Resume Form and Function

Read this article to learn how a functional resume may be best if you are just out of school, have been a stay-at-home parent, or will only discuss your volunteer work during an interview. You can use this type of format to present your functions, skills, training, and volunteer work effectively. A well-thought-out functional resume can cure the challenge of having too much or too little experience in the specific type of job for which you are applying.

Form and Function for Your Resume

When you think of a resume, you probably think of the traditional type. That is the type that lists your work history in chronological order. But what if you do not have much work history? What if you have so much that completing your resume would take three pages?

Most resumes should only be 1-2 pages. How can you express the best parts of yourself in such little space?

Functional resumes are the answer!

A functional resume focuses on your skills. For example, if you were a stay-at-home dad, you demonstrated many skills. After all, you needed them to run your household and keep your children on track for all of their activities. When you are ready to work again, you can list the functions you served while managing your family.

This format also works well for first-time jobs. Many youth today take part in extracurricular activities. They may also hold family or neighborhood responsibilities. Use the functional format to share these skills and impress potential employers.

Functional resumes can also help seasoned workers. If you have several different positions in the same or similar industry, this format may fit you. List the functions you served. For each function, add an example of how you solved problems for a previous employer.

Functions and skills are the biggest parts of a functional resume. You can include some work history with dates. However, it should be a small portion of your resume near the bottom. Training and volunteer work may also play an important role in a functional resume.

Source: Illinois workNet,
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Last modified: Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 4:00 PM