Discussion: Unit 5

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Discussion: Unit 5

Number of replies: 52
  • Name some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business. What are some advantages and disadvantages for each option?
  • Explain why companies should use CRM strategies and tools.
  • Describe some ways that CRM can impact the customer experience.
  • Most customers only contact company management to register a complaint about a product or service: they do not provide positive feedback. Have you ever provided positive feedback to a company or customer service representative? If so, explain the situation and your method of communication.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Khya Baldwin -
Some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business are emails, some advantages of this is customers can provide detailed feedback, attach supporting documents, and communicate at their own inconvenience. Some disadvantages of this is it may take time for business to respond, and their may be a lack of real time interaction.

Another way customers use to communicate feedback to a business are live chats. Some advantages of this is that customers can receive immediate assistance and provide real time feedback, enhancing the customer experience. Some disadvantages of this is technical issues or delays may frustrate customers, and therefore limitations on the length and messages.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Churchill Eze -
1. Customers can communicate feedback to a business using the following options: Emails, Mobile Devices, call centers, and Instant messaging (Live chat).

The advantages and/or disadvantages of each option:

  • Emails: Enable customers to stay updated on the progress of transactions. Complaints and inquiries can also be made via email. The recorded data from emails can help a business refine its CRM.
  • Mobile phones/Devices: Provide a medium through which businesses can market their products/services in various forms. Customers can access social media apps on their mobile devices and directly message a business account.
  • Call centers: With the use of V.O.I.P., a business can establish its call center in developing countries for lower costs. One disadvantage is the difference in culture or language between the call center representatives and the customer inquiring. Another disadvantage is exposure to external factors such as bad weather or power outages that can delay the customer service process, resulting in frustrated or unsatisfied customers.
  • Instant messaging: This can be applied via mobile devices on apps and websites. It provides a quick way for customers to inquire about any relevant issue.
2. Companies should use CRM strategies and tools because it makes business processes operate with efficiency.
  • CRM strategies can be applied to marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer retention.
  • CRM tools can be used to track customer activity, automate some processes, and provide insight into the targeted effort to maximize resources. All of these are stored in a centralized place for easy access to relevant personnel.
3. Due to the use of CRM, customers are exposed to a large volume of accurately catered ads. This application of CRM has resulted in privacy concerns for customers because of the way the data used for ads is tracked. It has also led to customers developing ad blindness to the excessive amount of ads (sponsored or organic).

4. In my experience, I have provided feedback to a company for an online course. The method I used to post the online review for the course was a simple web option I clicked on to rate the course and add a public review.

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 We can use emails, and some of the  advantages of this is customers can provide detailed feedback, attach supporting documents, and communicate at their own inconvenience. Some disadvantages of this is it may take time for business to respond, and their may be a lack of real time.              interaction. customers use to communicate feedback to a business are live chats. Some advantages of this is that customers can receive immediate assistance and provide real time feedback, enhancing the customer experience. Some disadvantages of this is technical issues or delays may frustrate customers, and therefore limitations on the length

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Khya Baldwin -
Social Media

Advantages: Offers a public platform for feedback, provides the opportunity for businesses to respond publicly, and allows for quick sharing of experiences.

Disadvantages: Feedback can be unfiltered and may include negative or inappropriate comments, and it can be challenging for businesses to monitor and respond to all feedback.
In reply to Khya Baldwin

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Carmen Barber -

I agree that the social platform is a great place to put your feedback about a company, it can also be a bad place to just say anything about a company in the mist that you are upset with the quality of service.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by bright uka -
1. live chat: a customer can receive immediate assistance

2. email, mobile devices, live chat and call center
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Amr Hanafy Abd Elmaged Saleh Abu-zeid -
-live chats
The advantages of this method are getting help immediately and expressing your comments... but the disadvantages of this method are the delay in responding, transferring the call to another person, and waiting a long time.
In reply to Amr Hanafy Abd Elmaged Saleh Abu-zeid

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Carmen Barber -

Live chats are places that seem to have you waiting for a long time. They also for me do not get to what I am really trying to ask the company about.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Lucky Okogun -
Customers use emails, short message services and social media handles to communicate their feedback to a business.
For email, the advantage is that it is easy to draft but customers can get delayed responses especially when they need urgent replies.
SMS cost a bit and don't usually contain large volumes of messages but they can be very effective for sending quick feedbacks.
CRM strategies are important to a business because it provides the framework for them to be able to scale by simply improving on what their customers want so as not to lose them. It is actually harder getting a customer compared to keeping them.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Ambrasha Mask -

Customers have several electronic options to communicate feedback to a business, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages:  

1. Email: 

 Advantages: Widely used and accessible. Allows for detailed feedback with attachments. Provides a written record of communication. 

Disadvantages: Response time may vary. Feedback may get lost in overflowing inboxes. Limited to text-based communication. 

2. Online Forms/Surveys: 

Advantages: Structured format for collecting feedback. Can be tailored to specific questions. Allows for easy aggregation and analysis of responses. 

Disadvantages: Customers may find them time-consuming. Limited ability to capture nuanced feedback. May not be suitable for all types of feedback. 

3. Social Media: 

Advantages: Provides a public platform for feedback. Facilitates quick interaction and response. Allows for sharing feedback with a wider audience. 

Disadvantages: Feedback can be mixed with unrelated content. Negative feedback can escalate quickly. Requires active monitoring and management. 

4. Live Chat: 

Advantages: Offers real-time interaction with customers. Provides an opportunity for immediate problem resolution. Can enhance customer satisfaction with quick responses. 

Disadvantages: Limited availability based on business hours. May not be suitable for complex issues. Requires staffing and resources for monitoring. 

5. Feedback Apps/Platforms: 

Advantages: Dedicated platforms for collecting and managing feedback. Can include features like ratings, reviews, and comments. Allows for tracking feedback trends over time. 

Disadvantages: Customers may need to download/install additional software. Requires active promotion and engagement to gather feedback. Integration with other systems may be needed for full functionality. 

6. Text Messaging (SMS): 

Advantages: Offers a direct and immediate communication channel. Can be personalized and targeted. Higher open and response rates compared to email. 

Disadvantages: Limited to short messages. Requires obtaining customers' contact information. Potential for message fatigue or annoyance if overused. 

Companies should use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies and tools because they are essential for fostering strong relationships with customers and improving overall business performance. Here are some reasons why CRM is crucial: 

1. Centralized Customer Data: CRM tools allow businesses to store and organize customer data in a centralized database. This enables employees to access comprehensive information about customers, their preferences, purchase history, interactions, and more. Having a 360-degree view of customers helps in personalizing interactions and providing better service. 

2. Improved Customer Service: CRM systems streamline customer service processes by enabling faster response times, effective issue resolution, and personalized support. With access to customer information, representatives can address inquiries more efficiently and tailor solutions to individual needs, leading to higher customer satisfaction levels. 

3. Targeted Marketing and Sales: CRM platforms provide insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns and sales strategies. By segmenting customers based on demographics, purchase history, or engagement levels, companies can deliver relevant offers and promotions, increasing the likelihood of conversion. 

4. Enhanced Collaboration: CRM tools facilitate communication and collaboration among different departments within an organization. Sales teams can share leads with marketing, customer service can escalate issues to technical support, and management can track performance metrics—all within a unified system. This leads to improved efficiency and alignment across the organization.  

5. Data Analysis and Forecasting: CRM systems offer reporting and analytics capabilities that enable businesses to track key metrics, identify trends, and forecast future performance. By analyzing customer data, companies can make data-driven decisions, optimize processes, and anticipate market demands, thereby staying ahead of competitors. 

CRM can have a significant impact on the customer experience in various ways: 

1. Personalization: CRM enables businesses to personalize interactions with customers by understanding their preferences, purchase history, and behavior. This leads to tailored recommendations, targeted offers, and customized communication, enhancing the overall customer experience. 

2. Consistency: CRM ensures consistency in customer interactions across multiple channels and touchpoints. Whether a customer interacts with a company through email, phone, social media, or in-person, CRM helps maintain a unified experience by providing representatives with relevant information and context. 

3. Proactive Support: With CRM, businesses can anticipate customer needs and proactively address issues before they arise. By analyzing data and tracking customer behavior, companies can identify potential pain points and take preemptive actions to resolve them, thereby improving satisfaction and loyalty. 

4. Efficiency: CRM streamlines processes and eliminates redundancies, making it easier for employees to serve customers effectively. By providing quick access to information and automating routine tasks, CRM enables representatives to focus on delivering value-added services and building stronger relationships with customers. 

I am a firm believer in providing feedback. So as for providing positive feedback to companies or customer service representatives, yes, I have done so on several occasions. One memorable instance was when I received exceptional service at a local restaurant. After enjoying a delightful meal and receiving attentive and friendly service from the staff, I took a few minutes to speak with the manager and express my appreciation for the outstanding experience. Additionally, I left a positive review on the restaurant's website and shared my feedback on social media platforms, highlighting the excellent service and delicious food. This direct communication and public acknowledgment of their efforts served as a form of positive reinforcement for the staff and management, reinforcing their commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences. 



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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Soukaina Farhoun -
Customers often utilize electronic options such as email, online forms, and social media to communicate feedback to businesses. Email allows for detailed messages but may not receive immediate responses. Online forms offer convenience but lack personal interaction. Social media enables quick communication but can lead to public scrutiny. Companies should use CRM strategies and tools to manage customer relationships effectively, improving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. CRM can impact the customer experience by personalizing interactions, anticipating needs, and resolving issues efficiently. While many customers tend to contact companies with complaints, I have provided positive feedback via email to a customer service representative, praising their prompt assistance and professionalism in resolving an issue with a product.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Virginia Michael -
1. Customers can communicate feedback to a business using the following options: Emails, Mobile Devices, call centers, and Instant messaging (Live chat).

Advantage of Emails: Customer can forward their complaint, make enquiries and provide feedback through emails. Also customer can attach supporting document via mail.

Disadvantage of Emails: There may be delay in responding to customer due to many customer on queue.

Mobile phones: Provide a medium through which businesses can market their products/services in various forms. Customers can access social media apps on their mobile devices and directly message a business account.

Call centers: With the use of V.O.I.P, a business can establish its call center in developing countries for lower costs. The disadvantage is exposure to external factors such as bad weather or power outages that can delay the customer service process, resulting in frustrated or unsatisfied customers.

Instant messaging (Live chat): The advantage of Live chat is that customer can receive quick response to their enquires and complaint and the disadvantage is that customer may not be able to attach supporting document that can aid prompt resolution to their complaint.

2. Companies should use CRM strategies and tools because it makes business processes operate with efficiency.
CRM strategies can be applied to marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer retention.
CRM tools can be used to track customer activity, automate some processes, and provide insight into the targeted effort to maximize resources. All of these are stored in a centralized place for easy access to relevant personnel.

3. In my experience, I have provided feedback to a company after using their self service. The survey was a simple web option I clicked on to rate the Self service.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by amy nunez -
1. Some electronic options customers have to communicate or give feedback to a company would be Instagram, Facebook, Google reviews, Gmail, and much more! Some advantages this may have are finding out more detailed information about the company and the work they do. You can check their social media for photos, work done, and what they do. As a customer, you can leave a review of the work that was done. A disadvantage would probably be getting a response late or having technical difficulties with your device or internet. A customer might not want to talk to a chat robot, but a human being that can be more empathic and understanding.
2. Companies should use CRM strategies and tools because the main goal is to identify customer problems, provide solutions, and focusing on maintaining relationships with the customers. This also helps the company know more about the customer and their needs and wants without having to ask them all these questions in person.
3. Some ways CRM can impact the customers experience will be faster service and faster solutions to the problem.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Stephen Obiri-Ibe -
Some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business, with advantages and disadvantages include

Email: The advantage is that it ensures a written record of communication. The disadvantage is that the customer may not always get a swift response.

Live chat: The advantage is that it enhances customer satisfaction with quick responses since they get to have real-time interaction. The disadvantage is that they customer may not get swift responses on weekends or after business hours.

Social media: The advantage is that it is a platform that almost everyone uses. So, good feedback from a customer can be shared with a wider audience and further promote the business. The disadvantage is that negative feedback can also be shared with a wider audience and spoil the image of the business.

The use of CRM strategies and tools are very important, and companies should use them because they make the business operate with a higher efficiency. They can be used for targeted marketing and sales purposes, improving customer satisfaction, retaining customers, and data analysis. With CRM tools, customer activity can be tracked, some processes can be automated, and all the data are stored in a centralized place for easy access to relevant personnel.

Some ways in which CRM can impact customer experience included personalization which exposes the customer to perfectly curated ads and targeted offers based on their preference, purchase history and behavior. Another one is efficient customer support which helps improve customer satisfaction and build stronger relationships with customers.

I have provided feedback to a business I bought stuff from. I told them how delighted I was with their service and the way I method I used to provide this feedback was by rating them and leaving a review.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5


1: Electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business are: Email,and call centers.

Emails can be automated to keep customers informed of progress of a transaction whether it is shipping goods bought online or of the progress of an insurance claim. Disadvantage is that it may take a longer time for business or organization to respond to a customer’s mail. 

Call centers using similar technology,phone calls can be routed to call centers in any location around the globe. Disadvantage is when there’s a bad weather,or bad signal and that can delay the customer service process, resulting to a frustrated customer or unsatisfied customer. 

2: Companies should strategically approach CRM in line with the business objectives of a company 

 Companies should collaborate CRM to a process that combines customer data across the facet of a company. 

Companies should use CRM sales-force automation to manage sales cycles and collect customers sales data. 

3: Maintaining a good customer relationship management is critical to the success of a business 

CRM can impact the customer’s experience by making customers happy fosters positive word of mouth 

CRM can impact customer’s experience by understanding the value of a customer relationship to a business 

4:  I have provided feedback to a company for an online purchase and the method I used to post the online review for the product was an option I clicked on to rate the product and add a public review.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Shiela Maree Pino -
1. **Electronic Options for Customer Feedback**:
- Email: Advantages include ease of use, documented communication, and the ability to provide detailed feedback. Disadvantages may include delays in response time and potential for messages to get lost in overflowing inboxes.
- Online Surveys: Advantages include scalability, anonymity for customers, and the ability to gather quantitative data. Disadvantages may include low response rates and limited qualitative insights.
- Social Media: Advantages include wide reach, real-time interaction, and the potential for viral feedback. Disadvantages may include lack of privacy, negative comments going viral, and difficulty in managing multiple platforms.

2. **Use of CRM Strategies and Tools**:
Companies should use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategies and tools to enhance customer satisfaction, streamline processes, and drive business growth. CRM systems allow businesses to track customer interactions, analyze data to understand customer behavior, personalize marketing efforts, and improve overall customer service.

3. **Impact of CRM on Customer Experience**:
- Personalized Interactions: CRM enables companies to tailor interactions based on customer preferences and history, leading to a more personalized and satisfying experience.
- Seamless Communication: CRM systems centralize customer data, allowing for seamless communication across multiple touchpoints, leading to improved response times and consistency.
- Proactive Customer Service: With CRM, companies can anticipate customer needs and resolve issues before they escalate, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. **Providing Positive Feedback to Companies**:
Yes, I have provided positive feedback to a company or customer service representative. For example, I once had an exceptional experience with an airline customer service representative who went above and beyond to resolve a flight issue promptly and courteously. I provided positive feedback by sending an email to the airline's customer service department, praising the representative for their outstanding service and professionalism.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Oyedoyin Oladapo -
Some customers use emails, or call help lines, live chats l
Advantages of this is that customers can provide detailed feedback, attach supporting documents, and communicate at their own inconvenience. Some disadvantages of this is it may take time for business to respond, and their may be a lack misunderstanding while responding to the email. Customers use to communicate feedback to a business on live chats. One advantage of this is that customers can receive immediate assistance and provide real time feedback, enhancing the customer experience. Some disadvantages of this is technical issues or delays may frustrate customers, and therefore limitations on the length

The reasons company should use CRM is that it will help them to attend to customer complain and do the needful to solve their issues. However, it will help the company to retain customer and have good customer relationship and progress will be recorded on daily basis.

Ways companies can impact customer experience are not far fetch.
First, paying attention to customers complain and ready to solve the issues Instantly by send forward it to the right appropriate person if the person in charge cannot solve the issues.
Second, Considering of customer complain and effect on overall activities so that there will be no complaints about from any customers.

Any customers complain should be forwarded to all the department involved in order to make good improvements.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Bayode Yejide Oluwafunmilola -
1. Electronic Ways to Get Customer Feedback:
- Email: Pros include it being easy to use, keeps records, and allows for detailed feedback. Cons are slow responses and emails getting lost in busy inboxes.
- Online Surveys: Pros are that they can handle many responses, keep customer identities private, and collect a lot of data. Cons are that few people may respond and it provides limited in-depth feedback.
- Social Media: Pros include reaching a large audience, interacting instantly, and feedback can spread widely. Cons are privacy concerns, the risk of negative feedback spreading, and managing different platforms can be hard.

2. Using CRM Strategies and Tools:
Companies should use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategies and tools to improve customer satisfaction, make processes more efficient, and help their business grow. CRM systems help businesses keep track of customer interactions, analyze data to better understand customer habits, target marketing more effectively, and enhance customer service.

3. How CRM Affects Customer Experience:
- Personalized Interaction: CRM helps companies customize their interactions based on what they know about a customer's preferences and past behavior, making experiences more personally relevant and enjoyable.
- Seamless Communication: CRM systems gather all customer info in one place, making it easier to communicate consistently across different service points and improve response times.
- Proactive Customer Service: CRM allows companies to anticipate customer needs and solve problems before they become bigger issues, improving customer happiness and loyalty.

4. Giving Positive Feedback to Companies:
Yes, I have given positive feedback to a company or customer service representative before. For instance, after a customer service representative from an airline quickly and kindly fixed an issue with my flight, I emailed the airline to compliment the rep's excellent service and professionalism.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Nkalle Peter -
The electronic options customers used to communicate feedback back are; Social media platforms e.g Internet and Telephone.The advantage for these platforms are;they help easy and fast means of communication and sending messages.The disadvantage of these platforms are;it may cause a break down of connection that may lead to delay of transaction.

Companies should use CRM strategies and tools because it will help in the enhancement and development of the services.

Customer relationship management CRM can impact the customer experience in various ways;1)the interaction towards customers can help to enhance his experience.2) availability with customers sound a great match experience.

Yes,I have provide a company feedback base on work schedule pointing out the discrepancy,work engagement,and making sure correctly,adjusting and satisfying.Also point is the customer feedback and adjustments.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Shaqiel VANREENEN -
. Customers can communicate feedback to a business using the following options: Emails, Mobile Devices, call centers, and Instant messaging (Live chat).

The advantages and/or disadvantages of each option:

Emails: Enable customers to stay updated on the progress of transactions. Complaints and inquiries can also be made via email. The recorded data from emails can help a business refine its CRM.
Mobile phones/Devices: Provide a medium through which businesses can market their products/services in various forms. Customers can access social media apps on their mobile devices and directly message a business account.
Call centers: With the use of V.O.I.P., a business can establish its call center in developing countries for lower costs. One disadvantage is the difference in culture or language between the call center representatives and the customer inquiring. Another disadvantage is exposure to external factors such as bad weather or power outages that can delay the customer service process, resulting in frustrated or unsatisfied customers.
Instant messaging: This can be applied via mobile devices on apps and websites. It provides a quick way for customers to inquire about any relevant issue.
2. Companies should use CRM strategies and tools because it makes business processes operate with efficiency.
CRM strategies can be applied to marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer retention.
CRM tools can be used to track customer activity, automate some processes, and provide insight into the targeted effort to maximize resources. All of these are stored in a centralized place for easy access to relevant personnel.
3. Due to the use of CRM, customers are exposed to a large volume of accurately catered ads. This application of CRM has resulted in privacy concerns for customers because of the way the data used for ads is tracked. It has also led to customers developing ad blindness to the excessive amount of ads (sponsored or organic).

4. In my experience, I have provided feedback to a company for an online course. The method I used to post the online review for the course was a simple web option I clicked on to rate the course and add a public review.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Abdon Le Roy Nkada -

Customer can communicate feedback to business through :

- Email

- Call center

- Mobile device

- Intant messages.

Emails are more spaceful to express oneself, download files but are its interactions are delayed.

Call center is triggered by internet, low cost, and enable customers to complain rapidly, Ask for informations, order and provide business with a great range of useful data. But its challenges are cultural differencies and language difference betwen callers and called-customers; weahter conditions that can lead to customer frustrations.

Mobile devices enable customers to access businesses by phone callings or through social media, using internet. Such interactions are more personalized and faster. But are not recorded and share accross the whole organization.

Isntant messages foster complex online transactions, provide more exlpanations to customers from the company and such customized assistance contribute to built trustful relations betwen sellers and customers.

Companies use CRM technologies for their centralized information possibility, the streamline customized expérience offered to the customer, data storage that can enable customer predictable behaviors.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Senniesha Santos -
Some customers like to use facebook, instagram, and email to communicate with businesses. Most people are using facebook and instagram and when customers leave comments on a post from the business about their product or service, other consumers who uses these platforms views their comments. Some can leave negative comments while others can leave positive comments, when others leave negative comments, this causes the business to lose customers but when they leave positive comments, the business acquires other customers. Email is a more safe way to communicate with the customer because the interaction would only be between the business employees and the customer. Companies should use CRM because it is a good way to interact with customers and also acquire data from each customer for future use or product recommendations. Some companies have CRMs operating 24/7 and this gives the customers flexible time to request or order a companies service or product. I have not yet provided a positive feedback to a customer
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by gabriela fabris -
1. Some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business are:
eMarketing channels such as Email, mobil, call centers and IM and chat rooms are great for helping companies and organizations communicate.

2. Companies should use CRM strategies and tools because will help to organize, synchronize, and automate business practices. CRM systems for marketing help the enterprise identify and target potential clients and generate leads for the sales team. A key marketing capability is the ability to track and measure multichannel campaigns, including email, search, social media, telephone, and direct mail. Metrics monitored include clicks, responses, leads, deals, and revenue.

3. CRM can have a significant impact on the customer experience by personalizing interactions, anticipating needs, and resolving issues efficiently.

4.Yes, I have given positive feedback to a company or customer service representative before.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Peter Alferieff -
1. Some electronic options are: email, sms messaging, instant messenger or chat bots, social media or phone calls.
2. CRM tools allow your business to centralize customer data. It can then be used/shared between various departments such as sales, marketing, and service. By gathering information about the customer and their habits, the business can better anticipate the customers needs. This helps to tailor marketing to specific customers.
3. CRM use helps the business target customers with products and marketing specific to their personal needs and wants, thus saving the consumers time.
4. Yes, I have provided positive feedback, but only on a few rare occasions. These occasions were exemplary customer service experiences which I was so impressed by I felt I had to leave positive feedback.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Keith Frazier -
Customer may interact with a company to provide feedback through a number of mediums. Survey verbatim responses based on how employees interact with clients. This may return to the employees who the client is satisfied or dissatisfied with. Clients may also leverage social media to provide information about experience to the company and the clients followers. This may create a 'word of mouth' for positive experiences, creating loyal customers. On the other hand, customers who are dissatisfied might leverage the same tool to complain and create a loss or prevent future loyal customers from joining the company. Streamlined processes offered by third party providers, or CRM tools help to ensure that customers are supported in a way where all employees can continue to help a customer with an interchangeable record of happenings. As a manager, I am happy to say that clients have sought me out to express feelings of satisfaction with the employees who supported them. I make it a point to suggest that they make it official through survey feedback and or a documented email so that I can place it in the employee file to reference during their semi-annual review. Thank you for taking the time to review this discussion.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Ahmed Shah -
Customers have a variety of electronic options to communicate feedback to a business:

1. **Email**:
- **Advantages**: Email provides a formal channel for detailed feedback, allowing customers to express their thoughts comprehensively. It also offers a written record for both the customer and the business.
- **Disadvantages**: Response time may vary, and there's a possibility of emails getting lost in a crowded inbox. It may lack the immediacy of real-time communication channels.

2. **Online Feedback Forms**:
- **Advantages**: These forms are specifically designed for collecting feedback, making it convenient for customers to share their opinions. They can be customized to gather specific information.
- **Disadvantages**: Customers might find them impersonal or cumbersome, leading to lower response rates. Also, there may be limitations in capturing nuanced feedback.

3. **Social Media Platforms** (e.g., Twitter, Facebook):
- **Advantages**: Social media allows for real-time interactions and has the potential for feedback to go viral, amplifying its impact. It also provides an opportunity for public engagement and demonstrates transparency.
- **Disadvantages**: Negative feedback can quickly escalate, potentially damaging the company's reputation if not addressed promptly. Managing multiple social media platforms can be resource-intensive.

4. **Online Reviews** (e.g., Yelp, Google Reviews):
- **Advantages**: Online reviews provide a platform for customers to share their experiences publicly, influencing other potential customers. They also offer valuable insights for the business to identify areas for improvement.
- **Disadvantages**: Reviews may not always be representative of the overall customer sentiment, as people with extreme opinions are more likely to leave reviews. Negative reviews can impact the company's reputation if not managed effectively.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategies and tools are essential for businesses to effectively manage interactions with current and potential customers. Here's why:

1. **Centralized Customer Data**: CRM systems allow companies to consolidate customer data from various touchpoints, enabling a holistic view of each customer's journey and preferences.

2. **Improved Communication**: By tracking customer interactions and preferences, CRM tools facilitate personalized communication, leading to better engagement and customer satisfaction.

3. **Enhanced Customer Service**: CRM systems streamline customer support processes, enabling faster response times and resolving issues more efficiently.

4. **Targeted Marketing**: With insights gained from CRM data, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to specific customer segments, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of their campaigns.

CRM can significantly impact the customer experience in several ways:

1. **Personalization**: By leveraging CRM data, businesses can personalize interactions with customers, offering tailored recommendations and experiences.

2. **Proactive Engagement**: CRM systems enable businesses to anticipate customer needs and reach out proactively, fostering a sense of care and attention.

3. **Efficient Problem Resolution**: With access to comprehensive customer data, support teams can address issues more effectively, minimizing customer frustration and enhancing loyalty.

4. **Consistent Experience Across Channels**: CRM ensures that customers receive a consistent experience across all touchpoints, whether online, in-store, or via other channels.

Regarding providing positive feedback, yes, I have done so in various situations. For instance, I once had exceptional service at a restaurant where the staff went above and beyond to accommodate my dietary restrictions. I provided positive feedback directly to the manager both in person and through their website's feedback form. It's important to acknowledge outstanding service as it encourages businesses to maintain high standards and motivates employees.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Delrose Burnett -
some electronic options include; emails, social media and live chat systems. Email advantages -it is direct and can include detailed feedback disadvantage- responses may be slow and message may get lost in the inbox. social media advantage- The public can easily see and respond promptly. disadvantage might not get the feedback expected from the audience. Advantage for live chat the response is immediate and the disadvantage reviews can be bias and affect business.
CRM focuses on the marketing process, the sale process and the service process. it helps the customer by analyzing problems and handling guarantees.
I use surveys to provide feedback to companies about their products or services.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Carla Lantigua -

Some of the electronic options customers use to communicate feedback is by emails and live chats.the advantages are . E-mails can also be automated to keep customers informed of progress of a transaction, whether it is shipping goods bought online or the progress of an insurance claim. The disadvantages is it can take a little longer for the message to send. The live chat can be instant message sent and solve queries quickly. The disadvantages is you need internet access.

Companies should use CRM strategies because it can lead to sales and collect customer information.

CRM can impact the customer experience by keeping track of customers interactions and track customers history.

I have provided positive feedback to a company before of a product that I really like and gave a good reviews and ratings.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Rosel Baquero -
There are some electronic options are online feedback forms, email feedback channels ,post interaction surveys and website feedback widgets.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

Customers use various electronic options to communicate feedback to businesses, including email, social media, online reviews, live chat, and feedback forms or surveys. Each option has advantages, such as detailed feedback and real-time interaction, and disadvantages, like potential slow responses and public exposure. Companies should use CRM strategies and tools to understand customer needs, enhance satisfaction, and foster loyalty by personalizing interactions, improving communication, and offering faster response times. CRM systems also enable better customer support and effective loyalty programs, significantly impacting the customer experience. Although most customers contact companies to register complaints, I have provided positive feedback to an online retailer via their website's feedback form, social media, and email after receiving exceptional service, ensuring my appreciation was recognized both publicly and privately.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by D Staelle Ravix -

Some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business are : 

  • Social media ( Advantages: quick response, public platform. Disadvantages: public criticism, may not receive a personalized response.)
  • Company website contact forms: (Advantages: convenient, direct communication. Disadvantages: may not receive a response, can be slow.)

Companies should use Customer Relationship Management strategies and tools to manage customer interactions, analyze feedback, and improve customer experiences.

CRM can impact the customer experience by:

  • Providing personalized communication and offers
  •  Resolving issues quickly and efficiently
  •  Offering convenient and accessible communication channels
  • Showing appreciation for customer feedback and loyalty

Yes I have provided positive feedback to a company before after buying a product I felt was most valuable for its price . I did so by providing a positive review through the company’s website and promoting them to my friends and family.

In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Precious Prince -
1) Customer Feedback Channels with adv. and disadv.:
Email: Common, allows detailed messages, but response time can vary.
Online Reviews: Public, reaches a wide audience, but can be easily manipulated.
Social Media: Immediate, interactive, but messages can get lost in the noise.
Surveys: Efficient for gathering large amounts of data, may have low response rates.
Live Chat: Convenient for real-time communication, requires staff availability.

2) CRM: Why and How it Impacts Customers (Summary)
Why CRM?
Centralized Data: Organizes customer interactions across channels.
Improved Service: Enables personalized experiences and faster issue resolution.
Stronger Relationships: Fosters customer loyalty through targeted communication.

3) CRM Impact on Customer Experience:
Faster Resolution: Streamlines complaint handling and service requests.
Personalized Interactions: Tailored communication and recommendations.
Proactive Engagement: Anticipates customer needs and offers relevant support.

4)Sharing Positive Feedback (Summary)
Yes, positive feedback is important! Here's an example:
Situation: Excellent customer service from a phone representative.
Method: FIlled up the review feedback form praising the representative by name and detailing the positive experience.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Mintu Biswas -
### Electronic Options for Customer Feedback

1. **Email**
- Advantages:
- Allows detailed feedback.
- Can include attachments (e.g., screenshots, documents).
- Provides a written record.
- Disadvantages:
- Responses can be slow.
- Emails can be overlooked or end up in spam folders.

2. **Online Surveys**
- Advantages:
- Can gather structured data.
- Easy to distribute and analyze.
- Can reach a wide audience quickly.
- Disadvantages:
- Response rates can be low.
- Limited to predefined questions.

3. **Social Media**
- Advantages:
- Immediate feedback.
- Public visibility can prompt quick responses.
- Can increase brand engagement.
- Disadvantages:
- Public complaints can damage reputation.
- Difficult to manage and track.

4. **Live Chat**
- Advantages:
- Real-time interaction.
- Convenient for customers.
- Issues can be resolved quickly.
- Disadvantages:
- Can be resource-intensive.
- Not suitable for complex issues.

5. **Customer Feedback Portals**
- Advantages:
- Centralized feedback collection.
- Can categorize and prioritize feedback.
- Often integrated with other business systems.
- Disadvantages:
- Requires customers to navigate to a specific site.
- May have a learning curve for customers.

### CRM Strategies and Tools

Companies should use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategies and tools because they help in managing customer interactions, improving customer satisfaction, and driving sales growth. CRM systems consolidate customer information and documents into a single database so business users can more easily access and manage it. They also automate various workflow processes such as tasks, calendars, and alerts, which further improves efficiency.

### Impact of CRM on Customer Experience

1. Personalization: CRM tools help businesses understand customer preferences and tailor experiences to individual needs, leading to a more personalized interaction.
2. Efficiency: Streamlined processes and automated responses ensure quick resolution of issues, enhancing customer satisfaction.
3. Consistency: CRM systems provide a consistent flow of communication and service, regardless of the point of contact within the company.
4. Proactive Service: Analyzing customer data helps anticipate needs and proactively address potential issues.

### Personal Experience with Providing Positive Feedback

Yes, I have provided positive feedback to a company. For instance, after a particularly helpful customer service experience with an online retailer, I sent a thank-you email to their support team. The representative had gone above and beyond to resolve an issue with a delayed order, keeping me updated regularly and ensuring the package arrived just in time for an event. I used email because it allowed me to detail my appreciation and highlight specific actions taken by the representative.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Henok Meki -

1. Some electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business include:


Advantages - Convenient, allows detailed feedback, creates a written record.

Disadvantages - Response may be delayed, feedback may get lost in high volume.

Online feedback forms:

Advantages - Structured format, easy for company to track and analyze.

Disadvantages - Limited space for elaboration, customer may not take time to fill out.

Social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook):

Advantages - Public platform, can reach a wide audience, get quick response.

Disadvantages - Feedback may be short or vague, company has less control.

Live chat:

Advantages - Real-time interaction, agent can ask clarifying questions.

Disadvantages - Chat may be rushed, limited to text-based communication.

2. Companies should use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategies and tools because it allows them to:

- Better understand their customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors

- Personalize the customer experience and build stronger relationships

- Improve customer retention and loyalty through tailored communications

- Streamline sales, marketing, and service processes for greater efficiency

- Collect and analyze customer data to make more informed business decisions

Overall, effective CRM helps companies provide a superior customer experience, which can drive increased revenue and profitability.

3. CRM can impact the customer experience in several ways:

- Personalization - CRM data allows companies to tailor interactions, offers, and solutions to each customer's unique needs.

- Responsiveness - CRM tools enable faster issue resolution and more proactive communication.

- Consistency - CRM ensures a seamless experience across all touchpoints and channels.

- Anticipation - CRM insights allow companies to predict and meet customer needs before they arise.

- Empowerment - CRM equips customer-facing staff with the information and tools to better serve customers.

4. Yes, I have provided positive feedback to a company before. Several years ago, I had an excellent experience with customer service at an online retailer. After my order arrived quickly and the product exceeded my expectations, I took the time to fill out a customer satisfaction survey and commend the service representative who had assisted me. I explained in detail what went well and how it positively impacted my overall experience as a customer. The company responded promptly, thanking me for the feedback and noting that it would be shared with the agent. I believe that providing this kind of positive feedback is just as important as registering complaints, as it allows companies to reinforce and replicate the best practices that lead to customer delight.

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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by NoDan's Land -
1. Easy to use but impersonal
2. It's good to have a plan and organised strategy to address customer concerns in an orderly fashion
3.keeps info in one place
4. I have. Mostly just something I'm not able to resolve on my end.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Glory Iyke -

Electronic options for customers to communicate:

- E-mails: It is very efficient & gives room for one to explain their situation thoroughly. Its main disadvantage is usually the length, it can sometimes prove to be too lengthy & response time is usually late.

- Live chat: this has a faster response time compared to emails but it could also be delayed when there are no active customer service representatives readily available to respond to messages.

Companies should employ CRM Strategies because it further strengthens the relationship the company has with its customers, fostering rapid growth & allowing for constructive feedback to improve company operations.

In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Precious E. Onyeukwu -
1) Customer Feedback Channels with adv. and disadv.:
Email: Common, allows detailed messages, but response time can vary.
Online Reviews: Public, reaches a wide audience, but can be easily manipulated.
Social Media: Immediate, interactive, but messages can get lost in the noise.
Surveys: Efficient for gathering large amounts of data, may have low response rates.
Live Chat: Convenient for real-time communication, requires staff availability.

2) CRM: Why and How it Impacts Customers (Summary)
Why CRM?
Centralized Data: Organizes customer interactions across channels.
Improved Service: Enables personalized experiences and faster issue resolution.
Stronger Relationships: Fosters customer loyalty through targeted communication.

3) CRM Impact on Customer Experience:
Faster Resolution: Streamlines complaint handling and service requests.
Personalized Interactions: Tailored communication and recommendations.
Proactive Engagement: Anticipates customer needs and offers relevant support.

4)Sharing Positive Feedback (Summary)
Yes, positive feedback is important! Here's an example:
Situation: Excellent customer service from a phone representative.
Method: Filled up the review feedback form praising the representative by name and detailing the positive experience.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Chota Mutale -
Customers can use email, social media, online reviews, live chat, and customer feedback forms to communicate feedback. Email is detailed but slow, social media is public but risky, reviews influence others but can be hard to manage, live chat is immediate but impersonal, and feedback forms are structured but time-consuming. CRM strategies and tools are vital for managing customer relationships, personalizing interactions, and improving service efficiency. CRM enhances the customer experience by offering personalization, efficiency, consistency, and proactive service. I once provided positive feedback via Google Reviews after an excellent restaurant experience, praising the service and food quality.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Rodgers Bwale -
Electronic Options for Customer Feedback:

Customers use various electronic options to provide feedback to businesses, including online surveys, email, social media platforms (like Twitter and Facebook), and dedicated customer feedback forms on websites. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages:

1. Online Surveys:
Advantages include structured feedback collection and scalability. Disadvantages can include low response rates and potential survey fatigue.

2. Email:
Advantages include direct communication and documentation. Disadvantages may include slower response times and potential for messages to get lost or overlooked.

3.Social Media:
Advantages include real-time interaction and broad reach. Disadvantages can include public visibility of feedback and difficulty in managing responses effectively.

Importance of CRM Strategies and Tools:

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategies and tools are crucial for businesses to effectively manage relationships with customers. They help in organizing customer data, improving communication, and enhancing customer service. By centralizing customer information, companies can personalize interactions, anticipate needs, and provide timely support, ultimately fostering customer loyalty and retention.

Impact of CRM on Customer Experience:

CRM positively impacts the customer experience by enabling personalized communication, faster query resolution, targeted marketing, and consistent service across channels. It enhances customer satisfaction by making interactions more efficient and relevant.

Personal Experience Providing Positive Feedback:

Yes, I have provided positive feedback to a company. Recently, I praised a customer service representative for their exceptional assistance in resolving a billing issue promptly and courteously. I communicated my appreciation through an email to the company's customer service department, highlighting the representative's professionalism and helpfulness. This experience reinforced my trust in the company's commitment to customer satisfaction and encouraged me to continue using their services.
In reply to Rodgers Bwale

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Yvonne Olivas -
CRM allows you to break down data by categories and criteria, making it easy to create focused lists. Used in sales and marketing, such segmented lists allow you to run specific customer marketing campaigns (and account-based marketing campaigns) and analyze your sales process and lead pool.Jan 25, 2024
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Carmen Barber -

Some electronic feedback for customers is the email, and surveys . Customer service provider can help customers manage their complaints and complements by taia survey to see if the customer is satisfied with the service. If they are treated in the proper fashion. I have never called a company and told them how satisfied I was with the service.

In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Luna Torres -
Electronic options customers commonly utilize to communicate feedback to a business are emails and SMS. The advantage of emails include how easy it is to send, attachments can be made to bring attention to an issue visually, and communicating your issues clearly with a business, however, it may take a while for the business to respond given that there's other people who also struggle with issues they need addressing and it isn't as immediate. SMS is a good way to quickly send a message, however, SMS don't allow for too much detail, your phone could be charged for sending additional messages, and it's just better to call a customer service worker.

Companies should use CRM strategies and tools in order to record data on a customer to optimize their experience to their preferences and liking, this can be tracked through how a potential customer browses the website, advertisements and how successful they were, the trends in data for what people lean towards, automate processes, and over all improving the customer experience to ideally gain an advocate for your products or services.

Ways CRM can impact the customer's experience is through what is shown, say for example a customer looks up stuffed animals and the website detects that this is what is being browsed so it'll suggest similar products to tempt a potential customer into purchasing. This makes browsing more convenient and if there's filters, a customer can more easily find what they're looking for with little hassle. There's also tracking calls or complaints made to customer service, if there's a common issue that's re-occurring then the company will be able to resolve the issue or update their FAQ page for a solution. Even if it seems small, this enhances the customer experience and makes things more customer driven, so it feels as if the customer has control which does increase loyalty.

I've provided positive feedback before, this was for a game that I really enjoyed but there were some issues that felt inconvenient such as the lack of a skip button for the Gacha system. This was sent through email, and now, the game has a skip button for the Gacha system so you don't have to watch the same animation repeatedly as many like me responded the same way with how it would be convenient to have a skip button for that circumstance.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Oluwabusayo Osho -
• Some options customers use to communicate feedbacks are:Emails, mobile phones and instant messages
• CRM can be used to track customer activity, automate some processes, and provide insight into the targeted effort to maximize resources.
• CRM can impact the customer service through: proactive customer Service,personalization, consistency and efficiency
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Pedro Tomo -
### Opções Eletrônicas para Comunicar Feedback a uma Empresa

1. **E-mail**
- **Vantagens**:
- Fácil de usar e acessível para a maioria dos clientes.
- Permite feedback detalhado e a inclusão de anexos.
- Documentação fácil de armazenar e rastrear.
- **Desvantagens**:
- Pode haver atrasos na resposta.
- Alto volume de e-mails pode resultar em feedback perdido ou negligenciado.
- Falta de interação em tempo real.

2. **Formulários Online**
- **Vantagens**:
- Estrutura organizada que facilita a análise.
- Pode ser integrado diretamente no site da empresa.
- Coleta de feedback de maneira padronizada.
- **Desvantagens**:
- Pode ser percebido como impessoal.
- Limitações no espaço para feedback detalhado.
- Pode ser ignorado por clientes que preferem métodos mais diretos.

3. **Redes Sociais**
- **Vantagens**:
- Comunicação em tempo real e ampla visibilidade.
- Feedback público pode construir a imagem da empresa.
- Fácil de interagir e responder rapidamente.
- **Desvantagens**:
- Feedback negativo pode afetar a reputação pública.
- Difícil de gerenciar alto volume de interações.
- Privacidade e segurança podem ser preocupações.

4. **Chat ao Vivo**
- **Vantagens**:
- Respostas imediatas e interação em tempo real.
- Personalização do atendimento ao cliente.
- Registro de conversas para referência futura.
- **Desvantagens**:
- Requer disponibilidade constante de atendentes.
- Pode ser demorado para questões complexas.
- Necessidade de boa infraestrutura técnica.

5. **Aplicativos de Mensagens (WhatsApp, Messenger)**
- **Vantagens**:
- Conveniência e familiaridade para muitos usuários.
- Possibilidade de anexar imagens, vídeos e documentos.
- Comunicação direta e rápida.
- **Desvantagens**:
- Pode se tornar intrusivo para alguns clientes.
- Gerenciamento de alto volume de mensagens pode ser desafiador.
- Riscos de segurança e privacidade.

### Estratégias e Ferramentas de CRM

As empresas devem usar estratégias e ferramentas de CRM (Customer Relationship Management) porque:

1. **Centralização de Dados**: CRM centraliza todas as informações de clientes em uma plataforma, facilitando o acesso e a gestão desses dados.
2. **Melhoria do Atendimento ao Cliente**: Ferramentas de CRM ajudam a oferecer um atendimento mais rápido e personalizado, melhorando a satisfação do cliente.
3. **Análise de Dados**: Possibilita a análise detalhada de comportamento e preferências dos clientes, ajudando na tomada de decisões estratégicas.
4. **Aumento da Eficiência**: Automatiza processos repetitivos, permitindo que os funcionários foquem em tarefas de maior valor.
5. **Fidelização de Clientes**: Ajuda a identificar e recompensar clientes leais, incentivando a fidelização.

### Impacto do CRM na Experiência do Cliente

1. **Personalização**: CRM permite um atendimento mais personalizado, adaptado às necessidades e histórico de cada cliente.
2. **Resolução Rápida de Problemas**: Com acesso rápido a dados do cliente, problemas podem ser resolvidos de forma mais eficiente.
3. **Comunicação Consistente**: Garante que todas as interações com o cliente sejam registradas e acessíveis, evitando repetições desnecessárias.
4. **Proatividade**: Empresas podem antecipar necessidades e problemas dos clientes, oferecendo soluções antes mesmo que eles reclamem.
5. **Fidelização e Satisfação**: Um bom CRM contribui para aumentar a satisfação e fidelização dos clientes através de um serviço de alta qualidade.

### Experiência Pessoal com Feedback Positivo

Sim, já forneci feedback positivo para uma empresa. Recentemente, tive uma excelente experiência com uma empresa de serviços de internet. O atendimento ao cliente foi excepcionalmente eficiente e atencioso. Resolvi meu problema em questão de minutos, algo que normalmente levaria horas ou até dias com outras empresas.

Eu comuniquei meu feedback positivo através do e-mail de atendimento ao cliente. Expliquei detalhadamente a situação, mencionando o nome do representante que me ajudou e elogiando sua paciência e profissionalismo. Recebi uma resposta agradecendo o feedback e informando que ele seria repassado ao representante e à gerência.
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Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by fentaye kassa Hailu -
Customers have various electronic options to communicate feedback to a business, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some common options:
1. Email


Personalized Communication: Allows for detailed, personalized feedback.
Record Keeping: Easy to keep records of customer interactions.
Attachments: Customers can attach files, screenshots, or documents to support their feedback.


Response Time: Responses can be delayed, leading to customer dissatisfaction.
Volume Management: Managing a high volume of emails can be challenging for businesses.
Spam Filters: Emails might get caught in spam filters and not reach the intended recipient.

2. Online Feedback Forms


Structured Responses: Forms can be designed to gather specific information through structured questions.
Ease of Use: Simple and easy for customers to fill out.
Automation: Responses can be automatically collected and analyzed.


Lack of Depth: May not capture detailed feedback due to the structured nature of forms.
Limited Engagement: Can feel impersonal to customers.
Drop-off Rates: Customers might abandon forms if they are too long or complex.

3. Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)


Visibility: Feedback is public, which can motivate quick responses from businesses.
Engagement: Businesses can engage with customers in real-time.
Reach: Potential to reach a wide audience and gather diverse feedback.


Public Complaints: Negative feedback is visible to everyone, which can harm a company's reputation.
Trolls and Spam: Businesses may encounter non-constructive comments or spam.
Resource Intensive: Requires continuous monitoring and timely responses.

4. Live Chat


Immediate Response: Provides real-time interaction, leading to quick resolutions.
Convenience: Customers can multitask while chatting.
Personalization: Agents can provide personalized assistance based on the customer's needs.


Availability: Requires staff to be available at all times to handle chats.
Technical Issues: Connectivity issues can disrupt communication.
Limited Complexity: Complex issues may be hard to resolve through chat alone.

5. Review Websites (e.g., Yelp, Google Reviews)


Public Testimonials: Positive reviews can enhance a business’s reputation.
Insightful Feedback: Detailed reviews can provide in-depth insights.
SEO Benefits: Positive reviews can improve search engine rankings.


Negative Impact: Negative reviews can be damaging if not addressed properly.
Authenticity Concerns: Fake reviews can distort the true customer experience.
Delayed Resolution: Public platforms may not facilitate immediate resolution of issues.

6. Mobile Apps


Accessibility: Easy for customers to provide feedback on the go.
Integrated Features: Can include features like surveys, ratings, and feedback forms within the app.
Engagement: In-app notifications can prompt users to leave feedback.


User Experience: Poor app design can deter customers from providing feedback.
Limited Audience: Only accessible to customers who have downloaded the app.
Technical Barriers: App crashes or bugs can prevent feedback submission.

7. SMS/Text Messaging


Convenience: Quick and easy for customers to provide feedback.
High Open Rates: Text messages are usually read promptly.
Real-Time Communication: Allows for timely interactions.


Limited Detail: Text messages are typically short, limiting the amount of detailed feedback.
Privacy Concerns: Customers may be wary of sharing information via text.
Cost: May incur costs for customers depending on their mobile plans.

8. Online Surveys


Scalability: Can reach a large audience quickly.
Data Analysis: Easy to analyze and quantify feedback.
Customizability: Surveys can be tailored to gather specific information.


Response Rates: Customers may ignore survey requests, leading to low response rates.
Survey Fatigue: Over-surveying can lead to customer fatigue and disengagement.
Impersonal: Lack of personal touch can make customers feel undervalued.

Each electronic communication option offers unique benefits and challenges, and businesses often

Companies should use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies and tools for several compelling reasons. CRM strategies and tools help businesses manage interactions with current and potential customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability. Here are some key reasons why companies should adopt CRM strategies and tools:
1. Improved Customer Service

Centralized Information: CRM systems store customer data in a centralized location, making it easily accessible to all relevant employees.
Personalization: Allows companies to provide personalized service by having access to detailed customer history and preferences.
Quick Resolution: Facilitates faster resolution of customer issues by tracking and managing customer interactions efficiently.

2. Enhanced Customer Retention

Proactive Engagement: Helps companies identify at-risk customers and engage them proactively to prevent churn.
Loyalty Programs: Enables the design and implementation of loyalty programs based on customer data and behavior analysis.
Follow-Up: Ensures consistent follow-up with customers, improving their overall experience and satisfaction.

3. Increased Sales and Revenue

Sales Process Automation: Automates sales workflows, freeing up time for sales teams to focus on closing deals.
Lead Management: Tracks and manages leads efficiently, ensuring no opportunities are missed.
Sales Forecasting: Provides accurate sales forecasting by analyzing historical data and trends.

4. Better Data Management

Data Integration: Integrates data from various sources (e.g., sales, marketing, customer service) into a single platform.
Data Analysis: Analyzes customer data to uncover insights and trends that can inform business strategies.
Accuracy: Reduces data duplication and errors, ensuring that customer information is accurate and up-to-date.

5. Enhanced Marketing Efforts

Targeted Campaigns: Allows for the creation of targeted marketing campaigns based on customer segmentation.
Campaign Tracking: Tracks the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and adjusts strategies based on performance data.
Automation: Automates marketing tasks such as email campaigns, social media posts, and customer follow-ups.

6. Improved Collaboration and Communication

Shared Information: Provides a platform for different departments to share information and collaborate more effectively.
Consistency: Ensures that all customer-facing employees have access to the same information, leading to consistent communication.
Task Management: Helps manage tasks and projects by assigning and tracking responsibilities across teams.

7. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Process Automation: Automates routine tasks, reducing manual workload and human error.
Workflow Management: Streamlines workflows, making processes more efficient and productive.
Resource Allocation: Optimizes resource allocation by providing insights into where resources are needed most.

8. Informed Decision Making

Real-Time Data: Provides real-time data and analytics, enabling quick and informed decision-making.
Performance Metrics: Tracks key performance metrics (KPIs) to assess business performance and identify areas for improvement.
Customer Insights: Delivers deep insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs, helping to shape business strategies.

9. Competitive Advantage

Customer Experience: Enhances the overall customer experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Market Trends: Helps identify and respond to market trends and customer needs more quickly than competitors.
Innovation: Drives innovation by providing insights into customer expectations and feedback.

10. Scalability

Growth Management: Scales with the business, supporting growth and expansion without compromising on efficiency or customer service.
Flexibility: Adapts to changing business needs and integrates with other business tools and platforms.

By using CRM strategies and tools, companies can build stronger relationships with their customers, enhance their operational efficiency, and drive sustainable growth.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems significantly impact the customer experience in various ways, enhancing interactions, satisfaction, and loyalty. Here are some key ways that CRM can positively influence the customer experience:
1. Personalized Interactions

Tailored Communication: CRM systems store detailed customer data, enabling personalized communication based on individual preferences, purchase history, and behaviors.
Customized Offers: Businesses can use CRM data to create personalized offers, promotions, and recommendations, making customers feel valued and understood.

2. Improved Responsiveness

Timely Support: CRM tools allow for quick access to customer information, enabling customer service representatives to respond promptly and accurately to inquiries.
Proactive Engagement: By tracking customer interactions and behaviors, CRM systems can trigger proactive engagement, such as follow-up emails or service reminders.

3. Consistent Service

Unified Data: A centralized CRM system ensures that all customer-facing employees have access to the same information, providing a consistent experience across all touchpoints.
Integrated Channels: CRM systems integrate various communication channels (email, phone, chat, social media), ensuring seamless and consistent interactions regardless of how the customer contacts the business.

4. Enhanced Problem Resolution

Issue Tracking: CRM systems track customer issues and complaints, ensuring that they are addressed promptly and effectively.
Knowledge Base: Customer service representatives can access a knowledge base of solutions and best practices, leading to quicker and more accurate problem resolution.

5. Efficient Self-Service Options

Customer Portals: CRM systems often include customer portals where customers can access their account information, track orders, and find solutions to common issues without needing to contact support.
Automated Responses: Chatbots and automated systems can handle routine inquiries, providing immediate assistance and freeing up human agents for more complex issues.

6. Better Customer Insights

Behavior Analysis: CRM systems analyze customer behavior and preferences, providing insights that can be used to enhance the customer experience.
Feedback Integration: Collecting and analyzing customer feedback through CRM tools helps businesses understand customer needs and expectations, leading to continuous improvement in products and services.

7. Strengthened Relationships

Customer History: Detailed records of customer interactions, purchases, and preferences help build stronger, more personalized relationships.
Loyalty Programs: CRM systems facilitate the creation and management of loyalty programs, rewarding customers and fostering long-term relationships.

8. Predictive Service

Anticipating Needs: CRM analytics can predict customer needs and behaviors, allowing businesses to anticipate issues and offer solutions before customers even realize they need them.
Targeted Marketing: Predictive analytics enable more effective and targeted marketing campaigns, reaching customers with the right message at the right time.

9. Seamless Onboarding

Smooth Transitions: CRM systems streamline the onboarding process for new customers by ensuring that all necessary information is collected and available to relevant teams.
Welcome Programs: Automated welcome emails and onboarding programs help new customers get started and feel comfortable with the product or service.

10. Increased Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Positive Experiences: By providing timely, personalized, and efficient service, CRM systems enhance overall customer satisfaction.
Retention Strategies: CRM data helps identify at-risk customers and implement strategies to retain them, such as special offers or personalized outreach.

11. Enhanced Communication

Regular Updates: CRM tools enable regular communication with customers through automated emails, newsletters, and notifications, keeping them informed and engaged.
Feedback Channels: CRM systems provide easy ways for customers to give feedback, ensuring their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.

12. Empowered Employees

Training and Resources: CRM systems equip employees with the tools and information they need to provide excellent service.
Collaboration: Improved collaboration among different departments ensures that customer issues are handled efficiently and effectively.

By leveraging CRM systems, companies can create a more personalized, responsive, and consistent customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term business success.

Yes, I have provided positive feedback to a company and customer service representatives. Here are a few examples of situations and methods of communication:
Example 1: Online Purchase Experience

I purchased a laptop from an online retailer and was very impressed with the swift delivery, excellent packaging, and the overall quality of the product. Additionally, I had a pleasant experience with their customer service when I called to inquire about some features.

Method of Communication:

Email: I sent an email to the customer service department, expressing my satisfaction with both the product and the service. I highlighted the efficiency of the delivery process and the helpfulness of the customer service representative.
Website Review: I also left a positive review on the retailer's website, detailing my experience to help other potential customers.

Example 2: Restaurant Visit

During a visit to a local restaurant, I received exceptional service from the waitstaff. They were attentive, friendly, and made excellent recommendations. The food was delicious, and the ambiance was perfect.

Method of Communication:

In-Person: At the end of the meal, I personally thanked the waitstaff and the manager, expressing my appreciation for the outstanding service.
Online Review: I left a positive review on Google and Yelp, mentioning the names of the staff members who provided great service and highlighting the quality of the food and overall experience.

Example 3: Technical Support Assistance

I encountered a technical issue with a software product and contacted the company's technical support. The support representative was very knowledgeable, patient, and guided me through the troubleshooting process until the issue was resolved.

Method of Communication:

Feedback Form: After the support session, I filled out the feedback form that was emailed to me, giving high ratings and specific comments about the representative's helpfulness and expertise.
Social Media: I tweeted a thank-you message to the company's official Twitter handle, mentioning the support representative's name and appreciating their assistance.

Example 4: Hotel Stay

I stayed at a hotel during a business trip and was thoroughly impressed by the cleanliness of the rooms, the quality of the amenities, and the professionalism of the staff.

Method of Communication:

Hotel Survey: I completed the hotel's post-stay survey, providing detailed positive feedback about my experience and the exceptional service.
Direct Email: I sent an email to the hotel manager, expressing my gratitude for the comfortable stay and mentioning specific staff members who stood out.

Example 5: Local Service Provider

I hired a local contractor to renovate my kitchen. They were punctual, communicative, and did an excellent job with the renovation. They also cleaned up thoroughly after completing the work.

Method of Communication:

Personal Note: I wrote a thank-you note and gave it to the contractor along with a small token of appreciation.
Referral: I referred their services to friends and family and posted a recommendation on a local community board.

Providing positive feedback is important as it encourages and motivates employees, highlights what the company is doing right, and can help improve the overall customer experience. It’s also a way to express gratitude for good service and contribute to a positive business environment.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: Unit 5

by Saddam Adigun Adeniran -
Electronic options customers use to communicate feedback to a business:

1. Email
- Advantages: Convenient, asynchronous, and cost-effective
- Disadvantages: May be ignored or lost in spam filters
2. Social Media
- Advantages: Public platform, immediate response, and wide reach
- Disadvantages: Limited character count, potential for negative publicity
3. Online Review Sites (e.g., Yelp, Google Reviews)
- Advantages: Permanent record, influences purchasing decisions
- Disadvantages: May be fake or biased reviews
4. Live Chat/ Messaging Apps
- Advantages: Real-time response, convenient, and personal
- Disadvantages: Requires immediate response, may be time-consuming
5. Surveys/ Feedback Forms
- Advantages: Structured feedback, easy to analyze
- Disadvantages: May be lengthy, low response rates

Companies should use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategies and tools to:

- Centralize customer interactions and data
- Analyze customer behavior and preferences
- Personalize interactions and improve customer experience
- Enhance customer retention and loyalty
- Identify and address customer concerns

CRM can impact the customer experience by:

- Providing personalized interactions and offers
- Streamlining communication channels
- Enhancing issue resolution and support
- Offering proactive solutions and recommendations
- Building trust and loyalty through consistent engagement

Regarding positive feedback, I'm an AI, I don't have personal experiences, but I can tell you that providing positive feedback can encourage companies to continue delivering excellent service and motivate employees to maintain high standards. Common methods of providing positive feedback include:

- Email or letter to the company or customer service representative
- Online review or rating
- Social media post or comment
- Verbal praise or compliment during a transaction
- Filling out a feedback form or survey

Remember, both positive and negative feedback are valuable for companies to improve and grow!