More on UML Sequence Diagrams

System Behaviour can be described using sequence diagrams. These can help in visualizing the workflow and how components work with each other. Be sure to understand the main components of a sequence diagram (participants , lifelines, boxes, dividers and interactions) and how to design it. As you read this section, keep in mind that sequence diagram diagram cares about HOW, not WHAT.

Diagramming your application steps


  • Learn how to application interactions in a sequence diagram 
  • Learn what components are in a sequence diagram

UML Sequence Diagrams 

Lays out the different interactions of some major components in the application

Use Case Diagram components 

  • Participants - components and actors in your application 
  • Actors - a specific type of participant but is a user normally 
  • Database - another specific type of participant 
  • Divider - used to group sections of similar functionality together 
  • Lifelines - when a participant is activated to depict state 
  • Boxes - used to logical grouping of components

PlantUML Sequence Diagram Documentation 


Diagram Tutorial

Simple Sequence Diagram Example

Simple Sequence Diagram Code

hide footbox

actor User
participant "Web Application"

User -> "Web Application" : Authentication Request
"Web Application" --> User : Authenticated


Using Dividers

Sequence Diagram Dividers Example

Sequence Diagram Dividers Code

hide footbox

actor User
participant "Web Application"

== Authentication ==
User -> "Web Application" : Authentication Request
"Web Application" --> User : Authenticated

== Edit Profile Page ==
User -> "Web Application" : Visit Profile Page
User -> "Web Application" : Change name on profile page
"Web Application" --> User : Replies with a successful edit

== User Log out ==
User -> "Web Application" : Logs out of the page
"Web Application" --> User : Successfully logged out


Using Boxes

Sequence Diagram Box Example

Sequence Diagram Box Code

hide footbox

actor User

box "Back End Services"
participant "Web Application"

User -> "Web Application" : Request Authentication
"Web Application" --> User : Authenticated


Using Lifelines for State

Sequence Diagram Lifeline Example

Sequence Diagram Lifeline Code

hide footbox

actor User
participant "Web Service"

User -> "Web Service" : Requests authentication
activate "Web Service"
"Web Service" --> User : Authenticated
User -> "Web Service" : Logs out
destroy "Web Service"


A More Complete Example

UML Example: E-commerce Diagrams

UML Example: E-commerce Diagram PlantUML Code

hide footbox

actor User
box "Backend Services"
participant "E-commerce Application"
database "E-commerce Database"

== User Login ==
User -> "E-commerce Application" : Sends username and password to log in
"E-commerce Application" -> "E-commerce Database" : Matches username and password
"E-commerce Database" --> "E-commerce Application" : Sends back a matched record

activate "E-commerce Application" #FFBBBB
"E-commerce Application" --> User : Sends back user session

== User Adds Product to Card ==
User -> "E-commerce Application" : Adds products to cart
activate "E-commerce Application" #DarkSalmon
"E-commerce Application" -> "E-commerce Database" : Build relationship between a cart with the products
"E-commerce Database" --> "E-commerce Application" : Responds that rows for the products are added to th
"E-commerce Application" --> User : Shows the user the cart page
== User Purchases Items ==
User -> "E-commerce Application" : Checks out to purchase the items in the cart
deactivate "E-commerce Application"

== User Logs Out ==
User -> "E-commerce Application" : Logs out of the application
"E-commerce Application" -> "E-commerce Database" : Expires the user session stored in the database
destroy "E-commerce Application"



  • Sequence diagrams help you visualize the workflow and high level implementation of how components work with each other

Last modified: Monday, February 12, 2024, 3:23 PM