Present Tense Discussion

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Present Tense Discussion

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For this discussion, you will share some actions in your daily or weekly schedule and practice using simple present tense, adverbs of frequency, and time expressions.

At the start of the course, you have identified the verb tense, aspect, and mood in a sentence. Now that you know more about the simple and continuous aspects of present tense, you can use it more confidently to express your ideas in English.


For this discussion, share five or six actions in your daily/weekly schedule compared with the schedule of a family member or friend. When you write your sentences, use the simple present tense, adverbs of frequency, and time expressions.

You can prepare a few questions to find out how your family member or friend has a different or similar schedule to yours. Write about ten sentences describing your routines. Share your answer in the class discussion forum and see if anything in your routine is similar to your classmates'. If you wish, reply to your classmates to let them know or ask them a question about their routines.


Sample questions to ask myself & my sister: What time do you eat breakfast? When do you go grocery shopping?

Here is a sample paragraph to prepare for sharing in the forum:

I get up very early at 4:30am. My sister doesn't get up early. She often gets up at 9:00am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my sister doesn't like coffee at all. She likes tea instead. I am married, but I don't have any children. My sister has two children, so she is busy with them in the mornings. I leave for work at 7:00am. My sister never goes straight to work. She goes to my parents house first. She always helps them because they are very old. 

Source: Susan Caisse, Kristee Emens-Hesslink, and Jennifer Rueda,
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Bagtasos Mikaela -
I read and study everyday. My sister do not study, she always on her phone scrolling in Facebook and Tiktok almost everyday. I usually go to sleep very late. My sister always sleep early than me. I get up every morning between 7:30-8:00 am in the morning. My sister wake up early but, she use her phone right away every morning. I am addicted to Tiktok, I almost scroll to it everyday, and I sometimes do the trend to it. I love organizing and cleaning, I usually do it weekly. My sister is messy, her area looks like a Thrift Store everyday. I always in my room everyday, studying and reading books.
In reply to Bagtasos Mikaela

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Gulnaz Akhtar -
I go to school daily.In school our teachers deliever lectures deligiantally.I try to focus on my study to become a successful professional teacher.
In reply to Bagtasos Mikaela

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Noorullah Mohammadi -
I thing you make mistake, because the first sentences is incorrect, the right form is like this my sister doesn't study.
In reply to Noorullah Mohammadi

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Naqash Raheem -
You also made a mistake when you told her about sentences than you should use are because word sentences are collection of sentence it mean it is plural so after sentences you should use 'are' not 'is'.
In reply to Bagtasos Mikaela

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ousman Musa -
I read text books always and my sister does not study she is never ready to study something about education she is grade 10th sudent now but she is on scrolling her phone but I am hating her careless so I advice her always and I am grade 12 studen now I am reading my books now
In reply to Bagtasos Mikaela

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by H HNi -
Hi, I am wake up in the mornigt almost around 5, but my sisters did't because they are evening person. After that, I wash my face and wear my sport clouths to go to runing. ........
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Mohammed Loukili -
Every morning, I wake up at 07:00 AM, and then I have breakfast at around 8:00 AM. I always check my emails before starting work. I usually have lunch at 12:30 PM. Furthermore, I often cook dinner at home, and afterward, I usually watch TV with my family or read a book before going to bed.
In reply to Mohammed Loukili

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Bhupendra Pandey -
I have been teaching basic english language online in Zoom nowadays. I am feeling good. I hope coming days my teaching method will improve more. All time i ma getting new techniques.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Subham Bansal -
I get up very early at 5:00am. My younger brother doesn't get up early. He often gets up at 7:00am. I always drink tea in the morning, but my brother likes milk instead. I leave for college at 8:00am. My brother finishes his online classes and then gets ready for his day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Abd Al Rahman Nasra -
I study cyper security everyday , I usually get up early at 5:00AM
When I wake up, I drink two to three glasses of water and eat three dates.
Sometimes i do some cardio for 15min.I usually workout 5 days a week.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Smail Sadki -
I study english language everyday , I usually get up early at 5:00AM
When I wake up, I drink two to three glasses of water and eat three dates.
Sometimes i do some cardio for 15min.I usually workout 5 days a week.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Işıl YILDIZ -
In summer, I usually wake up at 08:00 or 09:00 AM but my brother loves to sleep so he wakes up at 11:00 AM. After I woke up, i do my skincare routine every day. My brother goes to gym 4-5 times in a week and he goes there in the noon. I don't like gyms and i don't like do sports in the noon. So, I prefer to jog in the evenings.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Sophia Aye Myat -
My typical day starts at 6:30 am every morning. I normally go to the gym with my brother, but currently, for some reasons, I can't go there. I usually take a bath and have my breakfast. After that, I do my assignments or read a book. Sometimes I clean my room which makes me feel so much better. Soon after I have my lunch with my family and then take a nap at 1 pm. Afterwards, I go for a walk with my sister and have a quality time with her. I attend my classes at 5pm to 8pm in the evening. I often have my dinner and wash my face after the class. Then I guide my sister's lessons, pray to God and go to bed at 11:30 pm at night.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Yelyzaveta Kyiatkyna -
I get up at 7 am every day. But my husband gets up at 5 am to go to work and not be late. At 7:30 am he returns home to get breakfast, so I cook breakfast for us once I am awake. It usually takes about 20 minutes. We have a dog, so I go for a walk with her every morning. I learn English on Mondays and Wednesdays. And my husband works out twice a week to be in good shape. We go for a walk one more time with our dog every evening and have family time together.
In reply to Yelyzaveta Kyiatkyna

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Chandan chakma -
I'm chandan chakma.I usually start my day with my phone😅,but nobody does it.I always get up early in the morning without every Friday and saturday morning😅
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Stella San Seng Aung -
I usually get up at 6am in the morning and my brother always gets up at 8am. In the morning, I like listen to gospel music, but my brother doesn't like listen to gosple music. I don't like doing exercise. My brother likes doing exercise and goes to gym everyday. My brother and I have not the same personality types, but we both like pizza. I study Thai language and my brother learn Japan language. We are in the same school, but we rarely go to school together. Sometimes, we go to school together, if he wakes up early in the morning. My brother loves cats, but he doesn't like cleaning them. I love dogs and I like cleaning them.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Aek Souidi -
I wake up at 6 am every day. My brother gets up at 7 am. I am married and have two children, but he is single. I take my kids to school, and then I get on the bus to work. He usually goes to work on foot, because his work is not far from our house.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ralph Carlo Del Castillo -
I get up at 6:00 am every day but my wife always gets up at 8:00 am. I always eat breakfast, but my wife doesn't like to eat food early in the morning. I love cooking but my wife seldom cooks. I love going to the gym, but my wife hates it.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Hanane Hanane dh -
I don't wake up early, but my brother does to go to work. I have an apple on breakfast or another fruit. My brother always has milk with chocolate. I sleep late. Everyday, I try to read books in English. I usually watch my serie at night. My brother is obsessed by watching football
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Alyssa Aquilera -
Monday through Friday, I typically get out of bed at 6:00. Being an early riser, I enjoy getting my day started. The opposite is true for my friend Mark, who often sleeps in and rises around 8:30 am. I eat breakfast quickly before going to the gym to work out in the mornings. While Mark loves to work out in the evenings after work. Due to my full-time employment, I arrive at the office about 7:30am. About thirty minutes are spent on my commute. As a freelancer who works from home, Mark may set his own hours. Around 9:00 am is often when he begins his workday.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Rr Rani Mayangsari Triasmara -
I get up very early at 4:30am. I am married, and I have five children. So i am busy with them in the mornings. I read and study everyday. I have my Japanese class on Thursday and Saturday. I have my English class on Sunday and Tuesday. And I have my diploma class in forensic accounting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I usually do my assesment when my children were in school or in the night when they already sleep.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Faek Alsaraiji -
I get up early at 8:00 am, But my brother gets up at 5:00 am, he drinks coffee, I don't like coffee so I drink tea, then I go to the work, my brother go to the swimming pool.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ebrar ERKUL -
ı get up about 700 AM. I always start my day with breakfast. I eat my breakfast and start to get ready to school. I do my makup and leave my house at 8.30 am. I take the bus .And I go to school and have my clasess.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Hasibullah Aria -
I usually get up in early morning at 6 AM. After, waking up and eating breakfast I get dressed and go to college at 8 o'clock AM. afterwards, I often review my lesson when I come home everyday. It is really pleasant to have some fun during the day with friends as well. I never forget to do my assignments at night before going bed.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

My husband and I differ in a lot of things. Everyday, he wakes up very early, at around 5:30AM to prepare for his daily work while I wake up at 9:00AM to go to the office. He does not put in anything in his stomach while I eat breakfast and drink my daily coffee before going to work. I bring a lot of "not so little important things" in work while he only brings with him his belt bag and a few coins. He does not plan his daily routine while I am very much prepared and have a well-planned itinerary schedule everyday of my life. After the day's work, he goes home directly while I always do the shopping and marketing for our dinner. These are the things that makes me differ from my husband. But we get along well in some other things especially when it comes to our dreams for our family.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Silvia Junita -
I wake up at 5 and my dad wake up at 4 every morning. Sometimes I skip breakfast but my mom and my dad they always have breakfast together every morning. I go to school every week days and on weekends I often just stay at home scrolling social media. I always stay up late and my parent always sleep earlier.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Mubarak Abdalla -

I usually get up late about at 7:00 AM, immediately, I start preparing for prayer. My family members get up early instead of me. Most of my daily life is scrolling Social media platforms. I take advantage from rest of day to study English and Russian languages. At the midday I take my phone for charging because we do not have electricity, instead we use solar power. I usually drink Coffee at 2:00 PM. After that nearly at 4:00 PM I go to work in farm nearby home. Furthermore, I get to have lunch at 6:00 PM. After that have some time for family talk, then go to bed at 9:00 PM. 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by bassant Muhammed -
I wake up at 10 am then I take a shower and have my breakfast I go out for a walk then I get back home and study
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Mohamed Alaoui -
i wake up early at 8am i go to the toilet i brush my teeth i take my dinner i go to school
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ann Bajande -
For my schedule, I wake up at 7:00 AM every day. After waking up, I usually go for a morning jog. I have breakfast around 8:00 AM. I start work or attend classes at 9:00 AM. In the afternoon, I take a break around 1:00 PM for lunch. After finishing work, I like to exercise in the evening. I have dinner with my family at around 7:00 PM.
In the evenings, I often spend time reading or watching a movie.
I go to bed around 11:00 PM. As for my sister's schedule, she wakes up at 6:30 AM on weekdays. She rushes to get ready and leaves for work by 7:30 AM. She usually has lunch at her workplace around 12:30 PM. In the evening, she attends yoga classes twice a week. After coming home, she helps prepare dinner for the family. She spends time with her friends on weekends and goes out for movies or dinner. Both my sister and I wake up early, but I prefer jogging in the morning while she rushes to work. How do you like to start your mornings?
We both have structured work schedules, but she attends yoga classes in the evenings. Do you have any evening activities that help you unwind?
While I exercise in the evenings, my sister spends time with friends on weekends.
In reply to Ann Bajande

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Abdelhak Touzanii -
for me I WAKE UP AT 8: 00 AM, I take my breakfast , ater that I go to my job about 9:00
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ivanna Segovia -
I get up at 8:00am, my nephew arrives at 9:00am to my house, we take breakfast at 9:30am, then He is playing with his Nintento always and in that moment i´m cleaning my house everyday, next I'am studing english these weeks. He study sometimes with me.
In the evening i take always my medicines at 8:00pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Mind Decor -
I wake up at 4:00 am everyday. My wife does not wake up early. she often gets up at 6:00 am. I always drink green tea in the morning, but my wife does not like it at all. she likes coffee in stead. I leave for work at 09:00am and be in the office on time, but my colleagues always arrieve office later and leave earlier than me. They don't care about the job because they are careless.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by alice aksoy -
I wake up at 7:00 a.m. every weekday but i get up late every weekend. I prepare my son's snack and lunch box for school and bring him to school by car at 7:30 am.Then I come back home and i make coffee myself because i love to coffee and just i drink the coffee in my house. my husband hates to drink coffee. i eat my breakfast around 11:00 am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Jeeimy Alanis -
first, i always sleep so much so that i dont do much in my day to day life but after waking up i go to the kitchen and eat some delicious food, after that i bathe amd the rest of the day, i usually rest of the couch an then go to the kitchen to study at 11-12 in the morning. On the other hand, my sister wakes up at the 9 am and she goes to work all day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ziyad Ouali -
Sure, I'd be happy to provide a comparison between my daily/weekly schedule and that of a family member or friend:

My Daily/Weekly Schedule:

Read: I read various texts and articles online daily to stay updated.
Respond: I respond to user queries and engage in conversations regularly.
Learn: I continuously learn from new data and user interactions.
Process: I process and generate text, helping users with their questions.
Innovate: I am regularly updated to improve my capabilities and features.
Analyze: I analyze language patterns to provide relevant and accurate responses.
Family Member's/Friend's Daily/Weekly Schedule:

Commute: They commute to work every weekday, usually by car or public transport.
Work: They work from 9 AM to 5 PM in an office, dealing with various tasks.
Exercise: They go to the gym three times a week in the evenings.
Cook: They prepare dinner at home almost every night.
Read: They read a book or newspaper in the evening before bed.
Meetings: They have team meetings every Monday morning to discuss projects.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Morfat Nyabuto -
I usually wake up early in the morning but my sister wakes up at 6 a.m. I like drinking hot water in the morning when I wake up before heading to job. I like spending with my friends in the evening after work. They speak every day about football. One of my friends likes speaking in her own language.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Evjareen Orezar -
I go to work every morning at 8 am. I always eat breakfast when I arrive and start my work right away. I eat my lunch at 12 and go home at 5:30.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Hasnah Pujiastuti -
I am an early riser and get up at 4 a.m. I love how quiet it was at this time of day. Everyone at my house is still sleeping. They usually get up at 5 a.m. I use this quiet time to prepare for my lessons, open a laptop and check my emails, or read a book. But sometimes, I also like listening to a podcast.
After that, around 6 a.m. I head to the kitchen and prepare for breakfast. I take my morning walk around 7 a.m. It usually takes 45 minutes to one hour to complete a 4 km walk or at least 6000 thousand steps.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Manilyn Trasmonte -
I wake up everyday at 5:30AM. My sister does not wake up early at all. She wakes up at around noon everyday. I report to work every morning. She does not report to work every morning. By the time she wakes up, I am already drinking my second cup of coffee.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Larissa KADANGA -

I wake up early everyday, at 5:00 am, but my brother sleeps until 8:00 am. In the mornings, i take a tea, but my brother prefers coffee. On thursdays, i do some sports exercises, but my brother des not like doing sport at all. My work is near home, so i walk everytime to there, but my brother takes the  bus to go to his. We both like Reading, so every saturday night, my brother and i read a Book before going to bed. We are cleaning the room right now.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Christian Montehermoso -
My alarm rings at 6:00 in the morning. I am jumping out of bed Everytime I heard my alarm. In the morning, I always drink coffee but most of my siblings like milk instead. I am a teacher. I always go to school every Mondays to Fridays. I am teaching Grade 12 HUMSS students. When weekend, I love to play volleyball with my teammates. When I came home late, my mom gets mad at me. She is yelling at me when I went home dirty and soaked in sweat.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Mesut Özer -

Every day i woke up early and study to subjects that i need to study

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Reyaj Ahamad -
I get up early in the morning after that go to take a bath then pray for 5 minutes. My mum prepares snacks for me then i start preparing for going to school at 8 0' clock i got to school,at 1 o'clock i come back from school.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by NoRa BkiBak -
I get up at 7:00am. I go to work at 8:00 o'clock. I often watch a TV program in the evening. I visit my parents every weekend. I go to sleep at 9:00pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ejae Nicole Dizon -

I wake up every morning at exactly 7:00 am. Before I go to work I make sure to prepare my siblings breakfast first. I shower at 7:30 am and get off at our house around 8:00 am.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Josephine Mukoko -
I get up every morning at 6:30am. My mother gets up at 4:30am . I always make sports in the morning but my mother prefers meditation. My mother has a sister whom she visits every Sunday.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Trisha Jane Salvador -

Every morning, I wake up at 06:00 AM. I always check my phone before I fix my bed, then I have breakfast at around 8:00 AM. I take a bath early so that I am fresh and clean before I start to review my lessons.  I usually have lunch at 12:30 PM. Furthermore, just going around our yard to get some rest after a long day.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

I always wake up early in the morning and pray, brush my teeth, take shower, clean my shoes, iron my clothes, eat my breakfast and go to my work. I sometimes drink coffee or milk. I never drink beer or any alcohol drinks. I regularly open my computer and respond to the important emails. I daily make sure that at last I read books in thirty minutes. I also always watch news and know what's going on on the world.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Maria Umer -

I am a house wife.I wakes up early in the morning...I have three children but my sister has no child...we have three dogs in our daughter has to take care off these three dogs but she have no time to look after them properly because she is a a days she is giving exams of her grade 2......I like coffee but my husband didn't likes....but some times according to the weather he has takes daughter is very responsible she likes to have spic and spam room on the other hand my two boys always tries to mess up.....

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Jaya Jane Domo -
I wake up early to prepare for work. My brother doesn’t wake up early because he prefers to go to work late. I am single while my brother is happily taken. I am not married. My brother is already married but he doesn’t have any kids. I am very outspoken. My brother is silent and only talks when needed. I am very bubbly. My brother is intimidating.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Cristine Jane Tac-on Ibanez -
My husband get up early at 5 in the morning while I usually wake up at 6 in the morning together with my daughters. We are blessed to have him in our life because he always prepares our breakfast . He cooks our daughter's favorite hotdog and fried eggs and he also prepares sandwiches with coffee for me. While he is busy in the kitchen, i usually fold the mattresses and prepare our daughters to school. I always take them in the shower and get them dressed before we head to the kitchen. I make sure that they can eat before they go to school.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Razia Noori -

I get up at 4 oclock every morning, i read newspaper, take breakfast after use my phone and chack my email and other scoial media after i go to my job.

Mohammed Loukili

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Pilar Nuñez -

My daughter wake up early but I wake up little late in the mornig. 

My daughter go to school every day and I stay home all week days. 

My daughter eats breackfast and I do not eat in the mornings.

I drink coffe every mornig my daughter prefer milk or tea. 

My daughter love take a shower in the evenings and I love take a shower in the mornings. 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by fatma mekik -

Firstly;I get up early in the morning because I work leggings store.My friends always pick me in the job.If I have time I will eat breakfast in the morning.After then I dress up,brush my teeth,wash my face.In addiction I tidy my room.

Secondly;When I arrived work,I always organized the store and folding clothes.

Thirdly; I go home, eat dinner and rest.I live in America only 4 months,I get used to live here but this is hard to live without your family.I have do something here so I have to be patient.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Berra Ceren Cumhur -
I wake up at 6.50 am. My mom wakes up 7.10 am.
I usually eat breakfast. My mother doesnt. She prefers to eat at her work place.
While I study for my exam, my mother usually scrolls through her phone or makes dinner.
My class end at 15.50 pm. My mothers work finishes at 17.30pm.
She goes to bed at 2 am. I go to bed 12 am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Airen Albolote -
I usually wake at 7 am. I immediately pray to God for having a new day. I prepare my things and myself for my online part time.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Nitin Grover -
I always get up at 5 AM in the morning. I work from home during odd hours so this is my wake up time. My wife wakes up at 5:30 AM during weekdays to prepare meal for my children. We have two daughters who go to school every day. Once the children leave for school, I my takes a nap again while I continue to work. I usually work till 8-8:30 AM or till the work lasts. Being an employee with the Department of Delhi, my wife goes for work everyday. I often drop her to the nearby metro station in the mornings. While the children return from school usually between 2:30 to 2:45 PM, my wife returns from office at 6 PM. Quite often, at around 6:15 PM, the entire family has tea together.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Roukia Ibrahim -
Every day, I wake up at 06:00 AM and have breakfast at 06:30. Sometimes, I do some exercises before I go to work. I usually back home at 01:30 PM and start making dinner at 02:00 PM. In the evening, I watch TV with my family. Then I go to bed at 10:30PM.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

Every day, I wake up early at 6:00 AM, while my sister wakes up late at 10:00 AM.
I always drink tea and eat bread and cheese for breakfast, but my sister prefers coffee and sandwiches.
I go to work most days of the week, but my sister rarely works.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Isabella Corral -
I woke up at 8 in the morning while my mom wakes up at 7; I take a bath and have breakfast, she has breakfast and then takes a bath. I do my homework and try to squeeze in another activity while my mom gets some rest and gets ready for the day. Two hours before I go to school I start getting ready and my mom helps me prepare the food that I will take with me, finally my mother takes me to school.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Arlen Donique Lavides -
During weekdays, I always wake up at 5:30 a.m. I take a bath and have breakfast then prepare myself to go to work. I usually arrive home at 6:50 p.m., and my partner already prepares our dinner. He works at night. After dinner, I help him prepare his things for work and when he's gone, I wash myself and clean the house. I also let our cat outside for a little time. Around 9 p.m. I go to bed and sleep.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Samira Ginali -
I get up at 8:00 am while my sister gets up early at 5:00 am. She goes to school every morning while I study English online at home. She usually do not have breakfast, but for me breakfast is essential before starting my day. I am married while my sister is still single. I like to spend time alone either relaxing with mu thoughts or reading a book. In contrast, My sibling likes to go out with her friends and stay surrounded by people most of the time.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Youn Chese -
I wake up at 5:00am everyday. Then I have breakfast and go to school at 7:30am. After school, I go home at evening and make dinner. I do my homework at 7:00pm. I read some books and draw in my freetime then go to bed.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Hana Saeed -

I get up usually early morning  at 6:40am, I try to learn my son to get up early too,he doesn't get up early ,because he spends alot of time infront of T.V and computer and sleep to late at night,I take my son to his school at 7:00am and then I go to work,after return back home I am always busy with my home duties and study with my son,so my friend is single,she spends almost of her time with her friends and and for study new languages,she doesn't think about marrige or making family ,she afried of responsibility.he gets up at 9:00am and she travels abroad every year and makes new friends .

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by gabriela fabris -
is 7:30am Thursday, today I need to go to the supermarket, I am drinking my coffee and at the same time making breakfast, my daughter is hungry, i know it because she is at the table waiting for her pancakes, she never wake up before her brother, my stomach is rumbling, this beacon small delicious, we are enjoying this breakfast and also the time, is super early in compare to the other days
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Salma Sayed -
I wake up every day at husband wakes up at 01:00pm. he usually goes for work at 03:00pm.I work from home.I always have my breakfast at husband doesnot like breakfast he prefers a cup of coffee. i take care of my children. he doesnot like to stay with them.i usually go to market at night but he goes at morning.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Jelaine Villadolid -
I get up at 6:30am every day. My kids don't get up until 10am. I start my day with coffee while they start theirs with cellphones. They leave for school at 12:30pm but I stay home all day. I am a freelance customer service agent and I work remotely. We eat dinner at 7pm then do our thing before sleeping. My kids do their homework, while I sometimes watch Lakorn or Kdramas to put me to sleep.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Denisse Yañez Sanchez -
I get up at 8:00am while my brother wakes up at 7. They drink coffee every morning, while I prefer to have a milkshake or milk. I get ready to go to school while my brother works. They have snack while I go to school
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

I usually get up at 8 am, while I'm washing my face my mother gets up and prepares breakfast, I take a bath and then we both have breakfast. While she runs the clothing store I get ready for school and at 12 she takes me to school and goes to make deliveries
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Elisa Ebrahemkhail -
I get up early at 5:00, my friend gets up at 5:00 too. I take exercise every day, but she doesn't. She eats breakfast early, but I eat late. She goes to English course at 7:00 in the morning, but I go to English course at 7:00 in the evening. My friend and I like to go South Korea oneday.Every day my friend and I study hard to achieve our goals. We are very similar friends.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Laura Vanessa -
I usually wake up at 7:00a.m, mi sister wakes up at 4:45a.m because she has to go to the school. I like cycling two or three times a week, my sister doesn't like to do a lot of exercise. She always eats lunch at 12:20p.m, on the other hand, I almost always take lunch at 12:30p.m. Generally, I go to bed late at night, more or less at 11:00p.m, mi sister sleeps at 10:00p.m.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Anil Boro -
II wake up at 7 am every day.I always start my day with a glass of water.I frequently do 20 push-ups for exercise.Afterward, I regularly have a nutritious breakfast.I consistently dedicate my morning to taking online courses.I usually try to read some pages of my book.After dinner, my family and I always have devotion.Then, I go to tuition to teach kids.After tuition, I take a rest and often scroll Facebook and YouTube.I typically go to bed at 12 or 1 a.m.

They may wake up at different times depending on their commitments.Their morning routine with water and exercise could vary. Their breakfast habits might differ. Their morning activities could include work, household chores, or other responsibilities. Reading might not be a part of their daily routine. Their evenings may have different activities. Their bedtime could vary based on personal preferences or responsibilities.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Anil Boro -
II wake up at 7 am every day.I always start my day with a glass of water.I frequently do 20 push-ups for exercise.Afterward, I regularly have a nutritious breakfast.I consistently dedicate my morning to taking online courses.I usually try to read some pages of my book.After dinner, my family and I always have devotion.Then, I go to tuition to teach kids.After tuition, I take a rest and often scroll Facebook and YouTube.I typically go to bed at 12 or 1 a.m.

They may wake up at different times depending on their commitments.Their morning routine with water and exercise could vary. Their breakfast habits might differ. Their morning activities could include work, household chores, or other responsibilities. Reading might not be a part of their daily routine. Their evenings may have different activities. Their bedtime could vary based on personal preferences or responsibilities. 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Anil Boro -
I wake up at 7 am.I start my day with a glass of water.I do 20 push-ups for exercise.Afterward, I have a nutritious breakfast.I dedicate my morning to taking online courses.I try to read some pages of my book.After dinner, my family and I have devotion.Then I go to tuition to teach kids.

They may wake up at different times depending on their commitments.Their morning routine with water and exercise could vary.Their breakfast habits might differ.Their morning activities could include work, household chores, or other responsibilities.Reading might not be a part of their daily routine.Their evenings may have different activities.Their bedtime could vary based on personal preferences or responsibilities.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Meryem Ennajhi -
here are some sentences describing my daily schedule compared to my friend's:

I wake up at 6:30 AM every day, while my friend, Sarah, usually sleeps in until 8:00 AM.
I exercise in the morning, and I go for a run three times a week.
Sarah, on the other hand, rarely exercises. She prefers to stay active by doing yoga once a week.
I have breakfast at 7:00 AM, and I always eat oatmeal with fruits.
Sarah, however, prefers to skip breakfast. She says she's not hungry in the morning.
I start work at 8:30 AM and usually finish around 4:30 PM.
Sarah has a more flexible work schedule. She freelances and often works late into the evening.
I like to cook dinner at home, and I usually prepare a balanced meal with vegetables and lean protein.
Sarah often orders takeout for dinner because she's too busy with work.
In the evenings, I enjoy watching TV or reading a book to unwind.
Sarah loves going out with friends, so she rarely stays in during the evenings.
On weekends, I spend time with my family and visit my parents.
Sarah prefers to travel on weekends, and she goes on trips with her friends whenever she can.
Questions for Sarah:

What time do you usually wake up on weekdays?
Do you have any specific morning routines?
How often do you exercise?
Why do you prefer skipping breakfast?
How do you manage your work schedule?
It would be interesting to learn more about our different daily routines and how they affect our lifestyles.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Abdulkadir Farah nour -
I get up 4:30 AM everyday, but, my friend Shabin never get up until 6:00 everyday. after I get up I always go to the masque to pray, then I come back home at 6:00 AM. I often go to bed again, and I stay at bed until 7:00 AM, but sometimes I read a favorite book until I go out to have a breakfast. My friend and my room mate Shabin, is usually different to me, he gets up six o'clock and hardly ever to goes to bed again, he directly goes out to have breakfast.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ramir Leadford -
I usually wake up at around 7:30 AM. My mother doesn't usually wake up as early as me. She wakes up around 9-11 AM. I rarely eat breakfast in the morning, but I do when I have the chance. My mother has to eat breakfast in the morning because of her health issues. She usually makes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the entire family.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Carlos Galvis -
I usually get up early at 6am. My wife doesn't get up at that time, but at 7:30am. I go to the bathroom and take a shower, then get dressed and prepare breakfast. I have two children, since they are on vacation, they get up at 10am. After breakfast I go to work in my car so I have to drive 20 minutes to get to the company. I am busy all day because I work at an oil services company. At the end of the day I return home very tired, rest for a while watching a movie and then have dinner with my family to finally go to bed to rest until the next day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by med Aydid -
I wake up at 8:00 am every morning, my father get up earlier than me ,I start my day with a shower , instead of me he prefers takes it at the evening, we both go to work with car ,but for me right now i am going to work with bus. when i come back i like read, write, draw.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Maribel Solis -
I often do yoga. My mother does not do any exercise. sometimes I drink coffee. My mother drinks coffee every day. I have a delicious breakfast every day. My mother has a toast for breakfast every day. I take care of my plans every day. my mother also takes care of her plans every day. I buy groceries at least 3 times a week. My mother goes to the groceries store ones a week.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Mashal Omar -

I  wake up at 6and l think in my bed 🛌 for an hour and then get up my bed at 7 and make the bed every day take a shower and prapar my breakfast and then l go to Wark l am a hard porsan when l came home l read a book  a always go the bed late l am stay up porsan

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Aikins Ruth Araba -
I sleep on time. My husband doesn't sleep on time. He often go to bed at 11: 00 pm. I always eat waakye in the morning, but my husband doesn't like waakye at all. He likes kooko instead. I am a teacher but I don't have a licenses. I have two children, so I am busy with them in the mornings. I go to work at 6: 45 am. My husband goes to work as early as 5: 45 am. I visit my mother after work and help her because she is very ill.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Zoha Fatima -
I usually wake up at 6:30 am every day, but my friend likes to sleep in and often gets up around 8:00 am.
I start my morning with a hearty breakfast, while my friend prefers just a cup of coffee.
After breakfast, I head to the gym for a workout. My friend, on the other hand, exercises in the evening after work.
I work from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, but my friend has a different schedule with flexible hours.
During my lunch break, I like to go for a walk in the park, but my friend usually eats at their desk.
I return home from work at 6:00 pm, and that's when my friend starts their work as a freelancer.
On weekends, I often visit my family, while my friend enjoys outdoor activities like hiking or biking.
In the evenings, I unwind by reading a book or watching TV, whereas my friend spends time playing video games.
My friend loves to cook and prepares elaborate dinners, but I tend to order takeout on most evenings.
We both have different daily routines, but we enjoy catching up over the weekend and sharing stories about our week.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Phoebe Wells -
For this discussion, I will consider myself and my kids' schedules.

In my household, we always follow a daily schedule. At all times, my day usually starts around 6:00 a.m. I always make myself a cup of coffee. Then, generally, I prepare our family breakfast. My kids like to have pancakes and milk every day for breakfast. On the other hand, I sometimes prefer freshly baked bread or muffins with another cup of coffee. Next, the kids are off to school for the day. My younger son and I always stay at home. Generally, he and I sit down together to read books and play. We sometimes stroll in the garden to find bugs and to keep him busy. By the time my kids are done with school, I will still be doing some household chores. Occasionally, I let them play with their brother so I could finish what I was doing. At the moment, my kids are busy doing their extracurricular activities while I am finishing this assignment. Often times, we have a chaotic but fun-filled day. This is a glimpse of our everyday activities.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Naqash Raheem -
I get up early in the morning.My family get up early in the morning too.Than I take a shower and offer my fajar prayer.My family offer fajar prayer too.After that I have my breakfast with my family But my father does not take at that time.Than I go for my job that starts from 8 o clock .I return home round about 3 pm.Than I spend two hours with my daughter.We play together.After that I offer my asar prayer.After that I use YouTube to watch interesting and learning videos for 1 hour. At round about 6 pm I offer my maghrib prayer.After that I take dinner with my family and than take some walk.At round about 8 o clock I offer my Asha prayer.Than I read a book relating to English grammar for two hours.Than finally I close my book and go to sleep.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by devi arun -
I get up at 6:00am everyday and to wake my son at 7:00 is always a tough task for me , then we both drink coffee usually and tea at times. I start to work after that at 9:00 and work till 6:00 pm everyday. this is how my life goes on and on .
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Edriana Tumanan -

As a not student usually get up at 10:00  have brunch at 12:00 and use my phone to read or to play and do some cleaning.  I am with my mother who wakes up early do the laundry and to watch our store.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Thiyagaraj Nirojani -
I have one and only elder sister. She is married. I wake up a little later in the morning, around 7:30. My sister wakes up early in the morning, around 5:30 a.m. We eat our breakfast together. It's nearly 8 a.m. We are going to the market and we get groceries together. We share our family groceries together.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ei Thet Hnin -
I usually get up at 7o'clock in the morning.But, my mother gets up earlier than me.At first,I wash my face, brush my teeth and take a bath.Then, I've brakfast.I always study English for five hours par a day.I don't have a job right now.So,I stay at home.Sometimes,I go shopping with my friends on the weekend.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Minn Khine Zaw -
I usually get up at 5:50 am.l always read the book. I drink coffee sometimes. I never smoke.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Rubylyn Alimango -
I always wake up early in the morning, while my brothers get up earlier than me. I love to sip coffee, while my brothers like to sip tea. I do walking after my coffee session, and my brothers then go to the gym. After my jogging I take a cold shower, while my brothers then will play basketball. After taking a shower, I prepare my study table and study until lunch, while my brothers prepare the table and food.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Salma putri Ardelia -
i wake up everyday at 06;00 AM, then i go to the kitchen and prepare a pot of coffee. the aroma fills the roomas i pour myself a cup. at 08;30 AM, i leave for college. i usually commute by bus. around noon, i take a break for lunch. i often bring a package lunch or grab a quick bite from a nearby cafe. afterward. its back to school until 2:00 PM. in the evening, i unwind by watching movie or spending time with my family. around 10;00 PM, its time for bed, ensuring i get a good night's rest for the next day,s activities. my daily routine may be typical, but it helps me manage my responsibilities and maintain a balanced life.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

I wake up every day at 6:30 am, my wife does not wake up with me, she wakes up at 7:30 am because she takes our son to the daycare.
I go to my work at 7:00 am starting my day with reading my e-mails. I always take my lunch at 12:30 pm in my desk after ordering it on line. I finish my work at 5:30 pm,i take the metro to go back home, arriving home i help my wife to prepare dinner,playing with my little kid, helping him takes shower and putting him in his bed.
I go to sleep at 10:00 pm trying to be ready for the next day, while my wife goes to sleep around 11:00 pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Tamador Bushra Salim salih -

I get up everyday at 6 o’clock. I brush my teeth , carry on my prayer .Then I start to read Quran every morning .

After that, me and my Mom take our tea and then start to prepare for the breakfast . 

in addition to that , every afternoon I study and take my online courses . 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Jitu Bardhan -
I wake up 7 Am in the the morning everyday and take my breakfast before 7.30. My classes generally start at 10.30 am everyday. I leave my home early at 8 am because I have to catch the train.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Faido Abdi Shire -
I get up earliest at 5:oo While all my familly sleep . Iam the morning person the time I wake up,I pray and make breask fast. My sister wake up At 6:30. She takes shower and get ready to go work,eat breakfast.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Faido Abdi Shire -
have been teaching basic english language online in Zoom nowadays. I am feeling good. I hope coming days my teaching method will improve more. All time i ma getting new techniques.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Sanjay Karri -
I read and study everyday. My sister do not study, she always on her phone scrolling in Facebook and Tiktok almost everyday. I usually go to sleep very late. My sister always sleep early than me. I get up every morning between 7:30-8:00 am in the morning. My sister wake up early but, she use her phone right away every morning. I am addicted to Tiktok, I almost scroll to it everyday, and I sometimes do the trend to it. I love organizing and cleaning, I usually do it weekly. My sister is messy, her area looks like a Thrift Store everyday. I always in my room everyday, studying and reading books.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

I wake up very early, at 4 a.m., in my home. My sister wakes up at 6 a.m. in her home. I always drink coffee or milk tea in the morning, but she drinks plain tea, and she doesn't like coffee at all. I was married recently, so I do not have children yet, but my sister has a son, so she is busy with him in the morning. I go into business and study after that. My sister never goes to work, but she is engaging in ministry work. She always helps my mother, who is staying near my sister's house.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ira Yvonne -
Iam married and have three children. I get up early at 5.00a.m. my children are doesn't get up early. But they are often gets up at 8.30a.m. I always drink tea in the morning. but my children are doesn't like tea at all. although I prepared breakfast and lunch both together. I usually take a bath and have my breakfast and I leave for work at 8.30a.m.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Naw Htee Ehmoo -
I usually get up at 6 o'clock but my sister usually gets up at 5:30.
I always get dressed before I have breakfast but my brother sometimes gets dressed after having breakfast.
I sometimes walk to school but my friends always go to school by bike.
I always do my homework after having dinner but my brother always does homework after playing games.
I tidy my room twice a week but my sister tidies her room every day.
I sometimes do the washing-up but my sister always does the housework.
My family sometimes visits my grandparents at the weekend but my cousin's family rarely visits my grandparents at the weekend.
I hardly ever hang out with my friends but my brother always hangs out with his friends .
I always read a book before I go to bed but my brother always listens to music before he goes to bed.
I never go to the gym but my sister goes to the gym twice a week.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Kerly Benitez Carriel -
Normally, I get up at 6 am, my parents get up at 7 am, I study from Monday to Friday, in the mornings and in the afternoons I go to work until 5:30 pm; after work I go home and lie down on my sofa .
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Alaa Mohamed Zahran -

I walk to college every week. I like being with the nature almost of time. I eat fish as my favorite dish. I am drinking cup of tea right now. 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Elizabeth Lopez -
I get up every day at 6 am. My husband gets up at 4 am every day because he goes to work very early. I always have time to check my phone before I go to my kids’ room to wake them up. My husband doesn’t have time to check his phone because he needs to drive to work for an hour to be on time. At 7:50 I take my kids to school and then I go to the park to walk for almost an hour. After that, I come back home and do some chores, prepare food for my family and later I go pick up my kids from school. My husband doesn’t have to this because he gets off from work at 6:00pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Amir Waheed Mohamed Amin -
I am a teacher at English. I usually love my work.
My brother is very kind and my sister,too.
I chat with my friends not all time, but they love me because I can help anyone to ask me.
I usually play football at the club with our team.
I am usually satisfied.
I always love my religion (Islam), So I hope from you to get into Islam.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Czarinah Yzabelle Perez -
What time is your class? When do you do your assignment? What time do you get up every day?

I get up every day at 4:00 o'clock in the morning. I have classes on Mondays at 7 in the morning. I usually do my assignment right after I go t home.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ganendran Nayomi -
I get up very early at4.30am.My husband doesn't get up early. I pray everyday at 4.45 to 5.00am. after my prayers I prepare breakfast for my family. I have one child and she is studying in grade 02. everyday after school I have to sit with my daughter and help her to do homework. my daughter and I sleep around 10.00pm. my husband never sleeps early because he watches television and sleeps late at night.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Safae Torka -
Every morning, I wake up at 06:00 AM, then I have breakfast at around 6:45 AM. I always check my emails before starting work. I usually have lunch at 14:30 PM. Furthermore, I often cook dinner at home, and afterward, I usually watch TV with my family or read a book before going to bed.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Marichu Ong -
I wake up at 7 o'clock every day. I offer a thank you prayer then fix my bed and exercise for about 15 minutes. I immediately feed my cats and eat my breakfast. I do some cleaning afterward before I proceed to the front yard to water the plants. I take my shower right after before checking my email and GC for any updates. Lunch is important for me so I make sure to prepare my meal. Usually, I just heat any leftover food or just make a sandwich. After eating, I watch a little bit of my favorite Netflix movies or K dramas or play with my pets. I wrap up at 3 p.m. to prepare for dinner. This is what my typical day is like.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by mosty mmsi -
I get up at 8:00am. I go to work at 10:00 o'clock. I often watch a TV program in the evening. I visit my grandmother every weekend. I go to sleep at 10:00pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ola Yhemi -

I always wake up at 4:45am. My sister does not get up early. She sometimes gets up at 9:30. I usually read in the morning, but sht my  does not like read.She likes watch movie. I am graduated but she still in college. I love to visit my Friends, but  she never doesn’t love visit anybody.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Concepcion Santa -
My sister and me

All days, I eat breakfast at 7:00 am, my sister doesn't get up early, she usually eats breakfast at 9:00 am. My sister always drink black coffe in the morning, I don't like black coffe , I need to add milk. My sister has a boy but he are living with her boyfriend. I have not children yet. I am working at hotel, my sister working at school. Each Saturday, i do the shopping at the supermarket that it is inside the mall because all Fridays i get of work at 22:00 pm, my siter gets of work at 13:00 , for this reason, she always does the shopping the evening Friday, but the next Saturday we do the shopping togheter because, my sister works at evening Friday
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

I get up at 8am. My brother gets up earlier than me. He often gets up at 4:30am. I always have slow morning and have a breakfast. My brother often doesn't eat any breakfast. I am married so I help my husband get ready for work day. My brother is single so he goes at work at 5:30am without any help. I always go to the bed at 11pm but my brother like to watch movies at night so he gets to the bed at 2-3am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Roi San -
I usually wake up early during the weekdays, but always wake up late at the weekends. I usually have two meals a day. I study languages frequently in my spare time. I always go to bed late.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ashanthi Pereira -
I wake up daily at 4.00am . I refresh myself first. I prepare breakfast and lunch for my children. My husband and I drop the children to school by 6.30 am. We do our devotions thereafter. Both of get ready by 8.00am to leave to college. I work as a teacher in a college.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Cactus Shulanova -
I often get up at 8:00am.My friend typically wakes up early every day. She and I go to school on weekdays. She attends evening classes twice a week. And I'm taking online courses. On weekends I go shopping with friends. She spends weekends with her family and sometimes travels on business.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by wasilat abimbola -
I woke up 4 a.m daily while my sister woke up by 5 a.m , prayer as usual separately.
we take our breakfast at same time , she likes coffee drink while i take chocolate drink.
She is an admission officer while i am am education officer in the same academic environment.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Muhannad Darwish -
i wake up at 6 O'clock every day, pike up my brother to the school, sometimes study some English and do my home works, today i am going to the near park.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Indika Peiris -
I get very early at 4:30 am. Saturday I get little late at around 6:30am. Every Weekdays my children are going school at 6:45am Then also going office.
Three days of week I have to do field works. Every month of second Sunday we have board meeting in the office.
Every Sunday afternoon as a family we going to our father`s home and we get a fellowship lunch with our parents.
In reply to Indika Peiris

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Jaypalsingh Girase -
I like to read books. I also watch T.V. for sometime. I seldom go for walking. My friends always go for walking. I never miss cricket match. I usually read news papers.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Magdalena Tista Indah Permata -
today i woke up earlier than yesterday. Usually i wake up at 6 am, and then check my social media. After that i will do some excercises and have a breakfast. But today, eventhough i woke up earlier, i have nothing to do and just watch YouTube all day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Alexander Tsoy -
Every morning, I wake up at 7:00 AM and go for a run to start my day. After exercising, I usually have a quick breakfast before heading to work. I work from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, with a lunch break at noon. In the evenings, I spend time with my family, helping with dinner and catching up on the day. On weekends, I enjoy going to the gym and relaxing at home, maybe watching a movie or reading a book. Before going to bed, I like to unwind by listening to music or a podcast.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Cocochin Ale -

I get up pretty late at 10 am. My sister wakes up at 6 a.m. I usually have a cup of coffee with cookies for breakfast. The sister starts her morning with  a cup of tea and sandwich. I work time to time but intensively without scheduled time. My sister works everyday , seven days a week, 8 hours daily.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by khaled Aljej -
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Fatiha Teldja -
I get up during work days early at 6:00 am I do my prayers the I drink my milk. My nephew also get up early and go to school. I often arrive to work at 8:00 am and strat working until 16:00 pm. my sisters don't work, they are married and always stay at home. At the weekends I over sleep then I get up and do home chores and sometimes I go out and do some shopping
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Yolana Terah Juwono Jauw -
Hello everyone,
My brother and I live separately; so I just want to share today activities of my friend and me.
I'm a morning person and she isn't, that because she should go to work every day she became a Morning Person too, but it which just every weekday hehehe.
Today, I wake up at 6.30 AM and she wakes up at 8.30 AM because it's a weekend. Before We're taking breakfast, I'm ironing our clothes. We are taking breakfast at 9.30 AM, we usually order every foods by Online kitchen, in My country it call GOJEK or GRAB Kitchen. after that I took a shower, and she followed afterward, and now we are in coffee shop learn our study, she is finishing her Thesis and so do I, I'm studying English at Saylor Academy.

that's all, thank you everyone. If you not mind, you could give me correction or feed back. bye bye :D

#learn_Simple & continuous present tense.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

I always wake up early.
I go to school every day.
I never smoke cigarettes.
I sometimes do exercise in the morning.
I often ride bicycle.
I go to recreational place twice a month.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Bushra Doc -

Sarah is my best friend. We work together in a hospital. She is a morning person. She always gets up early morning at 4:30 am. She regularly goes to sleep at 9:00 pm, but I am a night person. I always work at night, and go to sleep very late, so I never get up early like Sarah. I usually get up at 7:00 am. Sarah likes to do her works in early morning, then eats breakfast, and goes to hospital. I prefer to finish all my works at night before sleeping, then go to sleep, and when I get up at the mornings, I just eat my breakfast and go to hospital without any tension. However, we have different routins, but we are both successful and happy.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Devane Jadmir TSIAMBOULOU -
Every weekend I wake up at 4 o'clock am. Dad doesn't wake up at 4 am. He wakes up at 8 am. I pray God before I get off my bed. Dad doesn't pray before get off his bed.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Hussein Mahmoud -
I always attend online classes. Especially I learn in every weekend. I use my time very well. I have scheduled and to do list. It helps me to complete my course as I planned. Alot of people is going to school and they still think school is the only place to learn. Therefore, I recommend everyone who want to learn, come and learn with us from your home.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Rukhsar Raoofi -
I wake up early every day but my sister's doesn't wake up early.
I study my lessons every day but my sister's doesn't study her lessons every day.
I brush my teeth every night before I go to my bed but my sister's doesn't brush her teeth every night
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ma. Angela Madrigalejos -
I usually sleep at 11:00 in the evening, wake up at 6:30 am and get up at 7:30 am. My sister sometimes go to bed at 11:00 pm but always get up very early at 6:00 am because she needs to prepare in going to school. We like to watch movies together, but sometimes we are fighting about the movie we are watching on the tv.
In reply to Ma. Angela Madrigalejos

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Safaa Mohamed -
What a short and sweet routine Ma. Angela Madrigalejos!
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Rohullah Tabesh -
I study some books about management and Computer everyday, and also I have self study in English. I wake up every morning between 7 to 8 o'clock, and then I have breakfast when I finished my breakfast then I do exercise typing in the Computer about one hour. At 12 o'clock I have lunch. After lunch I checked my social app and chat to my friends. I always go to bed very late.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Iliass Yaakoubi -
I get up at 9:00 am. I take a shower, Next I do my prayer. I always drink tea in the morning.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Cristah Jean Jason Almonte -

Everyday I study and read articles or books for self improvement. Usually I write essays or poems, often times I watch youtube for learning new skills. My hobies are playing chess, sleeping, and solving problem. My favorite things to do are eating ang cooking. I always love what I want and try my best to learn. 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Asghar Nisar -

I wake up 5 AM every morning after I take ablution and do prayer. I study book every day for ten minute

And get breakfast. Usually i go to work 8:00 and do my daily working. After works go to gym.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Asghar Nisar -

Every morning, I wake up at 05:00 AM, and then I have breakfast at around 7:00 AM. I always study books before starting work. i usually luch around 12:30 pm. After we have breaks for one hour. We leave office aften 4:00 and go to gym.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Safaa Mohamed -
Every day, I go through a routine set of tasks, both at work and in my personal life. I get up very early at dawn about 5:00am. I perform ablutions and pray. After praying, I always recite the Quran for about 30 minutes. Then, I have my breakfast, get dressed and go to work at 7:30am. I usually use a public transport system. At school, I teach three or four classes a day. I plan my lessons during the break. I go shopping for groceries after school. I sometimes come back home at 3.00pm. I live alone as my parents passed away. My brother gets up early, too. He always performs all the five prayers in the mosque. He often has his breakfast with his family late. He is a pensioner, so he doesn't go to work. He sometimes does private tutoring because he was a teacher. He always helps all the other family members.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Safiullah Saed -
I wake up at 6am, but my small brother wakes up at 6:30. He goes to his English course at 7am, but I learn English online. He goes to gym from 7 to 9pm, but I never go to the gym.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Inês Ruivo -
I always wake up early. I usually study in the afternoon. I often read a book before bed. I rarely watch tv during the week. I never ride bike.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Berhili imane -
I wake up early every day at 6:46 am I make breakfast for my son before he goes to school even though he doesn't like to eat his breakfast at all. I do my chores quickly to have time for me to study English and Spanish also. My husband is always busy with work or friends so I do the same things to focus on my goals and my dreams.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Neizgi -
I always wake up at 5:00 am. My wife wakes up at 7 a. I like to eat everyday vegetables. My wife wants to eat them occasionally. I like to do exercise often . My wife wants to do #exercise only on weekends.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Micharyle Smith -
Today I get up at 6:00 A.M. I really don't get up early every vacation. So I cooked at 7:00 after we have our family devotion with God. I ate breakfast at 8:00 A.M. with my family. Then I washed my clothes for almost half a day. Well, I separated the white to the colored clothes. After that, we ate our lunch at 12:00. Then after eating, I dried my clothes. Thereafter, I take a rest. And ate our dinner, and will sleep after doing our family devotion.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Shailesh Jha -
I get up very early at 4:30am. I always drink luke warm in the morning, but my brother likes tea instead. I leave for college at 8:00am. My brother finishes his online classes and then gets ready for his day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Tauheed Arshad -
I get up very early at 5:00am. My brother doesn't get up early. He usually gets up at 9:00 am. I always like to drink coffee in the morning, but my brother likes milk instead. I usually don't like shopping at all but my brother is fond of it. I start my work early in the morning, so that I leave for work at 6:00 am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Tarpilga Roland Makan -
Every week I wake up at 9:00am. I play football every Saturday. After game we move on restaurant for eat. Usually I eat Garba, a traditional meal of Côte d’Ivoire is very good. Finally, I go to my home. In 3 days it’s Christmas, happy Christmas everybody.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Anfel Boudoud -

Every day I woke up at 7:00 . I eat my breakfast with my family and going to university for my students. At 12 o'clock I'm coming home and eat my lunch after learning English, I practice sports and working some design for my clients.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Adediran Adewale Samuel -
I wake up by 6:30 am, pray for about 10 minutes, then after bounce into the bathroom, take my bath and prepare for work, I don't normally eat in the morning, I prefer eating in the afternoon, and close from office by 5:00 and then go straight home to rest and prepare for the next day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by wening rahayu -
I almost owling everyday. I always get ice americano two times a day. and I am getting my second cup now.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Asghar Nisar -

I usually get up 6:00 am and i take ablution and do prayers then i always recite holy quran after i do workout for 20 minutes some time go to out side of house in the morning then i etc.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

I wake up at 6:30 AM every day.
After waking up, I usually brush my teeth and take a shower.
I have breakfast around 7:30 AM.
I leave for work at 8:15 AM.
I usually have lunch at 12:30 PM.
I finish work around 5:00 PM.
In the evenings, I often exercise or go for a walk.
I have dinner at 7:00 PM.
After dinner, I relax and watch TV or read a book.
I go to bed at 10:30 PM.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Fotima G'ofurova -
I get up early every day. My brother does not get up early. Then I wash up. I have a breakfast at 8:30 o'clock. I go to the library at 9. There I do my tasks.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Vina Marie Catindoy -
I get up very early at 5:40 am My sister doesn't get up early. She often gets up at 10:00am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my sister doesn't like coffee at all. She likes juice instead. I am single so I don't have any children. My sister has one daughter so she is busy with her in the mornings. I start work at 8 am. My sister never goes straight to work. She sends her daughter to kindergarten first and heads to her office after.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by cavid khankishiyev -
Every morning, I wake up at 07:00 AM, and then I have breakfast at around 8:00 AM. I always check my emails before starting work. I usually have lunch at 12:30 PM. Furthermore, I often cook dinner at home, and afterward, I usually watch TV with my family or read a book before going to bed
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ayyub Khankishiyev -
Every morning, I wake up at 07:00 AM, and then I have breakfast at around 8:00 AM. I always check my emails before starting work. I usually have lunch at 12:30 PM. Furthermore, I often cook dinner at home, and afterward, I usually watch TV with my family or read a book before going to bed
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Jasmeet Kharoud -
I wake up at 6:30 am, exercise, and have breakfast by 7:30 am. Working from home starts at 9:00 am. Lunch is at 12:30 pm, and I cook something quick. My friend wakes up around 8:30 am, goes to the office by 8:00 am, and orders lunch. Evenings, I walk at 6:00 pm, while he hits the gym around 7:00 pm. I have dinner at 7:30 pm, usually homemade, whereas he eats out around 8:30 pm. Our weekends differ—I prep on Saturdays, he goes out, and Sundays I relax with hobbies, while he watches movies.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Asha Madhukumar -
I usually get up at 5a.m and after a cup of hot water and some household chores I have my bath. I go for a morning walk by 7 a.m. and return home after an hour. Then I have a cup of hot coffee and some savory bites.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Nurbanu Amanbaeva -
My sister is early bird.But I don’t wake up early.I read books everyday.My sister instead of reading books prefers to watch TV.I listen to music always.My sister doesn’t listen to music.I spend a lot of time with my friends.My sister spends her spare time at home.I usually schedule my day.My sister never schedules her day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Saung May Thu Yin -
I get up very early at 7:00am. My brother doesn't get up early. He often gets up at 10:00am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my brother doesn't like coffee at all. He likes bread and tea instead. I am single and my brother also single.I leave for work at 9:00 am. My brother goes to the school at 11:00 am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Saung May Thu Yin -
I get up very early at 7:00am. My brother doesn't get up early. He often gets up at 10:00am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my brother doesn't like coffee at all. He likes bread and tea instead. I am single and my brother also single.I leave for work at 9:00 am. My brother goes to the school at 11:00 am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Saung May Thu Yin -
I get up very early at 7:00am. My brother doesn't get up early. He often gets up at 10:00am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my brother doesn't like coffee at all. He likes bread and tea instead. I am single and my brother also single.I leave for work at 9:00 am. My brother goes to the school at 11:00 am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Billy Makers -
I get up most days at 11:00 am. My sister get up way earlier than I do. She often gets up at 5 am. I rarely eat breakfast, but my sister always make sure to grab a bite. I am not marries but she is. She has a son, so she is busy with him in the mornings. My sister leave for work at 7 am while I tale care of my nephew.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Fadila Zahra -
I wake up early at 05.00am and immediately took a bath. Sometimes, after bathing I'm going back to sleep. I don't breakfast regularly. But, I always make sure to eat for lunch. I like fried chicken for lunch.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Joel Lusa -
I usually wake up at around 8am and always eat the meal with egg fried by myself. Breakfast is essential for me at the start of the day. I check my to do list that written last night and do the things like studying or cleaning. Most of the times, I start with my day with studying. I always focus to think grateful things for me and my family and also speak the affirmations. I also focus to drink 2 liter water bottles a day. I try to finish my to do list tasks especially important tasks. During these days, I feel peaceful about myself, I think the changing started coz of me. I start changing my mindsets and aware myself every moments. I control my mind with breaths in and out. It really work for me. I'm an big anger person and always damage the things around me. After I realized that, I start aware and control of my anger. This make me peaceful.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Elizabeth Escaño -
I get up early at 5:00am. My mother gets up around that time as well, but goes back to sleep after going to the bathroom. She usually gets up at 7:00am. Besides water, I usually drink milk, orange juice or tea in the morning. My mother doesn't drink milk, orange juice or tea at all. She sticks to water instead. My mother doesn't use technology often, but I do. I use my cellphone and laptop throughout the day, but she doesn't have either of those gadgets. When we get fresh meat, I trim the chicken, pork and beef before placing them in our freezer. My mother takes care of the fish. She usually cooks lunch. I usually cook dinner.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Camille Navaja -
I go to work everyday. I used to drink coffee and eat breakfast before I go to work. My sister wake up early but she stays on the bed until she ran late.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Diana Isabel Barrera Rodriguez -
Always wake up excersice everyday its' 7:00 am , My sister do not study and Not work's , she Always sleep late is wake up is 1:00 pm , I usually go to shopping Market's , lader my house , My sister never walk , talk in the morning .
In reply to Diana Isabel Barrera Rodriguez

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Diana Isabel Barrera Rodriguez -
Always wake up excersice everyday its' 7:00 am , My sister do not study and Not work's , she Always sleep late is wake up is 1:00 pm , I usually go to shopping Market's , lader my house , My sister never walk , talk in the morning .
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Lara Della Torre -

I try to get up early every day to study. My sistert has other rotine and she can gets up later than me. I always have a green tea in the morning, but my sister prefers coffee. I am a student and I need to work hard to pay my college. My sister has her own business and works hard to keep her business as well.  After my studies rotine I leave for work at 9:00am and when I come back home at 5:00pm I study more.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

Hello everyone,
i'm enjoy to share this paragraph with you in the forum.
I get up every at 5:00 am. at 5:20, i do fitness about 20 minutes and at 5:50am i take my bath. During this time, my sister doesn'nt get up early. she often gets at 8:30 am. i take my breakfast at 6:15am in front of my tv's screen i watch morning information. at 6:45 am, i go to work. at 7:40am, i am on my workstation in the office. i start my office's activities at 8:15am. the lunch is at 12:10pm to 2:00pm.
i end my daily work at 6:00 pm. i'am at home at 7:pm, take the diner at7 :50 after my bath. i watch the tv with my sister who explains me her day and all in formation that i have not in the community an i help her also to study her courses. at 10:00pm, i do my bed and go to sleep.
thank you everyone.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Sahle Hagos -
I usually wake up lately around 8:00 am because I usually sleep after midnight, but my friend always wakes up at 6:00 am, and this gives him time to do some exercises before we leave for school at 8:30 am. I am thinking now about managing the time I sleep and walk. In my free time, I often like to watch movies, but my friend likes mostly reading fiction, and watching football games.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Salwa Haboubi -
I always get up very early at 5:30 am. My sister gets up usually after me but she doesn t get up more than a half an hour later . I seldom drink coffee in the morning. however my sister like coffee very well. She can t start her day without drinking her daily coffee. I am not married. and of course I haven t children that s why I have much time to practice my hobby which is reading. So I usualy read novels and books.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by David Chablé -
I get up at 5:00 am work from monday to friday. My son doesn´t get up too early,, he gets up at 6:30 am to school, I have breakfast at 10:00 am every day, but my son takes his breakfast at 7:30 am. I like to read mistery novels but my son prefers to read comics. I leave to work at 4:00 pm while my son leaves for school at 1:00 pm. Every once in a while I do excersice but my son always is practicing a sport.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Marina Saucedo -
I like to go to the supermarket once a month. My sister goes to the supermarket any time when she needs something. I think that my sister spends more money that way instead of shopping for all she needs once a month like me. I usually save money and time by shopping once a month. I cook every day for my family. My sister always gets fast food for her family. I try to keep my family healthy by cooking healthy food for them.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion


I study english language everyday , I usually get up early at 5:00AM

When I wake up, I drink two to three glasses of water and eat three dates.

Sometimes i do some cardio for 15min.I usually workout 5 days a week.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by San Thawdar Moe -
I like listening music while I am working. I always listen the rap songs every evening and I often like to listen them with high volume. My sister doesn't like it. She often asks me to be lower the volume of songs. However, she sometimes enjoy to listen it when the singer is her favoriate.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Uriel Callejas -

I wake up at 7.30 in the morning. I always eat some fruits with warm water all the mornings. I finish my job at 5 pm in the afternoons. Sometimes I like to go for a walk in my neighborhood. I never go to bed sleeping without have eaten something 2 or 3 hours before sleep. My sister rarely visit us from Paris and take vacations in Colombia, almost every 2 o 4 years she visit us.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Imane 2017 -
I wake up every morning at 7am morning approximately, after washing my face and brushing my theeth, I eat my breakfest, and I take my laptopp, like what I'm doing now, I'm studing at Saylor Academy, until I get sleep.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Maksym Bondarenko -
At my previous job I had possibilities and acces to online sourse of proffesional education. So, earlier than I recieve task from learning supervisor to do some courses, I am alredy confirm a lot. Not all my colleagues like online learning and also they prefer more e-books than e-learing form with quizes. But, be a coffee break lovers is the same to everyone from us when we at work. I occupy my evenings houers to read articles, study book or watching films in engish.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Zyd Genes Albarico -
I am a morning person so I get up early. My partner doesn't get up early because of his work schedule . I always watering my plants and talking to them, but my partner he just staring them. I'm having breakfast together with my partner and watch movies while eating.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ranjini Ranjini -
I always wake up early in the morning
My husband doesn't get up early
I often cook pasta my home
Every Sunday I go to park
She comes here daily
She never tells a lie
She always late
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Erika Ann Ortiz -
Certainly! Here are five actions in my daily/weekly schedule compared with the schedule of a family member or friend:I wake up at 6:00 AM every day.Question for family member/friend: What time do you usually wake up in the morning?I go for a run three times a week in the evenings.Question for family member/friend: Do you have any regular exercise routines or activities that you do during the week?I have breakfast with my family every morning before starting work.Question for family member/friend: Do you usually have breakfast alone or with others? How does your morning routine differ from mine?I attend online meetings for work every weekday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.Question for family member/friend: What is your work or school schedule like during the weekdays? Do you have set hours like mine?I spend Saturday mornings doing household chores and running errands.Question for family member/friend: How do you usually spend your weekends? Do you have any specific activities or tasks that you do regularly?These sentences describe some of the actions in my daily/weekly routine and provide a basis for comparison with the schedule of a family member or friend. I'm curious to see if anyone has similar routines or if there are any interesting differences!
In reply to Erika Ann Ortiz

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Void Mxl -
That obviously sounds like a chat gpt writing do better next time
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Shrestha Ashok -
I get up very early at 5:30 am. My wife get up early than me. She often gets up at 5:00am. I always drink tea in the morning, but my wife doesn't like tea at all. She likes milk instead. we are married, but we don't have any children ye. leave for work at 9:00am. My wife always stays at home. She takes care of my parent.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Nishandhini Swamy -
I wake up at 6o clock in the morning. I brush my teeth & put the tablets before eat. Then I take bath & get ready for the college at 8o clock. And start learning the skills that college provides!
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Valeriy Tarasyuk -
I get up early at 6:00 am. My brother doesn't get up too early. He always gets up at 7:00 am. I usually drink a glass of water in the morning, but my brother drinks coffee instead. Every morning I eat my breakfast. I leave for work at 7:00 am. I am not married. My brother also isn’t married. He studies at the college. He likes computer games. He plays them almost all his free time. At the weekends we go shopping, help with chores our parents and watch TV together.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ali Sina Zamani -
I read everyday
My brother eats pastas some night but I don't like pastas
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by David Fernando Ardila González -
I get up at 04:05 AM. My brother always gets up after me. He always gets up at 04:30. I always take 1 hour to be ready to leave home. He always takes a half hour. We both leave home always at 05:05 AM, for taking the bus to school.
I always arrive home at 13:45, while my brother arrives at 12:45. He always plays videogames, and goes to the park with his friends after lunch. But I usually exercise, and study english in the afternoons.
I usually go to bed after my brother, almost at 20:05.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Carolein Melany Marain Ballesteros -
What do you do at nigth?

what time do you get up the weekend?

I get up every day at 4:40 am. My sister gets up at 6:00 oclock.
I usually breakfast at 5:05 am, My sister have breakfast at 8:00 am.
I have luch at 10:30 am or 11: 00 am every day. My sister have luches at 13:00 oclock.
I always finish to work at 4:15 pm on monday until thurday and on friday at 3:15 pm. My sister finishes to work at 6:00 pm.
I normaly go to bed at 9:30 pm. My sister goes to bed at 10:00 pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Lestari Miligai Surya Stehouwer -

I awake at 7:00am every day. Almost every morning I had my tea first before breakfast. I often cook my breakfast but I always on time to eat. During lunch I never eat at home because I always at work during lunch.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Lestari Miligai Surya Stehouwer -

I usually awake 7:00am in the morning and I have coffee because I don’t like tea. I always have my breakfast 8:00am and often cook in the morning. I never have dinner after 9:00pm. I always read a book before bed time.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Christal Jeya J -

I usually get up little late but my sister wakes up early. And she is quite smart than me. She cooks really well and I'm good at eating. She has a good patience but I am short tempered person. She helps me in many things, like doing my assignments, projects and models. She helps me in choosing perfect outfit for perfect occasion. 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Fitsum Demisse -

I always watch action or romance or adventure movies at night before i go to bed. I usually go to sleep very late. It make me to get up very late at the morning so sometimes i eat my breakfast at the lunch time. I get up at 11:00 am. I usually pray for 1 hour and i read at least 1 chapter from the bible. I like to drink coffee made with milk in the morning.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by beheshta bahar -

I wake up early in the morning for exercise with sleepy eyes but exercise everyday for my good health and body fit after exercise  usually I get shower after that I’m having my breakfast everyday in the breakfast I eat cheese with egg, toast with strawberry jam it is so delicious. Doing some home chores and after lunch often I watch my favorite tv shows.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by salma rafiq -
i wake up everyday at 9:00. I prepare my breakfast, becauce i want to gain weight.
I don't like coffee in morning , I prefer tea.
I go to school daily, because I am marketing student in a business school .
In the free time i love cooking and making some layer cake.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ludmila Zarate -
1- I wake up at 9 pm and prepare my breakfast.
2- I always revise my schedule after breakfast.
3- I prepare the lunch at noon every day.
4- I clear the house on Wednesday.
5. I like to go running in the evenings.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

i went to gym early 7am. my sister doesn't do any physical exercise instead she watch the movie. i always eat healthy foods and drinks ,but my sister eats and drinks unhealthy meals and drinks like soda drinks like packed foods i am single and i lived with my families also i am undergraduate university student. my sister is a student too she lives with me . i goes to school usually in further more i study additional course so rerley i am busy . my sister is a high school student and she have more time so she help our family with her free time
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Alex Merkulieva -

1. I often go to the gym. My friends do the same. 

2. I am working as an analyst in the fields of finance and geography. My friend is a biologist. 

3. I see my friend very often. He also meets often with the other friends. 

4. Twice a week, I go to swimming classes. Another of my friends goes jogging once a week. 

5. I have my house cleaned once a week. My friend cleans his house once a week.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Inssaf Elaboudi -
I usually get up late at 10:00 am, but when I have classes I get up early at 7:00 am, then I take my breakfast at 8:00 am, and I go to the university at 9:00 am, I finish my classes at 13:00 pm then I return home, my sister always get up early at 7:00 am because she studies in the elementary school, and every Friday we spend our day in our grandmother's house and we eat lunch with her, after that we return home at night.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Decoyna, Juanita Kane Sangao. -
I usually wake up at 6:30 am every day and start my morning with some light stretching exercises. My friend, on the other hand, prefers to sleep in and typically wakes up around 8:00 am. After my morning exercises, I make myself a cup of coffee and have a quick breakfast before heading to work. My friend tends to skip breakfast most days and prefers to have a cup of tea instead of coffee. We both work full-time jobs, but our schedules differ slightly. I usually start work at 8:30 am and finish around 5:00 pm, while my friend starts work at 9:00 am and finishes at 6:00 pm. In the evenings, I like to unwind by watching TV or reading a book, while my friend enjoys going for a jog or spending time with family. On weekends, I often go grocery shopping and do household chores, while my friend likes to go hiking or meet up with friends for brunch. Despite our different routines, we both value our downtime and try to make the most of our free time.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Amadou Boukary Abdoul kader -
Generally I get up before the prayer of 5:00 am . I go to pray every day. Sometimes I read the coran after the prayer. I often take my breakfast and a coffee or a tea. I study between 10:am-12:30 am in the morning every day. I often play football on Saturdays and or on Sundays. Before to sleep every day, I do an resume of my daytime
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Omar Sayed -
I read and study everyday. My sister do not study, she always on her phone scrolling in Facebook and Tiktok almost everyday. I usually go to sleep very late. My sister always sleep early than me. I get up every morning between 7:30-8:00 am in the morning. My sister wake up early but, she use her phone right away every morning. I am addicted to Tiktok, I almost scroll to it everyday, and I sometimes do the trend to it. I love organizing and cleaning, I usually do it weekly. My sister is messy, her area looks like a Thrift Store everyday. I always in my room everyday, studying and reading books.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by asma meharzi -
I always wake up early but my sister doesn't . I usually drink tea befor i go to work .My sister doesn't like tea . she likes to drink coffee . Every saturday i go to the gym . but my sister goes for run . Every week i like to do activities with my children but my sister doesn't have time for her son.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Arnold Nana -

I wake-up every morning at 5 o’clock.

Prayer is the first think that I do when I wake-up.

My work space is too far.

I am spending around 40 minutes to be on time to job.

I am a computer science teacher. 

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Momina Maqbool -
I am Momina Maqbool. I am a graduated student of Bs English.I get up early in the morning and goes to work.I am a respectable lady.I do my domestic chores by myself.I am very punctual. I like reading,travelling,stitching etc.I have 12 members in my family. We all are very supportive. We all love each other very much.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Fidan Bayramli -
I am an early person, and I get up at 6:00 am every day in the morning. My mother gets up at 6:30 am. We never have breakfast and leave home to go to the university or work together at 7:30 am. I usually drink a cup of coffee latte at the university when I have a break at 11:00 am. My mother doesn't like coffee very much. My lessons finish at 4:00 pm and I am usually at home until 5:30 pm, but my mother comes from work at around 7:00 pm on the weekdays. My father works as a freelancer and he does not have an exact schedule, mostly he works remotely.
In reply to Fidan Bayramli

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Wase Hailegiorgis -

I am an early person, and I get up at 6:00 am every day in the morning. My mother gets up at 6:30 am. We never have breakfast and leave home to go to the university or work together at 7:30 am. I usually drink a cup of coffee latte at the university when I have a break at 11:00 am. My mother doesn't like coffee very much. My lessons finish at 4:00 pm and I am usually at home until 5:30 pm, but my mother comes from work at around 7:00 pm on the weekdays. My father works as a freelancer and he does not have an exact schedule, mostly he works remotely.


I do the same thing.

In reply to Wase Hailegiorgis

Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Renuka Thakur -
I am an early riser.I get up at 5PM.I clean my home.Afterwards I take bath and do prayer.Then I prepare and serve breakfast to my family.After that I go for computer class.When I come back I complete rest of the household chores and prepare lunch.After lunch I have a nap.It is tea time now.After tea,I go to gym.After gaming for one hour Iam back and prepare dinner.Ater dinner I have a walk and go to sleep.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Penda Sarr -
I wake up very early for pray but my brother do not wake up early. I revise my lessons every night and my brother do not revise his lessons every night
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Tanya Jain -
I am working professionally as a HR in HCL.. I am here just to improve my English thank u
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

Now a days l wake up very late while my brother also do same.I make the breakfast while my brother doesn't.l take shower every Friday whie my brother takes shower everyday.I eat very well while my brother doesn't like eating too much.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ashley Arizo -
I wake up at 5:00 am everyday to go to school while my little brother wake up past 6 in the morning. I always prepare our breakfast for the family. I usually prepare my lesson in the class a week before. In my free time, I often write poems and sometimes short stories. Reading poems makes me peace.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Rabah SALAH -
I wake up in the down I pray the fajar while whole of my family are sleeping then I make breakfast and wash my face and brush my teeth and comb my hair than I go to the university to study until 5 pm
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Riska Setyaningsih -
What time do you study everyday? When do you go to gym?

I get up very early at 3 am. My brother doesn't get up early. He often gets up at 9:00am. I always drink tea in the afternoon, but my brother doesn't like tea at all. He likes coffee instead. I study everynight at 8 pm. But my brother nver does study. I sometimes go to library at 10 pm. Meanwhile my brother always go to gym.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion by Alan Seno - Thursday, 21 March 2024, 11:00 AM

by Alan Alan Seno -

I read and study everyday. My brother do not study, he always on her phone scrolling in Instagram and Tiktok almost everyday. I usually go to sleep very late. My brother always sleep early than me. I get up every morning between 6:30-7:00 am in the morning. My brother wake up early but, he use her phone right away every morning. I am addicted to Tiktok, I almost scroll to it everyday, and I sometimes do the trend to it. I love organizing and cleaning, I usually do it weekly. My brother is messy , his area looks like a Thrift Store everyday. I always in my room everyday, studying and reading books.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Alan Alan Seno -
I read and study everyday. My brother do not study, he always on his phone scrolling in Instagram and Tiktok almost everyday. I usually go to sleep very late. My brother always sleep early than me. I get up every morning between 6:30-7:00 am in the morning. My brother wake up early but, he use his phone right away every morning. I am addicted to Tiktok, I almost scroll to it everyday, and I sometimes do the trend to it. I love organizing and cleaning, I usually do it weekly. My brother is messy, his area looks like a Thrift Store everyday. I always in my room everyday, studying and reading books.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Alice Iglesias -
I usually wake up around 6:30 am, then I work out for an hour and a half. After that I often prepare my lessons. I always teach in the afternoons and evenings.
I am always on time for my lessons but I seldom finish on time. I occasionally like to take a nap after eating my lunch. In the evenings I go swimming and afterwards I have dinner. I often go to bed around 11:00 pm. My boyfriend usually wakes up around 8:00 am. He often stays in bed to scroll his newsfeed on Twitter. He also works in the afternoons. On Sundays I'm always cooking. On the other hand my boyfriend tries to cook every day.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Kartik Choukikar -
I wake at 5'o clock morning then I brush my teeth. I go to walk daily with my dog.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Shaista Ara -
I wake up at 7 in the morning. I get ready to school. I go to school by bus. I teach English for students. I enjoy my work.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Houssem Ben smida -
Every morning i wake up at 9 o'clock , i prepare my coffee and some snack then i go to gym to train . I spend approximately 1 hour and half . after that i take a shower and i go home to prepare my after work meal. i enjoy my life style very much and i try to reach my goals in training and education degree.  
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Abegail Bishop -
In the morning, I wake up at 5 o’clock, while Nina, my sister-in-law, who lives next door, wakes up at 8 o'clock. I am annoyed by the school schedule. My two daughters go to school in the morning, while her sons go in the afternoon. I envy her sometimes for not waking up early and for not going to school as often as necessary. My eldest daughter, on the other hand, starts school at noon. I need to go back and forth four times every day. I often do not have time for myself.

My daily routines focus on my kid’s school days. I wake up every day at 5 o’ clock in the morning, while my daughters are still fast asleep. I exercise yoga daily for 10 minutes. Once I am done. I drink a cup of warm water. At the same time, I always read digital news. I often cook pancakes for my daughters in exchange for cereal. By 6 o’ clock, I wake up my daughters and help them get dressed for school. Once they have finished. I always drive them to school, and I drive back home to finish what I needed to do.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Naoufal Bjn -
i get up everyday early at 6;00 am.First thing i pray Al Fajr.After.after that always i go to run , because i prepare for elite championship,when i go back to my home i take a shower and prepare my breakfast.after that i ofen study English in my Phone , beause i don't have computer.i go back to sleeping round 2 hours.i and my friend jabir .i and my friend jabir go to the gym every evening.after the workout we ujualy go with my friend in the coffe shop ,in order to learn some skills to make money.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Angielo Tejero -
Here is my paragraph:

I wake up at 6:00 am every weekday. I usually have a quick breakfast of cereal and coffee before heading to work. On weekends, I like to sleep in a bit later, so I often wake up around 8:00 am. My friend, on the other hand, is an early riser. She gets up at 5:00 am every day to go for a run before starting her day. While I prefer to exercise after work, she enjoys the peaceful morning hours for her workouts.

During the weekdays, I typically leave work around 5:30 pm and head straight home. I like to relax in the evenings by watching TV or reading a book. On Fridays, my friend usually meets up with friends for dinner or goes to the movies. She enjoys socializing and unwinding after a busy week.

We both enjoy cooking, but our approach differs. I cook dinner almost every night, often trying out new recipes. My friend prefers to meal prep on Sundays, making large batches of food to last her throughout the week.

Overall, while we have some similarities in our routines, such as enjoying leisure activities in the evenings, we also have distinct differences, particularly in our morning routines and approaches to meal preparation.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Vincenzo De Vivo -
I get up very early at 6:45am. I always have breakfast with milk and biscuits. I usually prepare the bag for University and I go out.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Annarita Trebisonda -
I wake up 9 am every day. First, I scroll my whatsapp messages and get out of the bed. I have breakfast with coffee, milk and chocolate biscuits. I prefer chocolate against butter biscuits because I need some chocolate at the morning. I dress and go to the university at 9.30 am or go to the library for studying. My brother gets up earlier than me because he goes to the school at 7.40 am and He have breakfast with milk and brioche.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Zen Rose Cadag -
I always love to draw everyday. My cousin don't draw, she always read and advance studying in her room every day. I usually sleep early, My cousin always sleeps late. I get up at 6:30am, my cousin wakes up early but uses her phone first thing in the morning.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Md.Mahadi Hossion Joy -
I always try to do my work timely. Though sometimes I get distracted, I try to stay consistent.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Lynda O -

I am looking for a job. That's why everyday , I take  2 hours of my time to do it. Of course it's not easy and sometimes I want to give up. But I know I can count on my family and friends to help me.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Shiela Maree Pino -
In my daily routine, I wake up at 6:00 a.m. every morning. I usually have a quick breakfast of cereal and coffee before heading out for my morning jog. After my jog, I take a shower and get ready for work. I leave for work at around 8:00 a.m. and arrive at the office by 8:30 a.m. During the workday, I typically have lunch at noon and take a short break to chat with coworkers. By 5:00 p.m., I finish work and head home.

On the other hand, my friend John has a slightly different schedule. He's not a morning person at all, so he usually wakes up around 8:30 a.m. or even later. Instead of jogging in the morning, he prefers to exercise in the evening after work. John's work starts later in the day, so he usually arrives at the office around 10:00 a.m. He takes his lunch break at 1:00 p.m. and often eats out with colleagues. After work, John likes to unwind by going to the gym or meeting up with friends for dinner.

I've noticed that while we both have our routines, there are some differences in our schedules. I wonder if any of my classmates have similar routines or if theirs are more like John's. How about you, do you prefer mornings or evenings for exercise?
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by saad hameed -
I usually get up early in the morning.
Husna writes her assignments in time.
Ali is lathergic. He doesn't complete his work in time.
I read everyday.
He cuts a tree.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Muhammad Sahil -
I wake up at 6:30 AM every morning.
After waking up, I brush my teeth and take a quick shower.
I have breakfast with my family at around 7:00 AM.
Then, I commute to work, usually by taking the bus or driving my car.
I arrive at the office at 8:30 AM and start working on my tasks for the day.
I take a short break at around 10:00 AM to have a snack and stretch my legs.
Lunchtime is usually at 12:30 PM, and I either bring my own lunch or go out to eat with coworkers.
In the afternoon, I attend meetings, answer emails, and work on projects until around 5:00 PM.
After work, I either go to the gym for a workout or relax at home, depending on the day.
In the evening, I have dinner with my family and spend some quality time together before bed.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Yenifer Mckenney -

I get up every day at 6 am, get ready and prepare some coffee and breakfast for me and my children. after we finish I get lunch ready. after work pick up my kids from school and we go home. when we get there they go outside and play while I prepare dinner for the family.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Zefanias Alvaro Mobiua -
My daily routine start at 5am when a wakup to prepare myself to work and my daughter to school. My job demands many interactions with peoples that a looking for support in software usage and always their are out of time and the support must be quickly and efective otherwise they will have theirs agenda compromised. I work with a small team of youngers with much potential for they age in my country and together we carry on one of the principal software system of the government.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by vandita gautam -
I am writing a paragraph in simple tense and i am currently pursuing btech
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ansh Kumar Singh -
I go to school daily.In school our teachers deliever lectures deligiantally.I try to focus on my study to become a successful programmer.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Poorvi Parashar -
i get up every morning at 8am. my sister doesn't. she wakes up at 6am. i like wearing traditional clothes. my sister likes wearing crop top and modern clothing.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Nejat Aynae -
I study English language from Monday to Friday. My brother is not studying with me because he is studying everyday. I usually wake up early. My brother doesn't wake up early. He is always late for his work. Neither me nor my brother have married. 
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Satyam Rajput -
I usually wake up at 5:30 am. Then I quench my thirst by drinking water and then go back to sleep.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Mark Lawrence -
I get up at 8:00am, my nephew arrives at 9:00am to my house, we take breakfast at 9:30am, then He is playing with his Nintento always and in that moment i´m cleaning my house everyday, next I'am studing english these weeks. He study sometimes with me.
In the evening i take always my medicines at 8:00pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Alona Stibunova -
I am doing yoga almost every morning. My sister doesn't do yoga now because her back hurts. I am daily drink a lot of coffee. My sister also likes to drink coffee. I like to spend at least 2 hours outside every day. My sister work from home so sometimes she doesn't go out for a walk. Every weekend me and my boyfriend are playing frisbee in the park. My sister doesn't like playing frisbee, she likes to play badminton.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Aicha Ouelhazi -
Everyday, I go to school by bus.
I sometimes get up late.
I always prepare dinner at 6 pm.
He usually drinks coffee before going to work.
My son sometimes bave cornflex for breakfast.

When does he have his online lessons?
What time do you get up?
Which Book do you choose ?
When does the sun rise in winter?
When do you do your grocery shopping?

I usually get up at 6 am. My little son gets up very early. He often gets up at 5 am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my son drinks milk or juice. I am married and I have three children, two boys and a girl.I take care of them before going to work. I leave my house at 7:30am, I was a teacher in a private school. I always start working at 8am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Angela Magaña -
I get up at 6:00 am from Monday to Friday, every morning, I brush my teeth and get ready for my job. I usually take the bus at 7 am, and rarely get late and my job. I work in a small office like a recepcionist, so my daily activities are: check email, take notes and answer calls. In my spare time, I like read a book or watch a movie.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Elena Galatanu -
I get up usually early morning at 6:40am, I try to learn my son to get up early too,he doesn't get up early ,because he spends alot of time infront of T.V and computer and sleep to late at night,I take my son to his school at 7:00am and then I go to work,after return back home I am always busy with my home duties and study with my son,so my friend is single,she spends almost of her time with her friends and and for study new languages,she doesn't think about marrige or making family ,she afried of responsibility.he gets up at 9:00am and she travels abroad every year and makes new friends .
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by samuele fanti -
I always get up early at 5 am. My wife doesn't get up early. She usually gets up at 8 am. I often drink tea in the morning but my wife sometime drinks tea in the afternoon. We have got 2 children so she is always busy with them everyday. I leave to work at 6:30 am, my wife rarely leaves home early. She always takes the children to school by walk.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Binbin Huang -
I go to bed early and get up early everyday. My friend doesn't go to bed early and she gets up late every day. She often has party at night, so she can't sleep early. I don't drink coffee or tea because if I drink I can't sleep well. She drinks coffee a lot. We both like watching films at night.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Htwe Aung -
What is your and your sister's daily routines?
I always wake up five o'clock but my sister doesn't. Because her duty time is 9:00Am. Every morning, I do yoga at half past five. I always eat a half fried egg and an apple in the morning, but my sister eats heavy meals. She likes to eat noodle or something make with wheat every morning. We both are not married yet. After breakfast, I go to work at 7:00am. At that time my sister is taking shower. And then, She always goes to work at 8:45am.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Salma Said -
My husband get up very early every morning, that's why he is charged to prepare breakfast. I get up about 6:30, I am charged to wake up my children and help them to get dressed. After that we take our breakfast togethger. Next my husband ride my chidren to school then he go to his job. I always go to work about 8:00 am. We go grocery shopping on saturday.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Kashish _ -
I have to go to college everyday therefore I wake up early at 5am. But my sister doesn't get up early, she is a nightowl watching netflix and scrolling phone throughout the night. We both are totally opposite. She dislikes everything that I like and it's the same for me. Inspite of this we both are very close to each other.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Chika Kamitashiro -
My husband gets up early, but I also get up at eight.
I and my sons like mathematics, but my husband doesn’t like math.
He likes economics.
I have a cat, because my family likes cats very much!
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Renuka K -
I am go to school daily. I working as teacher. I eat breakfast at 7.00 am
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by DEMGNE WAFEU Lisa Brice -
I wake up early in the morning. Usually everybody at home still sleep when i wake up. Before going to school, i take my breakfast and i give a kiss to my parents.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Eman Elsayed -
I get up early .
Igo to quran lesson at 9 Am.
I have 3 children .
Iam busy with them in the morning.
I never drink tea in the morning.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Yugender Parthiban -
I usually go for choir practice on I will complete all my work between 6 o clock. I have practice at 6 o clock to night 9 o clock. In my college days I never used to study books and materials for the exams. While on Saturdays I am always free and I will do my household work.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Tulasi S -
I get up very early at 06:00 am. My sister also get up early. I am eat breakfast 9.00 am and sister also. I am go to glossary shop 7.30 am my sister is not go to glossary shop.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Hassan Fiaz -
I get up at 6'o clock in the morning. while my parents wake up at 4:30 a.m. We take breakfast at 6:15 a. m. I like movies and cricket, while they don't. We like tea. I like to spend most of my time with my parents. They also like to spend time with me. I like reading, but they don't. I like watching informative videos while they like watching dramas. I like fast food. My parents also like fast food
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Despina Pantelidou -
I wake up early in the morning and usually drink coffee. My brother never drinks coffee in the morning because he is always in a hurry. I am married. I have one child. My brother is married too, but he has two children. I never go to work before I read the online news, but my brother always runs to go to work
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Sviatlana Savaitan -
I get up at 11 am. And my sister doesn't. I always drink tea in the morning. And my sister doesn't. I work from home. And my sister doesn't.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Void Mxl -
I usually go to bed at 11 and I rarely burn the midnight oil. I always wake up at 7.40 to finish my school assignments and do revision after that I will unwind myself and play some games to reward myself.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ariel Adjibi -

Every day I wake up in the morning at 7:00 AM. then I get out to my bed, I go to the toilet. I brush my teeth, take a shower. After that I make my breakfast and eat. And you, what do you do each morning?

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Kezia Jose -
I study everyday. My sister does not study everyday. I do not go for a job. My sisters goes for a job
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ruth Rai APD -
My day starts at 6:30 am every morning. I always dink water in the morning. I clean my room everyday which makes me feel so much better. after that I start to do my work.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Luci Perry -
I wake up at 5:30am. My son usually gets up at 9:30am. I always drink tea in the morning and have cereal for breakfast. My son never drinks tea. I visit my husband at the care home almost everyday. When I visit him I am often there at around his lunch time. I come home at around 3pm.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Gwen Chudleigh -

I wake up at 7:00 AM almost every day. My sister wakes up very early; she often gets up before 4:00 AM.

I don't drink coffee in the morning, but my sister drinks it every morning before doing anything else. I prefer to drink water in the morning and coffee in the afternoons. 

I go to school every weekday. My sister is older, so she goes to work every day. 

My sister loves art and nature; she wants to live in the country. I love living in the city, but I like nature too. 

My sister is a very good artist; her favourite thing to do is painting. I am not very interested in art.

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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Touch LOEM -
I wake up at 6:30 AM every day. I usually start my morning with a quick workout session before having breakfast. My friend, on the other hand, prefers to sleep in and usually gets up around 8:00 AM. She rarely exercises in the morning; instead, she prefers to do yoga in the evenings. After breakfast, I head to work at 8:30 AM. My friend, who works from home, starts her workday at around the same time, but she doesn’t have to commute like I do. During lunch break, I usually eat at the office cafeteria, but my friend likes to prepare her lunch at home and enjoy it on her balcony. In the evenings, I often go for a run before dinner, while my friend likes to unwind by reading a book. We both go to bed around 11:00 PM, although I sometimes stay up a bit later to watch a show.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Simone Santoro -
Every morning, I wake up at 08:00 AM, and then I have breakfast at around 9:00 AM. I always check my emails before starting work. I usually have lunch at 12:00 PM. Furthermore, I often cook dinner at home, and afterward, I usually watch TV with my family or relax on my bed.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Angela John Paul -
Every morning I wake up at 7:30 am. My sister doesn't wake up that early. She usually wakes up around 11 am. My morning begins with a hot cup of coffee. After that, I proceed to freshen up, bathe and get ready for the day. With a hearty and filling breakfast, I prepare myself for my office work. Sometimes in between I go for grocery shopping. By evening 6 pm, I close my work. While I do all this, my sister loves to have coffee and finish the book she is currently reading. After breakfast, she goes back to sleep. She is a lazy girl.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Zid Arij -
I wake up early every day . this week i'am going to start my intership . Right now , i'm studying english online using the platform Saylor Academy . I like it really .
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Zinpike Phyo -
I get up very early at 4:30am. My sister doesn't get up early. She often gets up at 9:00am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my sister doesn't like coffee at all. She likes tea instead. I am married, but I don't have any children. My sister has two children, so she is busy with them in the mornings. I leave for work at 7:00am. My sister never goes straight to work. She goes to my parents house first. She always helps them because they are very old.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Erika Araya -
I get up at 6 am. My daughter doesn’t get up early. She usually gets up at 10 in the morning. I always have cereal for breakfast, but my daughter doesn’t like it, she prefers fruit. I often sit down and read a book in the afternoons and my daughter is usually drawing on her sketch book. I like to exercise at least three times a week but my daughter doesn’t like to sweat, she sometimes goes to the swimming pool instead. Occasionally I watch tv at night. My daughter is always on the computer at night because she receives online classes at her university.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

Every morning I get up by 5am to study, my brother never wake up early he always wake up later and he never catch up with the school bus. I usually wait for him to be prepare for school. We always have our breakfast before going to school and we often buy snacks whenever we are hungry at lunch.
After school, my brother mess up the house with his shoes flying around the room, he seldomly take care of the mess, I had to clean up his mess and cook for the family
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Funbi Aiyedun -
I get up very early at 6:00am. My sister doesn't get up early. She often gets up at 8:00am. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my sister doesn't like coffee at all. She likes tea instead. I leave for work at 7:00am. My sister never goes straight to work. She goes to my parents house first. She always helps them because they are very old.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Jibin Johnson -
I usually wake up early, around 6:00 AM, to start my day. My brother, sleep in until a bit later, usually until around 8:00 AM. We both enjoy a good breakfast, but while I prefer a glass of water to start my day, my brother opts for a cup of tea. My mornings are relatively relaxed, allowing me to prepare for the day ahead. Similarly, my brother, uses his mornings to get organized for classes. I head out for my first class around 9:30 AM, while my brother leaves a bit later, around 11:00 AM, after his morning routine. Throughout the day, we're both busy with lectures and studying, but we make sure to take a break for lunch around noon. After classes, I often spend extra time studying in the library, while my brother prefers catching up with friends.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Ethan Cunningham -
I get up early at 6AM. My younger brother doesn't get up early. He usually gets up at 7AM. I always drink coffee in the morning, but my brother does not like coffee. I leave for college at 8:30AM. My brother leaves from home at 7:45AM.
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Re: Present Tense Discussion

by Varinder Singh Banga -
Here are ten sentences describing my daily routine:

I wake up at 5:30 AM. The first thing I do exercise and hydrate with a glass of water.
I have a light breakfast around 6:30 AM, usually consisting of oatmeal with fruits.
From 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM, I’m focused on work regarding education. I’m a online teacher, so my “office” is wherever there’s an internet connection!
Around noon, I take a break for lunch. Sometimes it’s leftovers, and other times I cook a quick meal.
Afternoons are for meetings, writing, and research.
Around 7:30 PM, I go for a walk and light exercise. Exercise helps me stay energized.
Dinner is usually around 8:30 PM. I enjoy cooking and experimenting with new recipes.
After dinner, I unwind by reading, watching a movie, or playing a musical instrument.
By 10:00 PM, I wind down. I dim the lights, read a book, and listen to calming music.
I aim for 7:30 hours approximately of sleep each night.
With regards