A Data Science Example

By itself, numpy can make various statistical calculations (in the next section, you will see how scipy builds upon this foundation). Try running and studying the code in this project to experience a data science application that analyzes empirical speed of light measurements.

As a lead-in to the next unit, you should know three instructions from the pandas module (read_csv, rename, and head). The read_csv method is used to load the data from a file into what is called a pandas "data frame" (analogous to a numpy array, but more general). The rename method is used to rename a column within the data frame. The head method prints out and inspects the first few rows of a data frame containing many rows. These methods will be discussed in more detail in the next unit. For now, try and focus on the data science application and the statistical and plotting methods used to analyze the data.

Analyzing speed of light measurements

This is an introduction to the use of Python and SciPy to analyze historical measurements of the speed of light, an important quest in physics. It includes an introduction to the use of bootstrap resampling to generate confidence intervals for a measure.

import numpy
import scipy.stats
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=["svg"]

Our discussion is partially based on information from the article by R. J. MacKay and R. W. Oldford, Scientific Method, Statistical Method and the Speed of Light, Statistical Science, 2000, 15:3, pp. 254–278, and on a discussion of successive measurements of the speed of light by S. Prokhovnik and W. Morris, A review of speed of light measurements since 1676, CEN Tech. J. 1993, 7:2, pp. 181–183.

Around 1879, an instructor in physics at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, A. Michelson, undertook to measure the speed of light using an adaptation of Foucault's rotating mirror approach. He made around 100 measurements, which you can download in CSV format.

mich = pandas.read_csv("https://risk-engineering.org/static/data/michelson-speed-light.csv")
mich.rename(columns={"velocity of light in air (km/s)": "speed"}, inplace=True)

Unnamed: 0 date distinctness of image temperature (F) position of deflected image position of slit displacement of image in divisions difference between greatest and least B Cor revolutions per second radius (ft) value of one turn of screw speed remarks
0 0 June 5 3 76 114.85 0.300 114.55 0.17 1.423 -0.132 257.36 28.672 0.99614 299850 Electric light.
1 1 June 7 2 72 114.64 0.074 114.56 0.10 1.533 -0.084 257.52 28.655 0.99614 299740 P.M. Frame inclined at various angles
2 2 June 7 2 72 114.58 0.074 114.50 0.08 1.533 -0.084 257.52 28.647 0.99614 299900 P.M. Frame inclined at various angles
3 3 June 7 2 72 85.91 0.074 85.84 0.12 1.533 -0.084 193.14 28.647 0.99598 300070 P.M. Frame inclined at various angles
4 4 June 7 2 72 85.97 0.074 85.89 O.07 1.533 -0.084 193.14 28.650 0.99598 299930 P.M. Frame inclined at various angles

plt.xlabel("Measured speed (km/s)")
plt.title("Michelson speed of light measurements")
plt.hist(mich.speed, alpha=0.5);

The mean value from Michelson's measurements is


Since there is clearly some measurement uncertainty, we would like to report a 95% confidence interval for the measurements. We can do this using bootstrap resampling, as implemented in the function below.

def bootstrap_confidence_intervals(data, estimator, percentiles, runs=1000):
    replicates = numpy.empty(runs)
    for i in range(runs):
        replicates[i] = estimator(numpy.random.choice(data, len(data), replace=True))
    est = numpy.mean(replicates)
    ci = numpy.percentile(replicates, percentiles)
    return (est, ci)

est, ci = bootstrap_confidence_intervals(mich.speed, estimator=numpy.mean, percentiles=[2.5, 97.5])
est, ci

(299852.403, array([299837.6925, 299867.5   ]))

est - ci[0], ci[1] - est

(14.710499999986496, 15.097000000008848)

The first return value is the bootstrapped estimate of the mean, and the second return value is the 95% confidence interval. Given that the confidence interval is roughly symmetrical, we could report this measurement as

299853 ± 16 km/s (95% CI)

or as

2998523 [299837, 299869] km/s (95% CI).

Note that a "naked" ± notation for the margin of error is ambiguous, as is a simple interval, because some technical communities use one or two standard deviations instead of a confidence interval.

At the time, Michelson made a few corrections to his measurements to account for the influence of temperature, and accounting for a number of sources of uncertainty in his measurement method, reported his estimate of the speed of light in a vacuum as

299944 ± 51 km/s

Just three years later in 1882, Simon Newcomb ran another experiment to measure the speed of light. He measured the time required for light to travel from his laboratory on the Potomac river to a mirror at the base of the Washington Monument and back, a total distance of about 7400 meters. The data are recorded as deviations from 24800 nanoseconds. They were measured on three different days. The “raw” measurements are given below.

newcomb1 = [28, -44, 29, 30, 26, 27, 22, 23, 33, 16, 24, 29, 24, 40, 21, 31, 34, -2, 25, 19]
newcomb2 = [24, 28, 37, 32, 20, 25, 25, 36, 36, 21, 28, 26, 32, 28, 26, 30, 36, 29, 30, 22]
newcomb3 = [36, 27, 26, 28, 29, 23, 31, 32, 24, 27, 27, 27, 32, 25, 28, 27, 26, 24, 32, 29, 28, 33, 39, 25, 16, 23]

To transform from these units into the speed of light expressed in km/s, we use the following transformation:

def newcomb_transform(x):
    return 1000000 * 7.44373 / (x*0.001+24.8)

newcomb1t = newcomb_transform(numpy.array(newcomb1))
newcomb2t = newcomb_transform(numpy.array(newcomb2))
newcomb3t = newcomb_transform(numpy.array(newcomb3))

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4))
plt.hist(newcomb1t, bins=10, alpha=0.3, label="Day 1")
plt.hist(newcomb2t, bins=10, alpha=0.3, label="Day 2")
plt.hist(newcomb3t, bins=10, alpha=0.3, label="Day 3")
plt.xlabel("Measured speed (km/s)")
plt.title("Newcomb's speed of light measurements", weight="bold");

We see that the observations from the three days do seem compatible, even if the data from the first day have a larger degree of variance (uncertainty). In fact, there are two apparent outliers in the untransformed data (the two negative values). Newcomb decided to discard the measurement of -44, treating it as an outlier (note that there is no magical method for treating outliers in statistical analysis, and the decision to exclude an observation or measurement should not be taken lightly since it may have a significant effect on statistical analyses).

We also exclude the measurement of -44 and calculate a bootstrap mean and 95% confidence intervals for these observations.

newcomb_all = numpy.concatenate([newcomb_transform(numpy.array(newcomb1)),
# a histogram of all non-outlier measurements
plt.hist(newcomb_all, bins=15, alpha=0.5)
plt.title("Newcomb's speed of light measurements (1 outlier excluded)")
plt.xlabel("Measured speed (km/s)");

est, ci = bootstrap_confidence_intervals(newcomb_all, numpy.mean, [2.5, 97.5])
est, ci

(299821.1129858451, array([299802.81088589, 299839.80381806]))

est - ci[0], ci[1] - est

(18.302099955733865, 18.690832219610456)

The uncertainty is not quite symmetrical, so we would prefer to report this result as

299821 [299804, 299840] km/s (95% CI)

It is interesting to note that the defined true value, 299792.458 km/s, is well outside the confidence interval for both these sets of measurements. (We don't know of any good explanation for this).

Source: Eric Marsden, https://risk-engineering.org/notebook/data-analysis-speed-light.html
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.

Last modified: Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 6:31 PM