Designing Your Resume

Watch this video, which gives an example of creating a classic two-column resume layout using Sketch. You can use this example even if you do not use Sketch to build your resume. Use a standard font such as Helvetica or Times New Roman. The hierarchical levels you adopt should have a consistent appearance. For example, if you create three levels of information in one section, use the same template throughout.

Your resume should be easy to read, so use the average 12-point font size. However, consider using different font weights, such as bold, to highlight certain sections and to make your resume easier to navigate.

Spacing is important! You can alleviate the claustrophobic feeling that using too much writing can create on a page with a balanced use of white space. The spacing between the lines and sections should be consistent. Use accent colors with intention. Do not go crazy because too many colors can make it harder for the eye to take it all in. For example, use an accent color to make your section titles stand out. Again, make it easy for recruiters to find your related experience. Include what you did and how your efforts affected the organization for each job experience.

Last modified: Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 4:12 PM