Method, Schedule, and Qualifications

Review the following method, schedule, and qualifications sections of this article we read in Unit 1 to reinforce some best practices in project planning.

Method, Procedure, Theory

You want to explain how you will do the proposed work in some proposals. This acts as an additional persuasive element; it shows the audience you have a sound, well-thought-out approach to the project. Also, it serves as the other form of background some proposals need. Remember that the background section (discussed above) focused on the problem or need that brought your proposal up for consideration. However, in this section, you discuss the technical background of the procedures or technology you plan to use in the proposed work. For example, in the forestry proposal, the writer gives a bit of background on how timber management is done. Once again, this gives you, the proposal writer, a chance to show you know what you are talking about and build confidence in the audience.



Most proposals contain a section that shows the projected completion date and key milestones for the project. If the project is large and spread over many months, the timeline would also show dates when you plan to deliver progress reports. If you cannot cite specific dates, detail the time needed to complete each project phase.



Most proposals summarize the individual's or organization's qualifications to perform the proposed work. It is like a mini-resume. The proposal audience uses it to decide whether you are suited for the project. Therefore, this section lists work experience, similar projects, references, training, and education that show familiarity with the project.

Source: David McMurrey,
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Last modified: Thursday, April 25, 2024, 2:59 PM