1.1 Discussion

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1.1 Discussion

Number of replies: 38

  1. Do you agree with the differences in the definitions of ethics and morals? Why or why not? 
  2. What would you add to these definitions? What would you delete from them?

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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Christopher chris -
1. Ethics and Morals refer to the right and wrong behaviors and conduct while they are sometimes used interchangeably. Ehtics refers to rules provided by an eternal sources, While Morala refer to an individuals principle regarding right and wrong. I agree. You know what the right thing is, You do the right thing, For the right reasons.

2. No, I would not change anything because ethics and morals were written by philosophers who formulated these principles who am I to change anything
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Kyla Mae Capal -
1. I do agree with the differences in the definition of ethics and moral, as the differences can be attributed to a combination of linguistic nuances, philosophical perspectives, cultural diversity, interdisciplinary variances, everyday language use, and historical context. Language is inherently dynamic, and the meanings of words can shift across regions, cultures, and academic disciplines

2. To refine these definitions, one could emphasize that ethics typically involves the study and application of systematic principles governing behavior in specific domains like professions, institutions, or societies. Additionally, morals could be specified as personal beliefs about what is right or wrong, often shaped by individual values, culture, or religion. It might be beneficial to delete any rigid demarcation between the terms, recognizing the fluidity in their usage and the fact that, for many, they are used interchangeably in everyday language. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding that considers both the systemic and personal aspects of ethical considerations.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by asifa shaikh -
1. I do agree with the differences in the definition of ethics and moral, as the differences can be attributed to a combination of linguistic nuances, philosophical perspectives, cultural diversity, interdisciplinary variances, everyday language use, and historical context. Language is inherently dynamic, and the meanings of words can shift across regions, cultures, and academic disciplines

2. To refine these definitions, one could emphasize that ethics typically involves the study and application of systematic principles governing behavior in specific domains like professions, institutions, or societies. Additionally, morals could be specified as personal beliefs about what is right or wrong, often shaped by individual values, culture, or religion. It might be beneficial to delete any rigid demarcation between the terms, recognizing the fluidity in their usage and the fact that, for many, they are used interchangeably in everyday language. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding that considers both the systemic and personal aspects of ethical considerations.

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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Gale Wollerman -
1. Yes, I do agree with the differences in the definitions of ethics and morals because ethics always come from an outside source. For instance, I have to take a required training in our company's ethics every year. The ethics training remind the employees that it is important for the company as well as the individual employee to live and work by these ethics in order to maintain healthy ties between the company and individual and the individual and and the client. I agree with the definition given for morals. Most individuals are taught moral from their parents or the community around them. So, not an outside source or regulation but a way to maintain and exist in a family or like family unit.
2. I would add more examples of what outside sources constitute in the definition for ethics. I would not delete anything for either definition.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Jessica Ross -
1. I do agree with the differences between the definition of ethics and morals. Ethics are rules and guidelines what are designed to keep us all unified in a common area. These come from outside sources. Morals are feeling and beliefs that normally come from how you feel within and you decide what is good or bad and right or wrong.

2. I think the only thing I would add is just better/ more examples. It can be hard to distinguish the difference sometimes because they are so similar. I would not take away from them at all.
In reply to Jessica Ross

Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Shenell Dorsett -
the ethis moral are different why because it good and bad 1

2 can be form annd pass from the words
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Sabina Yusupova -
I agree that there are differences in the definitions of ethics and morality, although these concepts are closely related.

ethics is generally viewed as the systematic study of what is right and wrong and the principles that should guide our behavior. it focuses on the theoretical foundations and philosophical principles underlying moral judgments.

morality, on the other hand, refers to practical norms and rules of behavior that determine what is right or wrong in specific situations. morality is more focused on everyday life and the application of ethical principles.

I would add that ethics also includes the study of how we should live and what values ​​should guide our actions. it addresses more fundamental questions about the nature of goodness, justice, duty and responsibility.

As for morality, I would emphasize that it not only determines what is right or wrong, but also influences our emotions, attitudes and behavior. morality is closely related to cultural, religious and social norms.

Overall, I believe that ethics and morality are complementary concepts that together help us understand how we should live and act. they play an important role in shaping our worldview and guiding our decisions and actions
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Renalyn Nastor -
1. For me, I agree with the given definitions between ethics and morals since that it is clearly stated that to have moral is what it makes to do it right based on personal perceptions. Whereas, ethics is something to follow what is right according to the general moral standards and acceptable by many.
2. For me, those definitions is enough so far unless that there is a new situation or dilemma that needs to be question and asking why and how does it exist or happend, and make a conclusion out of it.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

1. Yes I agree with the differences in the definitions of ethics and morals. They are related in concepts but have distinct meaning and implications.
Ethics refers to a system of moral principles or standard governing conduct of a particular group and it involves the study of right and wrong behavior, while morals on the other hand refers to an individuals personal belief, values and principles that guide their behavior and decision making.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Asvini Palani -
Ethics and Morals refer to the right and wrong behaviors and conduct while they are sometimes used interchangeably. Ehtics refers to rules provided by an eternal sources, While Morala refer to an individuals principle regarding right and wrong. I agree. You know what the right thing is, You do the right thing, For the right reasons.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Phillip Mwale -
I certainly agree, because ethics and morals are the two systems that helps us to understand what is wrong or right,what to do or what should not be done.

Secondly,I would add ," man kind is amazingly intelligent and possosses innomus amount of power through knowledge by understanding the concept of life.
And I would not delete anything.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Uzma Qureshi -
Yes, I agree with the differences in the definitions of ethics and morals. Ethics typically refers to a set of principles or guidelines that govern behavior within a particular context, such as a profession or organization. It often involves considerations of what is considered right or wrong within that context and may be influenced by cultural norms, laws, and philosophical principles.

On the other hand, morals generally refer to an individual's personal beliefs or principles regarding what is right or wrong. Morality is often shaped by personal experiences, upbringing, religion, and cultural background. While ethics can be seen as more external and context-specific, morals are often considered more internal and subjective.

To enhance these definitions, I would emphasize that while ethics can vary depending on the context, morals are deeply personal and may not always align with societal or institutional norms. Additionally, I would highlight that both ethics and morals play important roles in guiding human behavior and decision-making.

As for deletions, I don't see anything inherently incorrect in the definitions provided. However, it's worth noting that these definitions are not universally agreed upon and may vary depending on the perspective of different philosophers, ethicists, and scholars.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Ruchi Kameshwar -
Yes, I agree with the distinctions between ethics and morals. Here's why:

Differentiating between morals and ethics helps clarify the nature of our values and principles. By understanding that morals are personal and ethics are social or professional, we can better navigate complex situations where personal beliefs and professional standards might conflict.
In real-world scenarios, the distinction is practical. For example, a doctor might face a situation where their personal morals (e.g., opposition to abortion) conflict with medical ethics (e.g., providing safe, non-judgmental healthcare). Recognizing the difference helps in making decisions that are both personally and professionally responsible.

Morals are deeply influenced by culture, religion, and individual experiences, and they vary widely across different societies. Ethics, especially professional ethics, aim to establish common ground and consistent standards of behavior that transcend individual cultural differences. This distinction is crucial in multicultural settings to foster mutual respect and cooperation.

Ethics provide a normative framework that guides professional conduct, ensuring accountability and trust in various fields such as medicine, law, and business. This framework is often formalized in codes of conduct and regulations, which would be less effective if they were based solely on individual morals, given their variability.

Philosophically, the study of ethics (ethics) often involves analyzing and evaluating different moral systems and theories to develop guidelines for human behavior. This academic distinction helps in systematically addressing moral dilemmas and ethical questions.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Neha Gupta -
Yes, I agree with the differences in the definitions of ethics and morals for several reasons. Differentiating between ethics and morals helps in understanding and discussing human behavior with greater precision. Morals pertain to individual beliefs about right and wrong, often rooted in cultural, religious, or personal values. Ethics, on the other hand, involve systematic principles and rules that guide behavior, often within a professional or societal context.Morals are personal and can vary widely between individuals and cultures. They are subjective and can change over time. Ethics, however, are more objective and universal within specific contexts, such as professional fields.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Ankur Bisht -

 I do agree with the differences in the definition of ethics and moral, as the differences can be attributed to a combination of linguistic nuances, philosophical perspectives, cultural diversity, interdisciplinary variances, everyday language use, and historical context. Language is inherently dynamic, and the meanings of words can shift across regions, cultures, and academic disciplines

2. To refine these definitions, one could emphasize that ethics typically involves the study and application of systematic principles governing behavior in specific domains like professions, institutions, or societies. Additionally, morals could be specified as personal beliefs about what is right or wrong, often shaped by individual values, culture, or religion. It might be beneficial to delete any rigid demarcation between the terms, recognizing the fluidity in their usage and the fact that, for many, they are used interchangeably in everyday language. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding that considers both the systemic and personal aspects of ethical considerations.

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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Ankur Bisht Bisht -
of ethics and moral, as the differences can be attributed to a combination of linguistic nuances, philosophical perspectives, cultural diversity, interdisciplinary variances, everyday language use, and historical context. Language is inherently dynamic, and the meanings of words can shift across regions, cultures, and academic disciplines

2. To refine these definitions, one could emphasize that ethics typically involves the study and application of systematic principles governing behavior in specific domains like professions, institutions, or societies. Additionally, morals could be specified as personal beliefs about what is right or wrong, often shaped by individual values, culture, or religion. It might be beneficial to delete any rigid demarcation between the terms, recognizing the fluidity in their usage and the fact that, for many, they are used interchangeably in everyday language. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding that considers both the systemic and personal aspects of ethical considerations.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Seedorf Appiah Agyemang -
1. I agree with the distinctions between the definitions of ethics and morals, as these differences can be attributed to a combination of linguistic nuances, philosophical perspectives, cultural diversity, interdisciplinary variances, everyday language use, and historical context. Language is inherently dynamic, and the meanings of words can shift across regions, cultures, and academic disciplines.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Seedorf Appiah Agyemang -
2. To refine these definitions, one could emphasize that ethics typically involves the study and application of systematic principles governing behavior in specific domains such as professions, institutions, or societies. Additionally, morals could be specified as personal beliefs about what is right or wrong, often shaped by individual values, culture, or religion. It might be beneficial to avoid rigidly demarcating between the terms, recognizing the fluidity in their usage and the fact that, for many, they are used interchangeably in everyday language. This approach allows for a more nuanced understanding that considers both the systemic and personal aspects of ethical considerations.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Toki Tahmid -
The definitions of ethics and morals often overlap but are typically distinguished in philosophical discourse. Here's a brief overview of each:

Ethics: Usually refers to the systematic study of what is right and wrong, involving a set of principles or a code of conduct that guides behavior. Ethics tends to be more theoretical, concerned with the principles and frameworks that underpin decision-making processes.

Morals: Often refers to personal or cultural values and beliefs about what is right and wrong. Morals are more subjective and can vary greatly between individuals and cultures, representing the practical application of ethical principles in everyday life.

Agreement with the Distinction:

Scope and Application: I agree with this distinction because it helps clarify the scope and application of each term. Ethics as a theoretical framework can encompass a wide range of principles applicable to different situations, while morals are the concrete actions and decisions individuals make based on their personal or cultural beliefs.

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity: This distinction also aligns with the idea that ethics aims for a more objective and universal set of principles, whereas morals are inherently subjective and can vary significantly across different societies and individuals.

Consistency and Debate: From a practical standpoint, separating ethics and morals allows for a more structured debate about right and wrong. Ethical theories provide a foundation for discussing and resolving moral dilemmas, while moral beliefs offer insights into how these theories are interpreted and applied in real-life contexts.

2. The definitions of ethics and morals often overlap but are typically distinguished in philosophical discourse. Here's a brief overview of each:

Ethics: Usually refers to the systematic study of what is right and wrong, involving a set of principles or a code of conduct that guides behavior. Ethics tends to be more theoretical, concerned with the principles and frameworks that underpin decision-making processes.

Morals: Often refers to personal or cultural values and beliefs about what is right and wrong. Morals are more subjective and can vary greatly between individuals and cultures, representing the practical application of ethical principles in everyday life.

Agreement with the Distinction:

Scope and Application: I agree with this distinction because it helps clarify the scope and application of each term. Ethics as a theoretical framework can encompass a wide range of principles applicable to different situations, while morals are the concrete actions and decisions individuals make based on their personal or cultural beliefs.

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity: This distinction also aligns with the idea that ethics aims for a more objective and universal set of principles, whereas morals are inherently subjective and can vary significantly across different societies and individuals.

Consistency and Debate: From a practical standpoint, separating ethics and morals allows for a more structured debate about right and wrong. Ethical theories provide a foundation for discussing and resolving moral dilemmas, while moral beliefs offer insights into how these theories are interpreted and applied in real-life contexts.

However, it's important to note that in everyday language, the terms are often used interchangeably, and the distinction may not always be clear-cut. Despite this, the nuanced differences help in academic and professional discussions, offering a clearer framework for analyzing human behavior and decision-making.

In conclusion, I agree with the differences in the definitions of ethics and morals because they provide a useful framework for understanding and evaluating human conduct, both in theory and in practice.

What would you add to these definitions? What would you delete from them?


To refine the definitions of ethics and morals, let's consider both conceptual clarity and practical utility.


Refined Definition: Ethics refers to the systematic study and application of principles that define what is good, right, and just. It encompasses the frameworks and theories that guide decision-making and behavior within a societal or professional context.

Addition: Highlight the application in societal or professional contexts, indicating that ethics often guides organizational, legal, and professional conduct.

Deletion: Remove the notion that ethics is purely theoretical. Emphasize its practical implications and real-world applications.


Refined Definition: Morals are the personal or culturally specific beliefs and values regarding what is right and wrong. They are the practical expressions of individual or collective ethical standards, influenced by societal norms, religion, and personal experiences.

Addition: Include the influence of societal norms, religion, and personal experiences to provide a broader understanding of where morals originate and how they evolve.

Deletion: There's nothing specific to delete from the original definition but clarify that morals are not just subjective but can also be shared within a culture or community.

Revised Definitions:

Ethics: The systematic study and application of principles that define what is good, right, and just. Ethics encompasses the frameworks and theories that guide decision-making and behavior within societal, organizational, and professional contexts. It seeks to provide universal or broadly applicable guidelines for conduct.

Morals: The personal or culturally specific beliefs and values regarding what is right and wrong. Morals are the practical expressions of ethical standards, influenced by societal norms, religion, and personal experiences. They dictate how individuals and groups interpret and apply ethical principles in everyday life.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Upendra Bisht -
Ethics and Morals refer to the right and wrong behaviors and conduct while they are sometimes used interchangeably. Ehtics refers to rules provided by an eternal sources, While Morala refer to an individuals principle regarding right and wrong. I agree. You know what the right thing is, You do the right thing, For the right reasons.

2. No, I would not change anything because ethics and morals were written by philosophers who formulated these principles who am I to change anything
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Upendra Bisht -

Ethics and Morals refer to the right and wrong behaviors and conduct while they are sometimes used interchangeably. Ehtics refers to rules provided by an eternal sources, While Morala refer to an individuals principle regarding right and wrong. I agree. You know what the right thing is, You do the right thing, For the right reasons.

2. No, I would not

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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Paige Rahming -
I agree with the distinctions between ethics and morals. While they are interconnected, they have distinct meanings and implications. Ethics pertains to a framework of moral principles or standards governing the actions of a specific group and involves the exploration of right and wrong behavior. Morals, in contrast, pertain to an individual's personal beliefs, values, and principles that guide their actions and decision-making.

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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Gloria Ramburun -
The definitions of ethics and morals can vary depending on context and perspective, but generally, they are often used interchangeably in everyday language. However, in philosophical and academic discussions, there can be distinctions drawn between the two:

Ethics: Ethics typically refers to a systematic study of moral principles, rules, and values that guide and govern the behavior of individuals or groups within a specific context or profession. It often involves philosophical inquiry into what is right or wrong, good or bad, and the justification of moral judgments.

Morals: Morals, on the other hand, are often understood as the personal or cultural beliefs, values, and practices concerning what is considered right or wrong behavior. Morals are more subjective and can vary widely between individuals, cultures, religions, and societies.

Differences and Agreement:
Overlap: There is significant overlap between ethics and morals, especially in everyday usage. Both terms generally refer to principles or standards of conduct that guide individuals and societies in distinguishing between right and wrong.

Philosophical Nuance: In philosophical discussions, ethics tends to focus more on systematic analysis, justification, and application of moral principles across different situations and contexts. Morals may be seen as more personal, culturally specific, or intuitive beliefs about right and wrong.

What Would I Add or Delete:
Add: It might be useful to emphasize that ethics often includes a broader consideration of moral principles and theories, while morals are often seen as more individual or culturally specific. Adding clarity on how ethics can encompass both theoretical inquiry and practical application in various domains (like applied ethics) could enhance understanding.

Delete: I would avoid completely separating ethics and morals as if they are entirely distinct realms. While distinctions can be helpful in certain contexts (like academic discourse), in practice, they are often intertwined, and many discussions use the terms interchangeably.

Ultimately, the distinctions between ethics and morals can be useful in specific discussions, particularly in academic and philosophical contexts. However, in everyday usage and in many practical applications, the terms are often used interchangeably to refer to principles and standards of behavior. It's essential to recognize both the similarities and differences to foster clearer communication and understanding in ethical discussions.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Mekell Turnquest -
1. Yes, I believe that ethics and morals are closely related but they do have some differences in their meanings. Morals are more personal beliefs and principles that guides one's behavior, often influenced by culture, religion and individual conscience. However, Ethics are more social standards and rules govern by an institution.

2. No, I would not add or delete from the definitions thought.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Tamika Ferguson -
Both are used interchangeably. Ultimately, they basis of their meanings share a common interest into right or wrong actions and the belief systems behind them. Therefore I agree with the definitions of both on the grounds that they are fundamentally similar.
If I were to add anything to the definitions it would be that they are both relative to individuals who apply them and use them in practice and to exercise due concern.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Tristan Sherman -
1. I do agree with the differences on the definitions of ethics and morals. Ethics refers to guidelines established by communities or a group of people. Whereas, morals refers to a personal belief. However, a person can be ethical but not moral. A person can learn from what is wrong.
2. I would not add any further to the definitions. I think it's really understanding and straight-forward. Furthermore, those definitions were written by philosophers so their work should not be changed.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Charltonique Knowles -
1. Ethics and morals are used interchangeably to describe right and improper actions and conduct. Ethics refers to norms established by eternal sources, whereas morality refers to an individual's principles of good and evil. I agree. You know the proper thing, and you do it for the correct reasons.

2. No, I would not change anything because ethics and morals were established by philosophers who formulated these ideas; who am I to change them?
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Mohammed Bello -
I agree with the differences in the definitions of ethics and morals. Ethics typically refer to a system of principles and rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group or culture. They are often codified in professional codes or societal norms. Morals, on the other hand, are personal principles acquired from society, culture, or individual experiences that guide one's own behavior.

To these definitions, I would add that ethics are often externally imposed and can vary widely between different professional fields or societies. For instance, legal ethics might differ from medical ethics. Conversely, morals are more intrinsic and personal, often rooted in an individual’s upbringing, religious beliefs, and personal values.

I wouldn’t delete anything specific from these definitions, but I would emphasize the dynamic nature of both concepts. Both ethics and morals can evolve over time with societal changes and personal growth, which is crucial to understanding their application in different contexts.
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Re: 1.1 Discussion

by Ed Martin -
1. Yes, I agree with the differences because the definitions clarify how to navigate ethical and moral decisions.
2. Add in that they are closely related, and they depend on context. Delete the idea that it is a simple choice for complex situations.