Types of Sets
Read this page to become familiar with the various types of sets. This page is an aid to set terminology and notation.
Cardinality of Set X:
n(X), Set X contains n(X) elements
holds no elements
{ }, Ø, n(X) = 0, |A| = 0
two sets that contain the same elements, and no other elements
=, X = Y, Set X is equal to Set Y
two sets not necessarily having the same elements, while having the same number of elements (the same cardinality)
n(X) = n(Y), Set X is equivalent to Set Y; ≈ , X ≈ Y
holds a number of elements that is limited and countable
Improper Subset:
a set that is exactly the same as itself
holds a number of elements that is unlimited and uncountable
∞, n(X) = ∞
also known as the empty set – the set that holds no elements
{ }, Ø, n(X) = 0, |A| = 0
Proper Subset:
a set X that contains only elements of set Y but does not contain at least one element of Y
⊂, X ⊂ Y, Set X is a proper subset of Set Y
Proper Superset:
set X holds all elements of set Y but is not equal to Y
⊃, X ⊃ Y, Set X is a proper superset of Set Y
holds all subsets of a given set
P, X = P(Y), Set X contains all the subsets of Set Y
holds only one element, no more and no less
a set X that contains only elements of set Y
⊆, X ⊆ Y, Set X is a subset of Set Y
set X contains all elements of set Y, and only elements of Y
⊇, X ⊇ Y, Set X is a superset of Set Y
holds all elements of all other sets under consideration
U, X = U, Set X is the universal set
Source: Saylor Academy
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