1.1: The Golden Rule for Business Etiquette
The Golden Rule is a principle of ethics that says you should treat others as you would like to be treated. When you are unsure about how to respond in a given business situation, think about how you would like to be treated. Try to give others the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they acted in a way that seemed improper or unfair because they misunderstood your intention, they lacked certain key information, or they were simply unfamiliar with the workplace.
Professional etiquette is centered on others. Our attitudes and behaviors create an impression of who we are and what we represent. The author discusses some behavioral traits successful professionals share. Note the descriptions of social and emotional intelligence. What role does empathy play in interaction with others, and how can you avoid being tone-deaf in emotional situations?
This article describes three areas that affect our ability to create a healthy and positive atmosphere in our workplace. The author offers suggestions for getting along with co-workers, reducing workplace violence, and ethical decision-making. The questions at the end will help you see how well you understood the article.