

Determine translations - Questions


Determine the translation.

Use non-negative numbers.

A translation by _______ units to the _______  (right/left) and _______  units _______  (up/down).

2. Quadrilateral A^{\prime} B^{\prime} C^{\prime} D^{\prime} is the image of quadrilateral A B C D under a translation by 2 units to the right and 5 units down.

Point B^{\prime}(6,-5) is the image of B(-5,-2) under a translation.

Determine the translation.

Use non-negative numbers.

A translation by _______ units to the _______  (right/left) _______  and units _______  (up/down).

3. \triangle A^{\prime} B^{\prime} C^{\prime} is the image of \triangle A B C under a translation.

Determine the translation.

Use non-negative numbers.

A translation by _______ units to the _______  (right/left) _______  and units _______  (up/down).

4. Point D^{\prime}(7,1) is the image of D(7,6) under a translation.

Determine the translation.

Use non-negative numbers.

A translation by _______ units ________(right/left/up/down)