Strings in Python

Read this section, which introduces the concepts of strings using Python.

Text values are perhaps more fundamental to computer science than even numbers. As a case in point, Python programs are written and stored as text. The native data type for text in Python is called a string, and corresponds to the constructor str.

There are many details of how strings are represented, expressed, and manipulated in Python. Strings are another example of a rich abstraction, one that requires a substantial commitment on the part of the programmer to master. This section serves as a condensed introduction to essential string behaviors.

String literals can express arbitrary text, surrounded by either single or double quotation marks.

>>> 'I am string!'
'I am string!'
>>> "I've got an apostrophe"
"I've got an apostrophe"
>>> '您好'

We have seen strings already in our code, as docstrings, in calls to print, and as error messages in assert statements.

Strings satisfy the two basic conditions of a sequence that we introduced at the beginning of this section: they have a length and they support element selection.

>>> city='Berkeley'
>>> len(city)
>>> city[3]

The elements of a string are themselves strings that have only a single character. A character is any single letter of the alphabet, punctuation mark, or other symbol. Unlike many other programming languages, Python does not have a separate character type; any text is a string, and strings that represent single characters have a length of 1.

Like lists, strings can also be combined via addition and multiplication.

>>> 'Berkeley'+', CA'
'Berkeley, CA'
>>> 'Shabu '*2
'Shabu Shabu '

Membership. The behavior of strings diverges from other sequence types in Python. The string abstraction does not conform to the full sequence abstraction that we described for lists and ranges. In particular, the membership operator in applies to strings, but has an entirely different behavior than when it is applied to sequences. It matches substrings rather than elements.

>>> 'here' in "Where's Waldo?"

Multiline Literals. Strings aren't limited to a single line. Triple quotes delimit string literals that span multiple lines. We have used this triple quoting extensively already for docstrings.

>>> """The Zen of Python
claims, Readability counts.
Read more: import this."""
'The Zen of Python\nclaims, "Readability counts."\nRead more: import this.'

In the printed result above, the \n (pronounced "backslash en") is a single element that represents a new line. Although it appears as two characters (backslash and "n"), it is considered a single character for the purposes of length and element selection.

String Coercion. A string can be created from any object in Python by calling the str constructor function with an object value as its argument. This feature of strings is useful for constructing descriptive strings from objects of various types.

>>> str(2)+' is an element of '+str(digits)
'2 is an element of [1, 8, 2, 8]'

Further reading. Encoding text in computers is a complex topic. In this chapter, we will abstract away the details of how strings are represented. However, for many applications, the particular details of how strings are encoded by computers is essential knowledge. The strings chapter of Dive Into Python 3 provides a description of character encodings and Unicode.


Source: John DeNero,
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Last modified: Monday, April 29, 2019, 4:35 PM