• Unit 3: Values, Variables, and Statements

    We've looked at the beginnings of JavaScript, available tools, and how to add code to a webpage. Now, it's time to start learning some of the fundamentals of the language. In JavaScript, we use containers to store data values. "Data types" can hold strings, numbers, and more, while "operators" allow you to perform simple math like a calculator. This unit introduces variables and values, including labels, data types, keywords, and operators. Next, you will write your first JavaScript statements, and we will share some best practices in writing code.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 3 hours.

    • 3.1: Data Types and Values

    • 3.2: Variables and Strings

    • 3.3: JavaScript Operators

      • 3.4: Introduction to JavaScript Statements

        • Study Session Review Video

        • Unit 3 Assessments

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