3.1 Discussion

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3.1 Discussion

Number of replies: 23

Explain what Earth Day means to you and how you can apply this to your daily activities. Give specific examples on what you currently do to help. What possible activities you could do in the future to help more?

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Annu Adhikari -
As we all know Earth day is celebrated on 22 April from 1970 and for me this day is means to support and protect our environment and spread awareness about possible environmental hazards. I currently do for help clean my environment and surrounding plant trees as much as possible and in future I will surely help more from myself
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by asifa shaikh -
Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earths natural resources for future generations. The first Earth Day was held April 22, 1970.

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Kyla Mae Capal -
Earth Day is a reminder of our collective responsibility to care for the planet. Personally, I emphasize sustainability in my daily activities. I reduce single-use plastics by using reusable bags and water bottles, practice energy conservation by turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use, and participate in recycling programs.

In the future, I could further reduce my carbon footprint by exploring alternative transportation methods, supporting local and sustainable products, and engaging in community clean-up initiatives. Additionally, promoting environmental awareness through social media or participating in educational programs could contribute to a broader positive impact.
In reply to Kyla Mae Capal

Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Trish Kyla Rivera Caliso -
Earth Day, an annual event on April 22nd, emphasizes environmental protection and sustainable practices. Celebrating it involves collective efforts to preserve the planet for future generations. In daily life, one can reduce their carbon footprint by recycling, conserving energy, using public transportation, reducing plastic use, and supporting sustainable practices. Future activities to help the environment include planting trees, reducing meat consumption, supporting renewable energy, educating others, and participating in local environmental events.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Jessica Ross -

Earth day has always meant so much to me. I have always believed that we must put back more of what we take. By this I mean if you cut down five trees then I believe ten more should be planted. I am such an outdoor person. My kids and I go camping and we love the beauty of nature. For Earth day my family plants a tree. I think this year I want us all to plant one! Maybe help a little more! 

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Mudassir Nawaz khan -
Hmmm !
Earth day has always meant so much to me. I have always believed that we must put back more of what we take. By this I mean if you cut down five trees then I believe ten more should be planted.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Neha Gupta -
Earth Day holds significant meaning for me as a reminder of the importance of environmental stewardship and the need to protect our planet for future generations. It serves as a call to action to reflect on our individual and collective impact on the Earth and to take steps to minimize harm and promote sustainability.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Ruchi Kameshwar -

Earth Day holds significant meaning for me as a reminder of the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainable living. It serves as a call to action to protect and preserve the Earth's natural resources for current and future generations. To me, Earth Day is about recognizing the interconnectedness of all life on Earth and acknowledging our responsibility to care for our planet.

In my daily activities, I strive to incorporate environmentally friendly practices and reduce my ecological footprint. Some specific examples of what I currently do to help include:

1. Reducing Waste: I minimize single-use plastics by using reusable water bottles, shopping bags, and containers. I also recycle and compost whenever possible to divert waste from landfills.

2. Conserving Energy: I make conscious efforts to conserve energy by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and reducing heating and cooling consumption.

3.Sustainable Transportation: I prioritize walking, biking, or using public transportation whenever feasible to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles. I also carpool or combine errands to minimize driving.

4. Supporting Eco-Friendly Products: I choose products that are sustainably sourced, ethically produced, and have minimal environmental impact. This includes opting for organic and locally grown foods, eco-friendly cleaning supplies, and cruelty-free cosmetics.

By continuously striving to incorporate these actions into my daily life and expanding my efforts to include more proactive measures, I hope to contribute to the collective effort to safeguard our planet and promote a healthier, more sustainable future for all.

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Sakshi Rawat -
Earth day has always meant so much to me. I have always believed that we must put back more of what we take. By this I mean if you cut down five trees then I believe ten more should be planted. I am such an outdoor person. My kids and I go camping and we love the beauty of nature. For Earth day my family plants a tree. I think this year I want us all to plant one! Maybe help a little more!
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Ankur Bisht -

As we all know Earth day is celebrated on 22 April from 1970 and for me this day is means to support and protect our environment and spread awareness about possible environmental hazards. I currently do for help clean my environment and surrounding plant trees as much as possible and in future I will surely help more from myself

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Ankur Bisht -

As we all know Earth day is celebrated on 22 April from 1970 and for me this day is means to support and protect our environment and spread awareness about possible environmental hazards. I currently do for help clean my environment and surrounding plant trees as much as possible and in future I will surely help more from myself

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Ankur Bisht Bisht -
As we all know Earth day is celebrated on 22 April from 1970 and for me this day is means to support and protect our environment and spread awareness about possible environmental hazards. I currently do for help clean my environment and surrounding plant trees as much as possible and in future I will surely help more from myself
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Seedorf Appiah Agyemang -
Earth Day has always held great significance for me. I firmly believe that we should replenish more than we consume. For instance, if we cut down five trees, I believe we should plant ten more. As someone who loves the outdoors, I frequently go camping with my kids, and we deeply appreciate the beauty of nature. Every Earth Day, my family plants a tree. This year, I want us all to each plant one! Maybe we can contribute a bit more to the environment.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Upendra Bisht -
Earth day has always meant so much to me. I have always believed that we must put back more of what we take. By this I mean if you cut down five trees then I believe ten more should be planted. I am such an outdoor person. My kids and I go camping and we love the beauty of nature. For Earth day my family plants a tree. I think this year I want us all to plant one! Maybe help a little more!
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Upendra Bisht -

Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earths natural resources for future generations. The first Earth Day was held April 22, 1970.

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Paige Rahming -
Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd, aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote actions to protect the planet. Its core message encourages individuals, communities, and governments to take action to reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and protect wildlife. To apply its principles, individuals can practice the three R's of waste reduction, conserve energy and water, use environmentally friendly products, reduce their carbon footprint, and support environmental organizations. 

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Paige Rahming -
Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd, aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote actions to protect the planet. Its core message encourages individuals, communities, and governments to take action to reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and protect wildlife. To apply its principles, individuals can practice the three R's of waste reduction, conserve energy and water, use environmentally friendly products, reduce their carbon footprint, and support environmental organizations. 

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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Mekell Turnquest -
Earth day to me is a significant reminder of the importance of the environmental stewardship and sustainability in our daily lives. I will strive to participate in recycle programs, conserve energy by turning off electricity when not utilized. In the future, I would like to way to further reduce food waste and its impact on the environment.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Gloria Ramburun -
Earth Day to me signifies a reminder and a call to action to protect our planet and promote environmental sustainability. It's a day to reflect on our impact on the Earth and commit to making positive changes in our daily lives.

Currently, here are some specific actions I take to contribute to environmental protection:

Reducing waste: I actively reduce my consumption of single-use plastics and other disposable items. For instance, I carry a reusable water bottle and coffee mug, use reusable shopping bags, and try to purchase products with minimal packaging.

Energy conservation: I strive to minimize energy consumption at home by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and adjusting thermostat settings to conserve energy.

Transportation choices: I opt for eco-friendly transportation whenever possible, such as walking, cycling, carpooling, or using public transportation. When I do drive, I try to combine trips to reduce fuel consumption.

Supporting sustainable products: I choose products that are sustainably produced and sourced, such as organic and locally grown food, Fair Trade items, and products with eco-friendly certifications (like Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood).

Looking ahead, here are some additional activities I could incorporate into my routine to further support Earth Day objectives:

Advocacy and education: I could engage more actively in environmental advocacy by supporting policies that promote sustainability and educating others about the importance of environmental conservation.

Composting and gardening: Starting a composting system at home and growing some of my own food would reduce waste and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

Volunteering: I could volunteer for local environmental organizations or participate in community clean-up events to directly contribute to improving the environment in my area.

Carbon footprint reduction: Continually assessing and reducing my carbon footprint by exploring alternative energy sources, such as installing solar panels if feasible, and offsetting unavoidable emissions through reputable carbon offset programs.

By integrating these actions into my daily life and expanding my efforts over time, I can contribute more effectively to Earth Day's mission of promoting environmental stewardship and sustainability. Each small step adds up to making a positive difference for our planet's future.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Tristan Sherman -
Earth Day is a celebratory day to remind persons that the environment should be kept clean at all times.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Charltonique Knowles -
Earth Day is an annual event that recognizes the successes of the environmental movement and raises awareness about the importance of protecting the Earth's natural resources for future generations. Earth Day is observed on April 22 in the United States and on either April 22 or the day of the spring equinox around the rest of the world.

As the millennium approached, the Earth Day movement shifted its focus to the mounting reality of the looming climate disaster, sending a clear message to world leaders and businesses: urgent action is required to combat global warming.

The message is much more relevant today. According to the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment, unless more rapid action is taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the globe will experience temperatures 3.2°C higher than pre-industrial levels by 2100. This kind of warming would be disastrous for the Earth and all life on it, including humans.

The year 2023 was the hottest on record.

According to the World Economic Forum's Global hazards Report 2024, environmental hazards will account for half of the top ten risks over the next decade, with extreme weather occurrences, major changes to Earth's systems, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem collapse ranking first through third.
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Re: 3.1 Discussion

by Shima Maheen -
Earth Day is a day to think about how we can help the planet. Here’s how I try to help and what I plan to do:

What I Do Now:

Recycle: I separate items like paper and plastic from regular trash.
Save Energy and Water: I turn off lights and fix any water leaks.
Buy Smart: I choose local and organic foods when shopping.
Share: I tell friends and family about taking care of the environment and help with clean-ups.
What I Plan to Do:

Reduce Waste: I want to start composting food scraps and use less plastic.
Save More Energy: I might look into using solar panels and better water-saving tools for my garden.
Get More Involved: I hope to join more community projects and support green causes.
These small steps help make the planet healthier for everyone.