Watch this video from 4:04 to 34:12. It discusses Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), a technology that streams live TV over the Internet. Unlike regular streaming, IPTV requires a strong Internet connection that can simultaneously handle TV, Internet, and voice calls. IPTV uses specialized networks to maintain consistent quality.

Pay attention to how TV channels are converted into digital formats for transmission, the efficiency of multicast technology in sending streams to multiple viewers, and the importance of network management. The video demonstrates how multicast efficiently distributes TV content, which reduces internet load. What technologies support this infrastructure from the network to your living room? How does IPTV combine the reliability of traditional TVs with the versatility of the Internet?

Source: Steven Gordon, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XIW8k37VdU&t=244s
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Last modified: Friday, December 8, 2023, 3:00 PM