The Basics of Strings

Our introduction would not be complete without discussing how to work with text and character data. In this section, you will learn about the string data type and assigning a variable of type "str". String data is text or character data. To assign a variable of type str, the text string must be placed in quotes:

string_example='This is the text string'

To see that this variable assignment has taken place, type the command:


and you should see the text string echoed to the screen. To assign a variable of type str, you can use either single or double quotes, but single quotes are often the convention of choice. As we dive deeper into the course, many interesting operations and computations using the string data type will be presented. Read this page to learn more about the string variable type. Use the IDE to practice some of the string commands.


  • String basics
  • String formatting

string is a sequence of characters

Example: abrakadabra, 

We can store it and associate a name/variable with it.

To strings like "hi" or 'broom', we refer to as a string literal in a Python program.

What can I do with strings in Python?

>>> firstPart = "abra"
>>> secondPart = "kadabra"

>>> firstPart[2]
>>> secondPart[0]
>>> secondPart[2:]
>>> secondPart[1:4] 
>>> firstPart + secondPart 
>>> len(firstPart) 
>>> firstPart+"cloud"
>>> firstPart+'/'+secondPart
>>> firstPart*3
>>> firstPart


String formatting

Program output commonly includes the value of variables as a part of the text. 

Example: for the following code:

num = 18
tum = 9.8
print("I have a number",num,"and a number",tum)

will produce:

I have a number 18 and a number 9.8

Note that we have to keep track of those double quotes (") and commas in the print statement.


Compare the following two print statements:

num = 18,tum = 9.8
print("I have a number",num,"and a number",tum)
print("I have a number %d and a number %f" % (num,tum))

The first one produced:

I have a number 18 and a number 9.8

The second one produced:

I have a number 18 and a number 9.800000


A string formatting expression allows a programmer to create a string with placeholders that are replaced by the value of variables.

Such a placeholder is called a conversion specifier. Different conversion specifiers are used to perform a conversion of the given variable value to a different type when creating the string. 


num = 5.5
print("The integer part is %d" % num)

will yield:

The integer part is 5


Example: Consider the following code fragment

price = 119 # in dollars
discount = 30 # in percent %
print("A $%d jacket at %d%% discount is now priced at %f" % (price,discount,price*0.7))

Produces the output:

A $119 jacket at 30% discount is now priced at 83.300000


Example: Consider the following code fragment:

name1 = "Chris"
name2 = "John"
print("%s and %s are heading to the movies tonight" % (name1,name2))

Produces the output:

Chris and John are heading to the movies tonight


Source: City University of New York,
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Last modified: Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 12:38 PM