Objective Statement

An objective statement may be appropriate for college graduates, career changers, and those applying for a specific job. However, many job seekers have replaced an objective statement with a summary of their accomplishments. A one-sentence sales pitch for a particular job can indicate you are a can-do person for a busy recruiter or human resources professional.

Above-the-Fold: Objective Statement

In a prior post, I indicated that many recruiters only look at the top half of the first page – commonly called above-the-fold. This is where your resume can make or break you with each recruiter. Last time I wrote about your contact information (your name, phone number), so as I keep working down the page of a resume, the next item I will cover is the objective statement.

Let me start off by saying that this topic is highly contested among resume writers and reviewers…it can easily start a fistfight between two otherwise sane professionals. Most people say to never use it (opting for a summary statement instead, which is most often the better choice), while others say to always use it, and there are not many fence sitters on this issue. So let's get to the easy answers first.

Who should use it?

  • College graduate looking for your first job. You probably have no real work history, and I do not want to have to figure out what it is you want to do with your life, so you better tell me.
  • Career changer not wanting a job in your old career. Since you are not selling your old self, you must tell me what your new self is all about so I can find the new you nestled in amongst all your old work history).
  • Anybody applying for a specific job, such as on a government contract. If you want only that job, or one very similar in title, then tell me what it is you want.

Who should not use it?

  • (sounds of crickets in the background)

Hmm. I must be one of those people who think you should always have an objective statement. Well, let me clarify.

The objective line is no longer this lame I am looking for a satisfying career where I can learn new skills on your dime and work comfortably until I retire statement; it is now a strong These are the skills I can bring to bear on your specific business issues so your firm can excel statement.

For example:

  • Old – Objective: Seeking a mid-level project manager position in a medium-sized firm where I can develop my skills to their fullest. (Wrong! It is all about you wanting something).

  • New – Objective: Certified project manager with 10 years of experience directing IT integration projects looking to lead a small IT project team. (Better! It is about your talent being specifically applied).

Consider that the recruiter has carefully reviewed the requirements of his job posting and is now looking for a match…and you just helped make that match in the first sentence the recruiter read on your resume! It is a power statement that says, Look no further, I am exactly what you are looking for! This is where the right objective line scores big!

But, what you did not see before I wrote the new objective is that I went to the specific job posting and figured out that the position required more than eight years of experience, preferred a certified project manager, and the candidate would be leading a two-person project team for a single client that was integrating new software. Then I crafted a one-line, impactful objective statement connecting my skills with the job needs. Oh, does that mean you must create a new objective line for each job you apply for? Yes…you probably cannot afford not to!

So, does this mean I must abandon the summary statement? No, the objective and the summary statements can coexist if you desire…and in many cases, the summary statement is preferred. You should decide if the objective statement fits your needs, and it can strengthen your chances of getting the interview.

Bottom Line

The objective line is your one-sentence sales pitch for a particular job – make it a strong can-do statement. No generic statements allowed here! That is why so many others tell you to get rid of it since it adds no value unless it truly connects your resume to the job that you are applying for.

Source: C.J. Trayser
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Last modified: Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 4:19 PM