
Read this section, which explains how to organize your content coherently. If your document has several sections, consider using headers to summarize your sub-point and reinforce your main point. This will make it easier to review your written materials and understand your message.

The purpose of business writing is to communicate facts and ideas. To accomplish this purpose, you must present key components in each document so your reading audience understands the message. These elements seem so simple that you wonder how writers neglect them. But miscommunication and misunderstandings happen all the time. Most omission or neglect is unintentional – the writer assumes the reader will easily understand a concept, idea, or meaning.  Many variables make effective communication challenging – from background to language, culture to education. How you address these basic elements increases the effectiveness of your documents.

Each document must address the following:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • How
  • (and sometimes) Why

Having these elements in mind as you prepare your document makes it easier to decide what to write and in what order. It will also help you review your document before delivering it. If your draft omits any of these elements or addresses it unclearly, you will know what to fix.

Another approach to organizing your document is with the classical proofs of ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos, or your credibility, will come through with your choice of sources and authority on the subject(s). Your logos, or the logic of your thoughts represented across the document, will help your reader understand the relationships among who, what, where, when, and so forth. If your readers cannot follow your logic, they will lose interest, fail to understand your message, and possibly not even read it at all. Finally, your pathos, or passion and enthusiasm, will be reflected in your design and word choices. If your document fails to convey enthusiasm for the subject, how can you expect the reader to be interested? Every document, indeed every communication, represents aspects of these classical elements.

General Purpose and Thesis Statements

No matter what your business writing project involves, it needs to convey a central idea. Write a thesis statement to clarify the idea in your mind and make sure it comes through to your audience. A thesis statement, or central idea, should be short, specific, and to the point. Steven Beebe and Susan Beebe recommend five guiding principles when writing your thesis statement.

The thesis statement should:

  1. be a declarative statement,
  2. be a complete sentence,
  3. use specific language, not vague generalities,
  4. be a single idea,
  5. reflect consideration of the audience.

This statement is key to the success of your document. If your audience has to work to learn what you are talking about or what your stated purpose or goal is, they are less likely to read, be influenced, or recall what you have written. Stating your point clearly in your introduction and referring back to it in the body of the document and at the end, will help your readers understand and remember your message.

Organizing Principles

Once you know the basic elements of your message, you need to decide how to present them to your audience. A central organizing principle will help you determine a logical order for your information. One common organizing principle is chronology or time: the writer tells what happened first, what happened next, what is happening now, and what they expect to happen in the future. Another common organizing principle is a comparison: the writer describes one product, an argument on one side of an issue, or one course of action and compares it with another product, argument, or course of action.

For example, imagine you are a business writer in the transportation industry and must write a series of informative pieces on the "TransAmerica Transportation System Study." Just as the First Transcontinental Railroad once unified the United States from east to west, the TransAmerica Transportation System will integrate Mexican, U.S., and Canadian markets from south to north. Rail transportation has been an integral part of the transportation and distribution system for goods across the Americas, and its role will be important in this new system.

When deciding how to organize your report, you have several challenges and possible organizing principles to use. Part of your introduction will involve a historical perspective and discussion of the events that led from the First Transcontinental Railroad to the TransAmerica Transportation System. Other aspects include comparing the old railroad and highway systems with the new ones and the transformative effect on business and industry. You must acknowledge the complex relationships and challenges that collaboration has overcome and highlight the common benefits. You will be asked to write informative documents for public relations initiatives, persuasive essays to underscore the benefits of the status quo and write speeches for celebrations and awards.

Table 6.1, "Organizing Principles," lists how to apply 17 organizing principles to pieces you might write on the TransAmerican Transportation System.

Organizing Principle Explanation of Process Example
1. Time (Chronological) Structuring your document by time shows a series of events or steps in a process, which typically has a beginning, middle, and end. "Once upon a time stories" follow a chronological pattern.

Before the First Transcontinental Railroad, the events that led to its construction and its impact on early America. Additional examples may include national highway projects and the development of reliable air freight.

Now we can consider the TransAmerica Transportation System and the similar and distinct events that led us to today.

2. Comparison Structuring your document by comparison focuses on the similarities and/or differences between points or concepts.

A comparison of pre– and post–First Transcontinental Railroad America, showing how health and life expectancy improved with the increased access to goods and services.

Another example could be drawn from air freight, noting that organ donation in one part of the country can now save a life in another state or on the opposite coast.

In a similar way, the TransAmerica Transportation System will improve the lives of the citizens of Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

3. Contrast Structuring your document by using contrasting points highlights the differences between items and concepts.

A contrast between pre– and post–First Transcontinental Railroad America shows how much time it took to communicate via letter or how long it took to move out West. Just-in-time delivery and the modern highway system and trucking may serve as an example of contrast.

The TransAmerica Transportation System will reduce customs clearing time while increasing border security along the distribution network.

4. Cause and Effect Structuring your document by cause and effect structuring establishes a relationship between two events or situations, making the connection clear. The movement of people and goods out West grew considerably from 1750 to 1850. With the availability of a new and faster way to go West, people generally supported its construction. Both the modern highway and air transportation systems may serve as examples, noting how people, goods, and services can be delivered in drastically reduced time frames. Citizens of all three countries involved have increasingly been involved in trade, and movement across common borders through the TransAmerica Transportation System will enable the movement of goods and services with great efficiency.
5. Problem and Solution Structuring your document by problem and solution means you state the problem and detail how it was solved. This approach is effective for persuasive speeches. Manufacturers were producing better goods for less money at the start of the Industrial Revolution, but they lacked a fast and effective method of getting their goods to growing markets. The First Transcontinental Railroad gave them speed, economy, and access to new markets. Highways and air routes have dramatically increased this trend. In a similar way, this new system is the next evolutionary step in the integration and growth of our common marketplaces.
6. Classification (Categorical) Structuring your document by classification establishes categories.

At the time the United States considered the First Transcontinental Railroad, there were three main types of transportation: by water, by horse, and by foot.

Now rail, road, and air transportation are the norm across business and industry.

7. Biographical Structuring your document by biography means examining specific people as they relate to the central topic.
  • 1804: Lewis and Clark travel 4,000 miles over two years across America
  • 1862: President Lincoln signs the Pacific Railroad Act
  • 1876: The Transcontinental Express from New York arrives in San Francisco with a record-breaking time of 83 hours and 39 minutes
  • 2009: President Obama can cross America by plane in less than 5 hours
  • So why shouldn't the ratio of time from import to consumer be reduced?
8. Space (Spatial) Structuring your document by space involves the parts of something and how they fit to form the whole. A train uses a heat source to heat water, create steam, and turn a turbine, which moves a lever, causing a wheel to move on a track. A package picked up from an office in New York in the morning is delivered to another in Los Angeles in the afternoon. From a Pacific port in Northern Mexico to a market in Chicago or Canada, this system unifies the movement of goods and services.
9. Ascending and Descending Structuring your document in ascending or descending order involves focusing on quantity and quality. One good story (quality) leads to the larger picture or the reverse. A Day in the Life of a Traveler in 1800. Incremental developments in transportation to the present are expressed through statistics, graphs, maps, and charts. A day in the life of a traveler in 1960, 1980, or even 2000, with visual examples of changes and trends, may also contribute to the document. A day in the life of a traveler in 2009 compared to the relatively slow movement of goods and services, constrained by an antiquated transportation network that negatively impacts efficiency.
10. Psychological

It is also called "Monroe's Motivated Sequence."

Structuring your document on the psychological aspects of the audience involves focusing on their inherent needs and wants. See Maslow and Schutz. The author calls attention to a need, then focuses on the satisfaction of the needs and visions of the solution, and ends with a proposed or historical action. Useful for a persuasive message.

When families in the year 1800 went out West, they rarely returned to see family and friends. The country as a whole was an extension of this distended family, separated by time and distance. The railroad, the highways, and air travel brought families and the country together. In the same way, common markets already exist across the three countries but remain separated by time, distance, and an antiquated system scheduled for significant improvement.
11. Elimination Structuring your document using the process of elimination involves outlining all the possibilities.

The First Transcontinental Railroad helped pave the way for the destruction of the Native American way of life in 1870. After examining treaties, relocation, and reservations, loss of the buffalo, disease, and war, the railroad can be accurately considered the catalyst for the end of an era.

From the lessons of history, we can learn to protect and preserve our distinct cultures, languages, and sovereign territories as we integrate a common transportation system for our mutual benefit and security.

12. Example Structuring your document by example involves providing vivid, specific examples (as opposed to abstract representations of data) to support the main points. Just as it once took weeks, even months, for a simple letter to move from coast to coast, goods, and services have had a long and arduous process from importation to market. For example, the popular Christmas toy X, imported to Mexico from China in September, may well not be on store shelves by December 25 under the old system. Now it can move from importation to market in under two weeks.
13. Process and Procedure Structuring your document by process and procedure is similar to the time (chronological) organizational pattern with the distinction of steps or phases that lead to a complete end goal. This is often referred to as the "how-to" organizational pattern. From conception to design, manufacturing to packaging, to transportation and inspection, to sales and sales support, let's examine how the new transportation system facilitates increased efficiency in delivery to market and product support.
14. Point Pattern Structuring your document in a series of points allows for the presentation of diverse assertions to be aligned in a cohesive argument with clear support. The TransAmerica Transportation System offers several advantages: security, speed, efficiency, and cost reduction.
15. Definition Structuring your document with a guiding definition allows for a clear introduction of terms and concepts while reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation. The TransAmerica Transportation System can be defined by its purpose, its integrated components, and its impact on the secure movement of goods and services across common borders.
16. Testimonial Structuring your document around a testimony, or first-person account of an experience, can be an effective way to make an abstract concept clearer to an audience. According to Ms. X, owner of InterCountry Trading Company, it previously took 12 weeks to import, clear, and deliver a product from Mexico to the United States and an additional four weeks to take delivery in Canada. Now the process takes less than two weeks.
17. Ceremonial (Events, Ceremonies, or Celebrations) Structuring your document by focusing on the following:
  1. Thanking dignitaries and representatives
  2. The importance of the event
  3. The relationship of the event to the audience
  4. Thanking the audience for participation in the event, ceremony, or celebration
Thanking the representatives, builders, and everyone involved with the construction of the TransAmerica Transportation System. The railroad will unite America and bring us closer in terms of trade, communication, and family. Thank you for participating in today's dedication.

Table 6.1 Organizing Principles


You have probably learned the basics of outlining in English writing courses. An outline is a framework that organizes main ideas and subordinate ideas in a hierarchical series of Roman numerals and alphabetical letters. The right column of Table 6.2, "Outline 1," presents a generic outline in a classical style. In the left column, the three main structural elements of an informative document are tied to the outline. Your task is to fill in the right column outline with the actual ideas and points you are making in your writing project.

Introduction Main Idea

I. Main idea: Point 1

Subpoint 1

A.1 Specific information 1

A.2 Specific information 2


II. Main idea: Point 2

Subpoint 1

B.1 Specific information 1

B.2 Specific information 2

III. Main idea: Point 3

Subpoint 1

C.1 Specific information 1

C.2 Specific information 2

Conclusion Summary: Main points 1–3

Table 6.2 Outline 1

Table 6.3 "Outline 2" presents an alternate outline form that may be suitable for brief documents like letters and emails.

1 Introduction General purpose, statement, or thesis statement
2 Body Point 1:
Point 2:
Point 3:
3 Conclusion Summarize main points

Table 6.3 Outline 2


Paragraphs are how we package information in business communication. The more efficient the package, the easier to deliver the meaning.

You can think of each paragraph as a small essay within a larger information platform, defined by a guiding thesis and an organizing principle. The standard five-paragraph essay format used on college term papers is mirrored in individual paragraphs. College essays often have minimum or maximum word counts, but paragraphs rarely have established limits. Each paragraph focuses on one central idea. It can be as long or short to get the message across, but avoid long, drawn-out paragraphs that may lose your reader's attention.

A paragraph generally has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each paragraph has one idea, thought, or purpose stated in an introductory sentence. This is followed by one or more supporting sentences and concluded with a summary statement and transition or link to the next idea or paragraph. Let's address each in turn:

  • The topic sentence states the main thesis, purpose, or topic of the paragraph; it defines the subject matter to be addressed in that paragraph.

  • Body sentences support the topic sentence and relate clearly to the subject matter of the paragraph and overall document. They may use an organizing principle similar to that of the document itself (chronology, contrast, spatial) or introduce a related organizing principle (point by point, process, or procedure).

  • The conclusion sentence brings the paragraph to a close; it may do this in any of several ways. It may reinforce the paragraph's main point, summarize the relationships among the body sentences, and/or serve as a transition to the next paragraph.

Effective Sentences

How do we organize sentences? You have probably learned in English courses that each sentence needs to have a subject, verb, and object. There are four basic types of sentences: declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory.

Here are some examples:

  • Declarative – You are invited to join us for lunch.
  • Imperative – Please join us for lunch.
  • Interrogative – Would you like to join us for lunch?
  • Exclamatory – I am so glad you can join us!

Declarative sentences make a statement, whereas interrogative sentences ask a question. Imperative sentences convey a command, and exclamatory sentences express strong emotion. Interrogative and exclamatory sentences are easy to identify by their final punctuation, a question mark, and an exclamation point, respectively. In business writing, declarative and imperative sentences are more frequently used.

Compound and complex sentences combine two or more of the four basic types:

  1. Simple sentence. Sales have increased.
  2. Compound sentence. Sales have increased, and profits continue to grow.
  3. Complex sentence. Sales have increased, and we have the sales staff to thank for it.
  4. Compound complex sentence. Although the economy has been in recession, sales have increased, and we have sales staff to thank for it.

In our simple sentence, "sales" serves as the subject, and "have increased" serves as the verb. The sentence can stand alone because it has the two basic parts that constitute a sentence. In our compound sentence, we have two independent clauses that could stand alone; they are joined by the conjunction "and." In our complex sentence, we have an independent clause (which can stand on its own) combined with a fragment (not a sentence) or dependent clause which, if it were not joined to the independent clause, would not make any sense. The fragment "and we have the sales staff to thank" on its own would have us asking "for what?" as the subject is absent. Complex compound sentences combine a mix of independent and dependent clauses, and at least one of the clauses must be dependent.

Writing complete, correct sentences requires practice. The more you write, the easier it becomes. Most reading audiences will not waste their time on poor writing, especially in a business context. They move on. Your challenge is to know what you will write and present it – via words, symbols, and images – clearly and concisely.

Avoid vague sentences by focusing on specific content. Each sentence should convey a complete thought. Vague sentences leave the reader wondering what the author meant to convey.

  • Vague – We can facilitate solutions in pursuit of success by leveraging our core strengths.
  • Specific – We will use our knowledge, experience, and capabilities to achieve the production targets during the next quarter.

Avoid needless complexity by limiting the range and scope of each complete thought. Some writers equate long, complex sentences with excellence and skill. Clear, concise, and brief sentences communicate ideas and concepts more effectively and efficiently.

  • Complex – Air transportation features a speed of delivery in ways few other forms of transportation can match, including tractor-trailer and rail, and is readily available to the individual consumer and the corporate client alike.
  • Clear – Air transportation is accessible and faster than railroads or trucking.

Your sentences should include a clear subject and verb. Incomplete sentences (sentence fragments) fail to pay attention to detail and invite misunderstanding.

  • Fragments – Although air transportation is fast. Costs more than trucking.
  • Complete – Although air transportation is fast, it costs more than trucking.

Avoid bureaucratic language and phrases that are the hallmark of decoration and ritual. For example, a state governor may begin their declaration that today is HIV/AIDS Awareness Day with the phrase "Whereas" to demonstrate its ritual importance. Similarly, legal documents use standard phrases such as "know all men by these presents." However, you should refrain from using these bureaucratic phrases and ritualistic words that can distract the reader from the essential meaning of your message in standard business writing. Each follow-up interaction with your customer, client, or supplier to clarify your message costs money! Table 6.4 "Bureaucratic Phrases and Standard Alternatives" offers examples of common bureaucratic phrases and standard English alternatives.

Bureaucratic Phrase Standard English Alternatives
At the present time Now, today
Concerning the matter of Regarding, about
Despite the fact that Although, while, even though
Due to the fact that Because, since, as
Implement an investigation of Find out, investigate
Inasmuch as Because, since, as
It has been suggested [name of person or organization] has suggested, said, or stated
It is believed that [name of person or organization] believes, thinks, or says that
It is the opinion of the author I believe, I think, in my opinion
Until such time as Until, when
With the exception of Except for, apart from

Table 6.4 Bureaucratic Phrases and Standard Alternatives

Although repetition is an effective strategy to reinforce messages in oral communication, it adds needless length and impairs clarity to written communication.

  • Redundant – In this day and age, air transportation by an air carrier is the clear winner over alternative modes of conveyance for speed and meeting tight deadlines.
  • Clear – Today, air transportation is faster than other methods.

When writers state something is a "true fact," a group achieved a "consensus of opinion," or the "final outcome" was declared, their words are unnecessarily redundant. You do not need to qualify a fact, consensus, or outcome with words that state similar concepts. A fact is true. A group of diverse opinions forms a consensus. An outcome is the final result, so adding the word "final" repeats the fact.

In business writing, we seek clear and concise writing to avoid misinterpretation. It is easy to lose track of the meaning of complex sentences, especially if the reader's first language is not English. Translation adds another layer of complexity that can lead to miscommunication. Effective sentences follow the KISS formula: Keep It Simple – Simplify!


When building a house, you need a strong foundation. Can you install the beams to hold your roof in place without anything to keep them in place? Of course not. In the same way, the columns or beams are the main ideas of your document. They must connect with each other so they can be interdependent, and stay where you want them, so your writing does not come crashing down.

Transitions are words or visual devices that help the audience follow the author's ideas, connect the main points to each other, and see the relationships you have created in the information you are presenting. Many call them bridges between ideas, thoughts, or concepts, providing a sense of where you have been and where you are going. Transitions guide your audience as you progress from one important idea, concept, or point to the next. They also demonstrate the relationships between the main point and the ideas you use to support, illustrate, provide examples, or offer outside references. Table 6.5, "Types of Transitions in Writing," summarizes 14 types of transitions.

Type Definition Examples
1. Internal Previews An internal preview is a brief statement referring to a point you are going to make. It can forecast or foreshadow a main point in your document. If we look ahead to, next we will examine, now we can focus our attention on, first we will look at, then we'll examine
2. Signposts A signpost alerts the audience you are moving from one topic to the next. Signposts or signal words draw attention to themselves and focus the audience's attention. Stop and consider, we can now address, turning from/to, another, this reminds me of, I would like to emphasize
3. Internal Summaries An internal summary briefly covers information or alludes to information introduced previously. It can remind an audience of a previous point and reinforce the information covered in your document. As I have said, as we have seen, as mentioned earlier, in any event, in conclusion, in other words, in short, on the whole, therefore, to summarize, as a result, as has been noted previously,
4. Sequence A sequence transition outlines a hierarchical order or series of steps in your document. It can illustrate order or steps in a logical process. First…second…third, furthermore, next, last, still, also, and then, besides, finally
5. Time A time transition focuses on the chronological aspects of your order. Particularly useful in an article utilizing a story, this transition can illustrate for the audience progression of time. Before, earlier, immediately, in the meantime, in the past, lately, later, meanwhile, now, presently, shortly, simultaneously, since, so far, soon as long as, as soon as, at last, at length, at that time, then, until, afterward
6. Addition An addition or additive transition contributes to a previous point. This transition can build on a previous point and extend the discussion. Additionally, not to mention, in addition to, furthermore, either, neither, besides, on, in fact, as a matter of fact, actually, not only, but also, as well as
7. Similarity A transition by similarity draws a parallel between two ideas, concepts, or examples. It can indicate a common area between points for the audience. In the same way, by the same token, equally, similarly, just as we have seen, in the same vein
8. Comparison A transition by comparison, draws a distinction between two ideas, concepts, or examples. It can indicate a common or divergent area between points for the audience. Like, in relation to, bigger than, the fastest, larger than, than any other, is bigger than, both, either…or, likewise
9. Contrast A transition by contrast draws a distinction of difference, opposition, or irregularity between two ideas, concepts, or examples. This transition can indicate a key distinction between points for the audience. But, neither…nor, however on the other hand, although, despite, even though, in contrast, in spite of, on the contrary conversely, unlike, while instead, nevertheless, nonetheless, regardless, still, though, yet, although
10. Cause and Effect, Result A transition by cause and effect or result illustrates a relationship between two ideas, concepts, or examples and may focus on the outcome or result. It can illustrate a relationship between points for the audience. As a result, because, consequently, for this purpose, accordingly, so, then, therefore, thereupon, thus, to this end, for this reason, as a result, because, therefore, consequently, as a consequence, and the outcome was
11. Examples A transition by example illustrates a connection between a point and an example or examples. You may find visual aids work well with this type of transition. In fact, as we can see, after all, even, for example, for instance, of course, specifically, such as, in the following example, to illustrate my point
12. Place A place transition refers to a location, often in a spatially organized essay, of one point of emphasis to another. Again, visual aids work well when discussing physical location with the reading audience. opposite to, there, to the left, to the right, above, adjacent to, elsewhere, far, farther on, below, beyond, closer to, here, near, nearby, next to
13. Clarification A clarification transition restates or further develops a main idea or point. It can also serve as a signal to a key point. To clarify, that is, I mean, in other words, to put it another way, that is to say, to rephrase it, in order to explain, this means
14. Concession A concession transition indicates knowledge of contrary information. It can address a perception the audience may hold and allow for clarification. We can see that while, although it is true that, granted that, while it may appear that, naturally, of course, I can see that, I admit that while

Table 6.5 Types of Transitions in Writing

Key Takeaway

Organization is the key to clear writing. Organize your document using key elements, an organizing principle, and an outline. Organize your paragraphs and sentences so that your audience can understand them, and use transitions to move from one point to the next.

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Last modified: Saturday, July 15, 2023, 10:42 AM