How to Write a Letter of Inquiry

Read this article for a list of the necessary components of a letter of inquiry. It can be used as a template for an LOI.

Purpose: To introduce your organization to a potential funder, provide information so that they can determine if your project is appropriate for them to consider funding, and obtain application materials (guidelines, application, annual report, etc.).


  1. The letter should be written on your organization's letterhead.

  2. Begin by stating the purpose of the letter.

  3. Follow with a brief statement about your organization.

  4. Provide a short description of the proposed program or project.

  5. Explain how it relates to the funder's mission or priorities. Demonstrate that there is a "match" or a rationale for them to accept and consider your application.

  6. List the (a) total cost of the project, (b) how much money your organization expects to request from the grantmaker, (c) how you plan to spend the grant, and if applicable, and (d) other sources of funding.
    (Alternatively, you can provide a menu of program needs and costs and ask the grantmaker to guide an appropriate grant request.)

  7. Edit and proofread the letter carefully for spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors – especially the names of the foundation and its director.

Additional Information Funders Sometimes Request

  • Documented the need for the project;

  • Organization's past results or accomplishments;

  • Demonstrated support for the proposed project among participating organizations (through cost-sharing, program collaboration, etc);

  • How does your organization plan to continue the program(s) and/or service(s) beyond the identified funding period?

Source: Nonprofit Works,
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Last modified: Friday, April 26, 2024, 2:54 PM