functions as a complex network that seamlessly gathers, processes, organizes, stores, and disseminates vast volumes of data across various departments and levels of hierarchy. Picture it as the dynamic hub where streams of information converge and flow, powering critical functions such as decision-making, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization within an organization
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by chinecherem okeke -
An information system is a structured and interconnected set of components that work together to collect, process, store, and distribute data and information within an organization. It encompasses hardware, software, databases, networks, and people, all integrated to facilitate the flow of information and support decision-making, and control within the organization.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by hafiz Shams Ur Rehman -
MIS is a term that describes the interaction of technology with people by doings information processes. It include effective use of all five components like hardware, software, data, process and people and somehow communication as well.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Janpreet Singh -
Information system simply means information in the form of data collected processed and stored and maybe distributed further and the system that governs that data can be called the system or information system precisely
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

I can say an information system is a set of components used to collect, store, process and transmit data and digital information. It comprises various components which include hardware, software, data, processes and people that work together to transform raw data into useful information. For an information system to run efficiently all of these five components must work hand in hand in order for it to run effectively and achieve its intended purpose.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Anna Grace Rosco -
I'd describe an information system as a combination of people, processes, and technology working together to gather, store, process, and distribute data in order to support decision-making and facilitate the operation of an organization. It's like a well-oiled machine that takes in raw data, organizes it, processes it into meaningful information, and then delivers it to the right people at the right time to help them accomplish their tasks effectively and efficiently. Think of it as the backbone that enables businesses, governments, and individuals to manage information in a structured and useful way. From basic tools like spreadsheets and email to complex enterprise systems like customer relationship management (CRM) software and large databases, information systems come in all shapes and sizes, tailored to meet specific needs and objectives.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Mupila Hilfred -

An information system is a collection of interrelated componets such as People, Technologies (Computer hardwares and softwares as well as Telecommunications networks), Procedures, Policies that work together to Collect, Store, Retrieve, Process, disseminate, Organise and make available Data and Information Resources needed to support business  or organizational operations to attain efficiency,  economy and competitive advantage in the knowledge economy.

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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Mohammed Amin Saeed -
An information system is a structured set of components that work together to collect, store, process, and distribute information. These components include technology, people, data, and processes. Think of it as a system that helps organizations or individuals manage information more efficiently to make better decisions, streamline operations, or solve specific problems. For example, a hospital might use an information system to keep track of patient records, schedule appointments, and manage billing. Essentially, information systems help connect the dots, allowing us to understand, organize, and use information in a meaningful way.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Matthew Mitchell -
An information system acts like a smart brain for data, sorting and sharing it smoothly. Think of it as a high-tech toolbox where you put in, keep, change, and get data easily. It's not just about saving info, but also about understanding it, spotting trends, and helping decisions. From handling emails to crunching big data, it's the key tool for businesses, groups, and daily life, making sure info moves well to help with all sorts of tasks and plans.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by vanessa Ur -
AN Information system is a combination of a hardware which is the physical machine and the software which the bran that tell the hardware what to do.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Anna P. -
An information system are components that work together to facilitate infomation driven decision making in organizations. They consist of technological components but also the people involved and the related processes.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Risqi Apriansah -
An information system is a comprehensive framework that combines people, processes, and technology to collect, store, process, and distribute data for decision-making and organizational purposes. It encompasses the software, hardware, networks, and databases that work together to manage and manipulate information effectively. Think of it as a structured system that not only stores data but also processes it to generate meaningful insights and support various activities. From the applications on your smartphone to the databases used by businesses, information systems play a crucial role in organizing and utilizing data to enhance efficiency, productivity, and decision-making in both personal and professional settings.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by shreya prasad -
Re: Section 1.2 Discussion: Similar to a digital tool, an information system assists in the efficient management and use of information by individuals and organizations. To collect, store, and process data, picture a system that combines databases, software, and computers. You can make better decisions, arrange information, and complete jobs more quickly with the aid of this system. For example, the bank's information system gets your account details, processes your transactions, and maintains the security of your information when you use your phone to check your account. Behind-the-scenes technology is what automates daily operations and boosts company efficiency.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Mohammed Areeb -
An information system is like a complex machine that helps us manage and use information efficiently. Think of it as a combination of tools, like computers and software, along with people and processes that work together to collect, store, manage, and share data. For example, when you use your phone to check the weather or your bank account, you're interacting with an information system. It organizes all the data behind the scenes so you can easily access the information you need, making everyday tasks quicker and simpler
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Amelia Smith -
Just as the name implies, 'information system' is a system in which its' core is about information. Taking apart the two words, information frankly means processed data that as much as possible is true and a system is a collection of things that work together to perform as a whole. Combining these two together, an information system is made up of numerous pieces of information that are organized, sorted, verified, and encapsulated in a single 'place'. But it does not stop there, information systems are designed to enable one to access, update, input, or even delete information in the shortest time possible. And they are also made with the security of information and the user in mind.
In reply to Amelia Smith

Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Muhammad Akbar Haikal -
Considering the multifaceted nature of information systems, which involve the organization, sorting, verification, and packaging of information, how would you architect an information system that simultaneously maximizes real-time data accessibility, ensures data integrity and security, and adheres to diverse and evolving regulatory compliance standards across multiple jurisdictions? Please elaborate on the specific methodologies, technologies, and governance frameworks you would employ, and discuss the potential challenges and solutions in integrating these components into a cohesive and efficient system.
In reply to Amelia Smith

Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Muhammad Akbar Haikal -
Considering the multifaceted nature of information systems, which involve the organization, sorting, verification, and packaging of information, how would you architect an information system that simultaneously maximizes real-time data accessibility, ensures data integrity and security, and adheres to diverse and evolving regulatory compliance standards across multiple jurisdictions? Please elaborate on the specific methodologies, technologies, and governance frameworks you would employ, and discuss the potential challenges and solutions in integrating these components into a cohesive and efficient system.
In reply to Muhammad Akbar Haikal

Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Lutfiar Aldin Hidayatuloh -
Pertama-tama, metodologi yang tepat dalam merancang sistem informasi haruslah berorientasi pada pengelolaan siklus hidup data yang komprehensif, seperti pendekatan Agile atau DevOps, yang memungkinkan pengembangan iteratif dan adaptif. Pendekatan ini memfasilitasi respons cepat terhadap perubahan kebutuhan bisnis dan regulasi. Selain itu, dalam aspek teknologi, implementasi basis data yang efisien seperti basis data berdistribusi atau teknologi blockchain dapat meningkatkan integritas dan keamanan data. Penggunaan teknologi enkripsi dan teknik otonom seperti machine learning untuk deteksi ancaman juga diperlukan untuk menjaga keamanan data.

Kerangka tata kelola seperti COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) atau ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) memberikan panduan yang jelas dalam mengelola risiko keamanan dan kepatuhan. Mengintegrasikan kepatuhan dengan standar seperti GDPR, HIPAA, atau PCI DSS membutuhkan pengelolaan proaktif terhadap kebijakan keamanan, audit, dan pelaporan. Penegakan aturan akses berbasis peran (role-based access control) dan monitoring audit secara real-time sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa data hanya diakses oleh pihak yang berwenang.

Namun, ada beberapa tantangan dalam mengintegrasikan semua komponen ini. Salah satunya adalah kompleksitas peraturan yang berbeda di berbagai yurisdiksi, yang memerlukan pemahaman mendalam dan adaptasi sistem yang fleksibel. Selain itu, biaya implementasi teknologi tinggi dan kebutuhan akan keahlian teknis yang mendalam menjadi faktor lain yang perlu diperhatikan. Solusi untuk mengatasi tantangan ini termasuk investasi dalam pelatihan SDM, kemitraan dengan penyedia layanan keamanan yang terpercaya, dan penilaian risiko secara terus-menerus untuk memastikan sistem tetap relevan dan efektif.

Dengan menerapkan pendekatan holistik ini, organisasi dapat membangun sistem informasi yang tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan operasional dan strategis mereka, tetapi juga memastikan kepatuhan yang kuat terhadap peraturan dan keamanan data yang tinggi dalam lingkungan bisnis yang semakin terkoneksi dan terintegrasi.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Mhd Rizky Maulana -
An information system is a framework consisting of interrelated hardware, software, and procedures to collect, store, manage, and process data into information that is useful to an organization or individual. It includes not only computers and networks, but also the way in which data is collected, stored, and used to support decision-making and daily operations. Information systems help in automating business processes, improving efficiency, and enabling faster and more timely access to information needed to run and manage business or personal activities.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Muhamad Rizqi Sobari -
In my opinion, an information system is a series of components that are interconnected and work together to collect, process, store and distribute information to achieve certain goals. Information systems are not only limited to computers, but also involve people, procedures and the infrastructure that supports them.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Muhammad Japar Sodiq -
Think of an information system as a smart tool that helps us manage information. It consists of several parts, such as computers, data, software, and people who work together to collect, store, process, and share information.

This information system is like the brain of an organization or company, helping them make decisions, improve efficiency, and achieve goals.

For example, an information system in an online store helps them manage inventory, process orders, and handle payments. An information system in a bank helps them store customer data, conduct financial transactions, and provide customer service.

In short, information systems are essential tools in this digital age that help us organize and utilize information better.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Muhammad Japar Sodiq -
Imagine an information system as a digital toolbox that helps us collect, store, and organize all sorts of information, like online shopping websites keeping track of your orders or your phone's calendar reminding you of appointments. This toolbox uses computers, programs, and even the internet to make this information easily accessible and helpful, allowing us to make better decisions and get things done more efficiently.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by 092_Lukmanul Hakim -
An information system is a series of connected components that collect, process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization. Information systems consist of related components that work together to collect, process, store, and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization within an organization.
Information systems can be viewed as having five main components: hardware, software, data, people, and processes.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Muhamad Alfani -
Information system is a framework that collects, stores, processes, and utilizes data within an organization. It combines technology, data, and procedures to support decision-making and daily operations more efficiently and effectively.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by M.Abu Khoeruddin -
In my opinion, an information system is something that must exist in a company or institution in order to make it easier to store, organize and distribute data in the form of information so that coordination and decision making can occur quickly and precisely.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Reynaldo Acosta -
An information system is best explained as a concept more than a physical thing, the concept being a tool/resource that typically involves a technical side with Hardware, software, and data while also involving people who act as support staff who can develop and better refine processes to greater benefit a firm. The main purpose of an information system is for companies to complete tasks and handle data to better handle operations within the firm, these tasks can include collecting data, supporting operations through organization, managing information, and even assisting in the decision making process so that operations can run more smoothly potentially saving money for a company. They are integral to any business and can only act in simplifying loads of information to be put to use through practical application by the people.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Omini Bassey Obono -
Information system technology refers to the use of various tools, hardware, software, and processes to collect, store, retrieve, process, analyze, and transmit information within an organization. It involves the application of technology in managing and processing data and information to support decision-making, operations, and overall business processes. Information system technology encompasses various components such as databases, networks, software applications, and information security systems, all working together to facilitate the efficient flow of information within and between organizations.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Nwabisa Ncobela -
information system is a collection of interrelated components that collect, process, store and distribute information.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Nika Surovcová -
It's the way that computers and people work together to make up better processes to bring value to a company.
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Re: Section 1.2 Discussion

by Aakanksha Solanki -
It is basically the interrelated components which are the backbone of collecting, processing, storing and also distributing the information for the perfect decision making process of any organisation which not only depends on technology but also the person and the process (set of steps to do a work ).